>normal mode is pants-on-head easy and hard more is impossible
Normal mode is pants-on-head easy and hard more is impossible
But both are fun
Looks like you need to :
Git worse, so easy mode is a challenge
I still can't get over the mechanic changes compared to the first one, i.e. the physical and magic armor thing. Completely fucking ruined the game for me.
I play on classic mode I think it's called with 2 friends, it's definitely challenging at times but we usually figure out ways to cheese fights when we're underleveled.
Great game but the difficulty level is my biggest problem with it.
>playing with friends on Normal
>everyone loving it
>play everyday for up to 5 hours at a time
>love the combat but we're steamrolling every fight
>bump it to tactician ~30 hours into the story
>fights take forever to finish
>constantly loading saves
>we stop playing within 3 days
really miss playing this game, will have to go solo sometime I guess. Tactician isn't all that difficult, it just takes fucking forever to finish fights.
Honestly this game captures very well how it feels to be a super wizard shitting powers left and right
It takes some getting used to, but to me it's only a problem when you pair it with the Memory stat. Picking up magic damage and physical damage on a single character requires investing in some dumb arbitrary stat instead of ones that are actually valuable for doing/taking damage. Speed was a much more fun and had a larger impact on the game.
Remember to get double enemies per encounter mod guys, it turns D:OS2 into Xcom LW.
Its fun as fuck
I got a mod that made some lesser debuffs ignore armor, like the elemental ones, taunt, and bleeding. Disable debuffs could still be resisted. It's alright that way, gives elemental skills more of a purpose. Used to be I didn't notice the difference when someone was shocked or chilled because their armor was gone and soon so was their health, or they'd be disabled. With the mod, the -1ap from shocked can make a difference, and global cooling becomes pretty powerful by appyling chilled in a wide area. Armor itself was less of an issue to me when I had an archer in the party that deleted physical armor in one turn or so. Specialized mages can do the same, or finesse builds with chloroform.
Is it really fun? I usually don't care much for mods that just add more enemies or bulk up stats. Thinking of another playthrough and I might try it out with that mod.
another thing to consider is getting the mod that "slims" down stat growth.
That means that a level 5 weapon wont be RIDICULOUSLY better than a level 4 weapon.
Divinity is one of those games that becomes way too easy if you do all the content there is.
With that beieng slightly overleveled wont give you THAT big of an advantage and it also means you get to keep your gear longer.
Honestly I did enjoy the battles, also it goes really well with the "no party size limit" mod so it kinda balances itself, I just like it that way.
Although some encounters get really, REALLY big with a shitton of enemies
>hard more is impossible
You mean impossible to take seriously due to ho easy it is compared to actually challenging TBT games?
how do i use the "modded" character addon in a mp game
Everyone needs to download the mod so it doesn't conflicts, like old games.
oh welp
>only like 3 spell schools and 8-10 spells are actually useful
Why do Developers put in obvious shit tier spells and vastly superior ones?
Best way to play is single player tactician with 2 custom characters and lonewolf on both
does lonewolf work in mp?
I suppose you'd prefer to use basic attacks while all your shit is on CD, or what?
This is wrong, but not in a good way. All spell schools are useful enough in DOS2 and can be used to complete the game on honor mode, but this is because the game is ridiculously easy overall and EVERY combat skill has a combination of abilities that can trivialize any encounter.
Yes it works as long as there are at most 2 party members. Open game twice and do a LAN multiplayer. Make both characters with lonewolf then save. Close game. Reopen. Load game. You now have 2 custom characters you made and control both in single players.
and say 4 party members but 3 of them controlled by other peole?
Considering Bully made 2 handed melee attacks some of the strongest shit you could do, and wanding applied elemental status effects, yes I'd be perfectly fine if the spells were all actually good and you attacked.
Divinity 1 had the problem of most upper level spells being absolute horseshit investments compared to making your entire party learn all the good novice-tier crowd control abilities and summon spells that scaled off level alone, but the Armor mechanic is just not fun to play with
As far as I understand lonewolf works as long as the party size is 2, so you should be able to split a party with no issues
That's a good game you posted there.
Magic in DOS2 is fine, most of the time you end up using low tier spells since most of the time you want to actually control the battlefield instead of setting everything on fire
tfw going 2h necromancer warfare
I played on easy and still needed a trainer to finish it.
Fucking bullshit game
>going necro/summoner with the bigger summon limit mod
im following some russian guys guide
24 strenght
40 int
some wits
necro 3
warfare full
ultimately some uhm... ph...the thingy with tentacles
Normal is the ideal difficulty if you co-op. Hard Mode is not really that fun imo. You never feel truly powerful and you actually have to plan a party's setup so you can't do fun and weird setups like you can in Normal. Lone Wolf makes it much easier though.
polymorph, never understood how to use it, it's like, their spells are situational as fuck
yeah im just using the one which resets your cds
I had no problem with it, since what I care about is the co-op RPG aspect. Combat is a small part. We adapted to their new system as we needed to and got a better experience than the previous game.
Thats honestly the only reason to spend points on it, you can get 1 point in hunstman and warfare and get both charge and escape, hearth of steel was cool but mending metal and fortify was just better
I thought it was hard too until I realized all you need to do is give everyone more knockdowns and stuns, then I realized how simple it all was.
with Lone wolf + Pyrokinetic you can easily oneshot the final boss on tactician
Honestly I believe that people who has issues with the armor system need to really get good.