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It's to keep anyone from breaking in and forcing them to work on Half-Life.
who gives a shit, its probably just a new way to sell you crate keys and weapon skins
gotta spend the money on something
valve seems to spend like 2% of their time on actually developing games.
Why would they develop games?
what's so great about half-life anyway?
I heard people liked it because it modernized the antiquated design FPS games were following
but who cares about that now when all shooters have been modernized?
>dota card game
>portal bridge construction game
>half life candy crush clone?
too bad they aren't fortifying their new offices with VIDEO GAMES
Valve is the combine. they are making a citidel RIGHT NOW
How scummy of them.
Fuck valve.
2% is way too high
Oh, cool.
It's another game of "we drop you cryptic messages so you can come to the wrong conclusion and assume we're actually working on something".
Half-Life is a good shooter even for todays standards. I replayed it a month ago and i still had a lot of fun and put another 15 hours into it. The movement, the gunplay, even the sounds are all timeless.
Now Half-Life 2 on the other hand, its easily a contender for best game of all time. The first 10 minutes alone are one of gamings best experiences. Not even memeing. If you havent played them id suggest doing that.
Physics based, story-driven first person shooter are still a rare occurrence nowadays.
I'm not falling for this shit again, Valve. it's over.
what does valve even do
steam makes them money hand over fist and barely ever changes anything up
what do they spend it on? do they just hoard 90% of it like Apple?
why do people still believe that valve's making games?
no fucking thanks
they seem to be doing SOMETHING. I think i heard that they are focusing on VR right now. Also on Source 2. Also there was that leaked image of HL3 and L4D3 being worked on, but valve has dropped many games in its lifetime so its possible that they drop these two too. But yeah there has been a suspicious amount of time without anything coming from them. Kinda sad actually since Portal 2 was an almost perfect game, meaning that they probably still know how to make games.
Not everything has to be mindless multiplayer deathmatches.
and not everything has to be sony movie games
have you played it? It has (almost) no cutscenes. When theres story happening you are taking part in it. Part of the reason its considered to be the greatest shooter ever.
half life i'd agree. Finished half life and the expansions (blue shift/opposing forces, nowhere near as good since it's not valve developed, but still half life).
Half life 2 on the other hand aged horribly. It's a complete snooze fest and everything revolutionary it did back then (AI, graphics, etc) are found better in modern games. HL2 is so popular because it changed pc games, but it has not aged well at all. Not to mention, any games coming out past 2012 using source engine deserve to fail, looking at you day of infamy
>phsics-based fps
>somehow a sony movie game
fucking retards how about actually trying a game before saying its shit. Or at least reading about it before you spew shit.
They are trying to make the first big VR game. This should be evident from all their investments.
For those of you who don't play Dota2, we recently got a patch that gave us a new chest (containing 18 different sets and 3 rare sets of cosmetic items) and also included a new gamemode. Each set was made in the steam workshop, and the new gamemode was also created by community members via the workshop (albeit with a $30,000 prize).
Years ago, we got Valve-made gamemodes that contained item drops, the community has been making most of the item sets for a while, and now apparently the community is making ACTUAL GAME CONTENT instead of the developer.
It's extremely retarded of them from a business perspective. If Dota declines sharply, what the fuck are they going to do with Artifact, considering it's based off Dota lore? Artifact is going to anger an awful lot of dota players (considering it's probably going to be a cardgame with lootboxes) and us dota players are exceptionally angry and spergy nerdvirgins.
>build the hl2 walls near the exit door
Name those new games you think are better than HL2.
FEAR is a contender, but it was released only a year later and had pretty bland environments.
Sin Episodes: Emergence was also fun, but didn't have the atmosphere.
nuDoom was cool, but lacked the feeling of adventure.
I'm not saying HL2 is perfect, but there sure are few games that reach its standard.
I guess the only thing Valve has worked on is how to manipulate its community into making games for them.
after the release of ep3 I gave up hope
I disagree that modern games do those things better than HL2. Its still even above todays standards imo. But i could be forgetting about some games.
- Doesn't update Steam
- Doesn't update Dota 2
- Doesn't update Counter Strike
- Doesn't make other video games
- Doesn't release any of the VR shit it makes
What exactly is this company doing?
Hey guys, my dad works for Steam.
He said that they will release FakeFactory rebranded as the official Half-Life 2 HD version.
>people actually knowing what they're spewing shit and meme'ing about
>on Sup Forums
bullshit aside that user is still a punk cunt
>portal bridge construction game
this isn't even done by valve, come on
>- Doesn't make other video games
There, I debunked your whole fucking post, cunt.
Reminder that Valve is currently working on 3 games, one of which takes place in the HL universe.
Nothing. They fired 2/3s of their workforce, and the 1/3 left works on maintaining Dota 2, CSGO and TF2 once in a blue moon. I guess they're making a crappy card game now?
>Criptic Message
It's a homage to their own game, retard. It's not some elaborate reveal.
Is this a tease for Half Life Bridge Constructor?
how does valve do it? even microsoft is forced to put out games l
*Valve is currently kicking around the idea of starting 3 games before they get bored and disband without any consequences
Valve are making new singleplayer games. Gabe Newell said so earlier this year.
Fuck off, moron.
Try reading between the lines for once.
Most probably, the source engine is basically a trademark of theirs
why did you remind me about that
>Valve are making new singleplayer VR games. Gabe Newell said so earlier this year.
who cares when over 75% of the people working there now did no work on the half life series
>there are people itt who are still waiting for episode 3
You poor naive fuckers
So what do you think this is?
here ya go
episode 3
People died waiting for it.
>Try looking several degrees of separation to come to far fetched conclusion further proving your obsession for a dead game
not made by valve, they just allowed some studio to use the Portal brand
dude lmao I need like 6 different drills to put this one fucking thing on the wall haha
Half-life 2 has tons of cutscenes are you fucking crazy? Like the whole first hour is you walking forward, getting shut in a room to listen to somebody talk for 5 minutes, then let out to walk forward until you get to the next room you'll be locked in while someone talks for 5 minutes.
Working hard, or hardly working?
>tfw value hasn't made a game since Dota 2
Fuck half life but i really want L4D3
>Valve cares so little about portal they're letting indie devs use the IP now
All that drilling in indoors must have made it impossible to work for an entire day.
Not that anyone works in there.
And its not like they actually made Dota 2. They just made some "high definition" models that looked outdated a few years ago
Any newer games I list you'd just shit on.
Half life 2 set up a precedence that games started to follow. You're right that it set a standard, and a lot of GOTYs that followed up since it's released was built upon that. I'm not going to bother listing games I felt was better after replaying HL2 10 years later because I know how Sup Forumss rhetoric goes.
Put it like this, SM64 has not aged well, but it was revolutionary in every way. I wouldn't want to replay it but when I played it when it came out, it was mind-blowing. It's the standard of 3d platformers because it revolutionized it, but that doesn't mean it aged well.
you are aware that these models take up like 5% of the screen?
>Valve made a TF2-themed section of their new offices
>instead of making it a cold war inspired Spytech base like the game was originally, they made it fucking Pyroland
fuck nu-Valve
You're retarded and fueled on nostalgia
Buddy the default look of their offices is spytech.
>It has (almost) no cutscenes. When theres story happening you are taking part in it.
>(unskippable) cutscenes aren't cutscenes because you can jump around unable to progress while you're waiting for them to play out
I disagree with literally everything you said.
HL2 is good and I wnated you to list games you think is better because I'm genuinely curious and because I'd like to try those games.
I also think SM64 hasn't aged one bit, and still remains the best 3D platformer ever made.
In my experience, games (particularly shooters) are just getting worse and worse, and to say the old games that are still fun have aged is just backwards. The newer games usually feel more dated and clunky.
The best new shooter I've played in recent years was Arcane Dimensions... a Quake mod.
Cant wait for the Half Life Card Game.
One of the longer cutscenes at the end when you're strapped down (before getting the supercharged zero gun iirc) doesn't even let you move. It was really nice to be able to look around the environment, but when you replay it, you basically just afk until it's done.
Wow, that's probably more effort, time, and money they've spent for some pointless flashy aesthetic than they have on the franchise itself these past few years.
half life 2 is so old that its objectively out dated. If a similar game came out now, it would be mediocre at best. And the series itself has lost any momentum it had, and all the hype for half life 3 has become a giant meme without anyone even realizing it. IF half life 3 ever did come out, it would be an incredibly unremarkable shooter that does nothing new or interesting and would just be a chore to get through just to say you finished the series, and it will be forgotten within a month. This is best case scenario
>Cares enough to do this
>Doesn't care enough to continue the series
I'm really glad I never cared for Half Life, otherwise I would be pissed
>I also think SM64 hasn't aged one bit, and still remains the best 3D platformer ever made.
Ok, so nostalgia. I'm tired of arguing with nostalgia goggled fans. Everything in your fucking post spews how blinded you are by nostalgia. SM64 was clunky as fuck, the camera was terrible and the n64 controller didn't help. That doesn't make it a bad game, but that allows for newer platformers and sequels to improve on it. Your post spews Sup Forums rhetoric that i'm not going to waste my time refuting.
Why would you want to work with a design that's meant to look opressive? How long before a giant tv with Gaben's face at the entrance?
>Welcome, welcome to Valve
You're going to eat your words when Black Mesa finally (finally) comes out (in a year)
Source 2
It's like they really REALLY just want a release with ZERO bugs
What is this "developing games" you speak of?
This post really deserves some more (Yous)
How is that nostalgia? There literally is nothing similar to SM64, and it is amazing fun to play still to this day.
To call Sm64 clunky just shows whata fucking retard you are. It's pretty much the least clunky game in the world.
The camera could a bit wonky at times, but nothing really bad.
Again, name a single 3D platformer better than SM64.
Gabe is bringing Half Life 3 to the real world
So it'll never see the light of day.
Portal was sort of the same way, they hire the Portal guys right out of college and gave them the Half Life IP ideas to play around with.
Still hurts
fortifying the walls? Is gabe that fat now?
Holy shit this times a billion.