*blocks you're path*

*blocks you're path*

*forces you to worship her feet*


>*blocks you're path*

I’m a completely untrained and unfit man, and I’m pretty sure I could take her in a fight.

*blocks your grammar*

i would merely pretend to resist

>I’m a completely untrained and unfit man, and I’m pretty sure I could take her in a fight.

this guy is a prick but shows that pajeets are not afraid of seeming racist or sexist

If you can't run a mile without losing your breath you have no chance.

>doesn't buy your game

*triggers you're wittle boys*

I really didn't mind her character. She had a reason for being so fit/trained in combat. She had reason to be angry at you. And they didn't make her the generic sassy black woman.


I'm not some nasally voiced male from NYC. I, and most of the males I know, can run at a normal pace for a normal distance

>Strong black woman character
>Played by Laura Bailey because there are no good black female VAs

>I'm not some nasally voiced male from NYC. I, and most of the males I know, can run at a normal pace for a normal distance

Most black voice actors sound too sophisticated so you dont assume they are black. I never knew the women who played android 18 was a nigger.

Stop with the fucking afros already you cliche idiots.


back off nigger I'm open carrying

i can't even run to the kitchen without running out of breath

"Blocks, you are path"

No one can run a fucking mile without losing their breath you dingus.


>I'm a soyboy

She was kind of attractive in Lost Legacy

Noooooooo! Not black people! How could this beeeeee

>>I'm a soyboy

t. unfit soyboy

Back to your hole neofag.

>I eat raw onions

The proper solution for the nigger problem.

you must be baiting

Why do retards tell others to leave on Sup Forums? Never figured it out

>get out ;-;
No. Fuck you, cunt. I'll fuck you mother fucker.

That's a male.
Just like Obongo's husband

*conspicuously crosses the street with extremely racist overtones*

Don't be gay.
Stop the gay.

>Back to your hole neofag.

If by losing your breath you mean ending with a heavier breathing than when idle, then yes, it's impossible not to.

I ran out of breath trying to stand up. That's good enough right?