Bought this on steam

What should I expect ? Any tips?

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good game

A decent game now leave and play the fucking game, no point having your hand held through it.
But for real install the restored content mod then get the fuck off

A non canon story.

this! the game is fucking great, but install the mod

Any other mods you recommend? For retexturing , remaster ..etc.

Find what you're looking for amongst the dead?

Get the Sith Restoration Mod. Play Narshadaa as the last planet.

>search the dead
>find Kreia

Kotor 2 is being sneaked into the canon though. They mentioned Malachor.

A slow beginning, but like every dnd-like system, you become an ultra powered demigod later in the game if you build even half decently.
Don't get impatient. You don't get your lightsaber for a while, but just relax and enjoy the ride. You'll get it eventually.
dual sabers>double bladed saber
Talk to your crewmates

Were you the fag asking whether to buy 1 or 2 on Steam in another thread?
Why didn't you follow fpbp and get both faggot?

an extremely shitty game outside of Kreia and a couple other characters. The gameplay and filler planets are absolutely abysmal. Also the ending is cut just a little to short for my liking.

A lot more talking, some badly made cutscenes, more squadmates than you need for 3 playthroughs, great writing, a fun game.


Nu-star wars is irrelevant it died when disney purchased it.

every character in the game is amazing apart from maybe disciple

I'd prefer non canon over luke milking a giant fucking sea mammal

I didn't like Mira and GO-TO. Bao dur was okay but he felt a bit stale the longer the game went on.

u wot

Mira is shit

Just play it, the only thing it needs is the restored content mod (I think the steam version includes it already)

Shit gameplay

how can people find bao dur stale? I think its one of the strongest character moments in any RPG when the exile has a vision of every character talking about why they are doing what they need to do and the only word Bao Dur utters in his monotone voice is "malachor"

Played it as sith for like 5-7 times. No regrets. Best place to be edgy.

I want to MARRY Atris!

oh, that must be why it's actually good.

-grabs him by the throat- back the fuck off!?!?

A game that is obsolete now since The Last Jedi just did the same story but better. Sorry you accidentally wasted your money.

-force breeches you, then ruptures your shatterpoint-
Heh, nothing personal, *apprentice*, but this mature yet feisty lady is my WIFE!

Play a Guardian on your first playthrough, like they suggest.
Get high influence with party members, and talk to them often.
You WILL get a lightsaber at some point; don't sweat it, but don't invest in feats for other weapons, either. That goes for a lot of characters, actually.
You'll be fighting a lot of droids for a rather long time.
Make sure the Scoundrel character has a weapon that does damage to foes with energy shields. A disrupter should do the trick.
Put mines down in every bar you come across, and don't pick them up until you're ready to leave the planet
The Force Speed chain of powers is insanely good by late game. The Energy Resistance chain of powers is insanely good during the early game.
Invest in force lightning even if you're light side. Invest in Heal even if you're dark side. The Stun Droid powers can safely detonate mines remotely.

Top tier bait, m8. You genuinely got me mad, 11/10.

Best plot in a SW product

Official thread theme:

Exquisite taste


Yes, this is some decent advice.

Can anyone figure out why these fucking games keep minimizing during cutscenes? They don't even crash, they just minimize, and when I click the little icon on my menu, it pops back up, plays half a second of cutscene, and minimizes again.

>go to replay 1 earlier
>no jedi jesus
>no smug as fuck black guy either

Except it to crash when you get in a shuttle to head to the worlds surface. Only 4 hours in.

Revan is and always has been mullet man.

I just went fuck it and went as close to CIA from TDKR I can get so my story is now chasing down the masketta man.

DKR would have been better if it had a KOTOR twist and it turned out the CIA Agent was the real Bane all alone

>tfw no peragus mining facility horror movie where you wake up alone on an empty ship with the AI trying to kill you

What is this mine trick you mentioned?

Yo how the hell do I get this going on windows 10 ( i7-7500u-Intel HD620)?

It always crashes when a zone loads, be it when the tutorial starts, with the beeps, or when I load any save.

Already tried Vertex Objects and soft shadows.

Just tslrcm

I don't see why people care about some corporate suits declaring Kotor non-canon.

I still remember the games more fondly than the actual movies.

Wrongo. Anything pre-Disney is canon. Disney shit is non-canon.

Are you implying that's a bad thing?
Do you really want to know the current state of canon?
And no, this isn't spin sabers

Extremely good story, mediocre characters except Kreia and Visas, gameplay kinda boring the first 2 hours then awesome.
Play the first one if you haven't. And get the Restored content mod on the workshop.

What's the best Star Wars game?

Since you guys are here, I tried reinstalling kotor last week and every time i finish creating my character the game minimize and unlike I can't make it pop up i just have to force it to close, i figured it was because of win10, is this a know bug, is there a fix ? my 5min google search gave me nothing

tfw couldn't get into kotor
sometimes i think i'm retarded


Lots of this

Taris is an infamous drag that actively gimps you if you level up too much.
Peragus can be a ball ache once you get past the atmosphere

>99% of people play KOTOR2 as Jedi Jesus
>Bioware makes the Exile a chick
>they also make Revan a dude
what did they mean by this


Jedi Jesus and bald black dude were the only two who actually looked like haggard war veterans and Jedi Knights.
That's not to mention that male exile's companion interactions were much better.

There's nothing to get though

Without NN we are fucked.

A lot of finger wagging from an older woman.

Revan was always a dude. I'm more pissed over the smug fucker/jesus getting retconned because they were easily the most fun to play as.

The spoilered one, or the other one? There are parts of the game that you're without a skillmonkey and have to deal with mines. If you have Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid, you can safely detonate them from across the room.

There's a point in the game where the Scoundrel character, whom you've either been neglecting or turning into a passable skillmonkey/ranged fighter, is ambushed in a bar by two close-combat powerhouses that, during the first round, activate rather strong energy shields, each taking like a hundred points of damage to bring down. The best way to deal with it, by FAR, is by laying down mines in the bar beforehand.

Oh right i know the part. When ur doing the whole Mira thing on Nar Shadaa and you have to fight the twin Twileks right?

there's an option to just switch off cutscenes entirely
but I don't want to fucking DO that

Kylo Ren is heavily influenced by Revan's design and with the current arc expect to see elements of moral relativism introduced rather than pure SITH BAD JEDI GOOD.

The new movies are still shit and I'd rather they ignore kotor entirely

The Old republic era is safe right now, and that's how it needs to stay.
My only fear is that the backlash TLJ is getting will lead Disney to step away from the main era and into others until the bad rep fades

The prequels tried to be morally ambiguous, the dialogue was shit so it didn't work
Disney nu-wars is aimed towards a younger audience so i doubt they'll try it

Fucking rube. Piss off.

Best Star Wars girl.


play a female
be logical in dialogue
ignore the lightside/darkside dichotomy and play the way that makes sense to you

>play a female
This but install the mod to get the handmaiden

Should I play KOTOR 1 first?
I keep reading people saying you should play KOTOR2 first for some reason.

Yea just start at 1. Not really sure why you would start with the 2nd it's not a prequel.

Well the game will give you a quick rundown of what happened so it's not a necessity

KOTOR1 is shit, literally a fairy tale in space, but it's worth at least one playthrough. Start at 1, IMO.

I never could get past Dantoinne in 1. No idea why, just couldn't do it. It wasn't hard I guess I just lost interest.

Will I like 2 more?


Am I the only one who prefers KOTOR 1 simply because one character doesn't hog 90% of the screen time like in KOTOR 2?

>No idea why, just couldn't do it
Probably because it's boring as shit
2 is kinda the same thing but at least you start as a jedi so maybe

>play a female
I've heard this a lot for Kotor 2. Does it change interactions a lot?

Taris takes too long and right after it you're thrown on Dantooine, which doesn't really drag on but boy is it boring.
Kotor 2 initial locations aren't really strong either, but if you wanted to be a Jedi it's better.
Fuck lightsaber, Bounty Hunter Exile for life.

Best Star Wars game reporting in

Expect a game that isn't as good as it's predecessor but loved because of a cryptic, edgy character.



Grew up on that shit, still play it from the same burned cd my father made for us from time to time

I don't remember much about Jedi Academy's story, but it's still my favorite take on lightsaber combat.

Only Atton's.


Tfw they eluded to an epic final in KoTOR 3 and we never got it and instead got a shitty MMO
Tfw Revan and the Exile got the shittist ending imaginable.
Tfw fucking Bioware.

Only who you romance.

Level up and well equip at least one non MC party member so that you can deal with not having access to your MC later on without wanted to quit the game.

Mira is vastly improved in restored cut mod, where you realize the majority of her character got cut because it focused on undertones and some fairly heavy overtones of forming a father/daughter relationship with the Exile, and then proceeding to want to jump on his dick while still having the father/daughter dynamic. They dumbed it straight down to just mild undertones of Exile becoming a surrogate father in the release version, and all her conflict and whatnot never made it in.

Generally speaking its because he has no real conflict or character. All his development and trauma happened pre-game, and what we end up seeing is just a hard, determined man who knows what he wants and refuses to let anything get in the way of that. Even his Jedification, dark or light, is essentially just
>Hey Bao-Dur need to train you to use the force.
>>Will it help us fight better, General?
He's a strong character if you can look past that, but most people want to be with party members that are dynamic and change over the course of the game, or who they can influence. Bao-Dur is just a less quirky T3.

I like dork forces the most myself but all the Kyle games are a good time.

>dual sabers>double bladed saber
Yeah, maybe if you eat bantha fodder for breakfast, you scrub.

The final battle between Attonand Sion if you're female is quite possibly the most kino moment Star Wars has ever put forth.