>literally 2 good games out of 8
>people still asking for more
what the fuck is wrong with mega man fans?
Literally 2 good games out of 8
>implying that your opinion matters
>literally 2 good games out of 8
You better be referring to X1 and X2.
X1 and X4
>Amazing X games
X1, X2, X4
>Playable X games
X3, X5, X8
>Bad X games
X6, X7
More like only 2 bad games. The rest are average to good.
All the X games were kino. You can't deny this
Objectively you are correct. I have a lot of fun with all of them except for X7 though.
X-X4 is a solid series.
X5 on its trash and gets even more trash.
>forgetting command mission
The upcoming X collection is a chance for them to rectify some of these game's issues and I hope they take the opportunity.
Even if it's just shit like Flame Hyenard not yelling non-stop.
You can't really judge Command mission on the same metric as a classic Megaman game so it's not included.
Four good games
It had fun gameplay
any change at all, while welcome, wouldn't be what a collection is for. The point is that newer players get that same experience.
X6 needs to be put on a new "unplayable" tier.
Honestly I find X6 to be more playable than say... X7. X7 is an abortion of a game.
X5 is bad as well, though not as bad as 6 and 7, and "playable" here is code for totally mediocre with no particularly worthwhile aspects, so I'd still say that only a fraction of the X series is worth playing at all.
X4 fans need to be gassed. It's not on the same level as X1 and X2.
>release X collection to gauge interest for continued installments in the X series
>release the games as they were for the authentic experience
>everyone who buys it discovers or remembers how miserably the X series progressed and nobody wants another X game
It's just people who first played Mega Man on the PS1, or were so wowed by the visual upgrade that it stuck with them. Or they wet themselves over being able to play as Zero properly. X4 is good but I can't believe anyone says it's as good as X1.
I get it. I really do. But it's just not what a collection is for. Had Maverick Hunter X or Powered Up did well and we got an entire series of games redone in that fashion that'd be one thing.
But it's a collection. The authenticity is more important than those than game improvements. I WANT improvements, I really do. But there has to be an option for the original experience as well. Like romancing saga.
I think he means unplayable as in, broken as all fuck. X7 is terrible, the worst one in the series; but last I checked its level design wasn't retardedly difficult with outright bullshit thrown at you every turn.
>It's just people who first played Mega Man on the PS1
I'm convinced that this is the reason, people who started playing Megaman on the PS1. 7 or 8 years ago we didn't have nearly this many people rating it so high. This fucking board man. It's not a bad game, but for fuck's sake I wish people would stop putting it on such a high pedestal. It has decent level design, but it's not amazing.
I'm honestly convinced X6 was not playtested at all. How long was the dev time on it anyway? Like 2 weeks?
no wonder x6 is so much fun. I can't even go back to the others. They're so easy and boring. X6 is the only one that gives me thrills
They definitely rushed X6 out the door. When I was younger I could tolerate its level design, but these days I don't have as much patience for that kind of bullshit. ESPECIALLY Gate's Laboratory. Fuck Gate's lab. I want to punch whoever made it in the dick.
Amazing how the Zero series got progressively better as it went along (with a short dip in quality for the last game) while the X series got progressively worse.
move x6 to playable.
move your opinion into the trash
MM classic > MM X
The game is shit and so are you
>X: One of the greatest games of all time
>X2: Good
>X3: Good
>X4: Great
>X5: Good
>X6: Good if you're not a pussy faggot soyboy
>X7: One of the worst games of all time
>X8: Great
>Xtreme: Good for a GameBoy game
>Xtreme: Good for a GameBoy game
>Command Mission: Good
I mean yeah okay, they're collectively about average for a game series but they do what they do (2D action platforming) consistently better than all of their rivals. The narrative and theming is also very strong, which contributes to a greater experience.
The X series is different to the classic series; where the former was more precision platforming akin to Mario, X was a lot freer and meant to be played with speed against the environment, like classic Sonic.
Classic has more consitency, X has better quality concentration.
>X6: Good if you're not a pussy faggot soyboy
no matter how much you say its good because its hard at the end of the day its just not a fun game
You're wrong, you fucking retard.
the only good thing about it is the music
m8 it's a bunch of ports they aren't changing anything, at best they reduce load times on the later games
I wonder, what are they going to do about X3's music? Leave it at is? Or use the PS1/Saturn port's music?
Best in the whole series that's for sure.
X6 isn't good because it's hard. It's not even hard, what's wrong with you? The most difficult thing in X6 is Gate's stage, followed by Gate, followed by saving every single Reploid without a single fatality. The rest of the game is standard fare for an X game. Hell, you start out with a free suit of armour. Most people who complain about the spike stages are just butthurt they can't use their Naruto edgelord armour, which you shouldn't be using to fight a main boss with anyway.
Correct, X1 and X4. Kill yourself if you think otherwise.
theres a difference between you enjoying something and stating something is good.
the game is garbage
the leves are poorly made and pretty much all the difficulty stems from the terrible nightmare mechanic or them just putting as many enemies on camera as possible
on top of that the armor shit is a problem since even you are saying people shouldnt play the game the way they want to
Why don't people realize X8 is a good game? I'm not kidding, I personally think it's THE second best X game after X1. It's got a unique story compared to the rest of the series; it's got alternate melee weapons, it even managed to make Axl seem kinda cool. Hidden characters, classic-style stage replayability and a cool aesthetic. There's a couple of stage segments which suck, like the Man-O-War, but besides that it's fucking solid. It's really underrated.
Is there any particular reason why people believe X2 is somehow so much worse than X4
I think it's better. I thnk X and X2 are the top games of the X series
X7 had done too much damage when the game was new, and it doesn't have the advantage of being in a collection or as easily emulated like the rest of the games for a following to build up after the fact.
There's a difference between you posting your opinion and being correct.
>waaahhhh why can't I get to the final boss without killing all the other bosses
The game doesn't say "Whoa dude, you can't use that here". You can do it. Go ahead, take your weird armour into that stage. Good luck with it, though. Mega Man X has ALWAYS been that way. This is the series where you can enter some boss fights in fucking Ride Armour if you know how to do it.
After MN9 tanked hard, I think people have come to associate almost everything bad with Megaman, or not so good with the series before it went on its hiatus, with Inafune.
So people are willing to see if Capcom can take one last chance at this point.
Sure they cancelled all those games awhile back, we were all pissed off about it but before that, the Star Force series and ZX series weren't really bad, just kind of meh, X7 was pretty meh, 8 was ok but regardless the series was just very derivative but overall it had a general level of quality that it maintained
Why is it that X1 and X2 are so much better than anything else in the series? Like what was the actual cause for the decline in the series?
Their first X game was X4. If they knew they weren't going to get blown the fuck out by everyone here for saying it, they would probably claim it's above X. The safest thing for them to say is "X1=X4"
MN10 was the one that tanked.
the problem is that its clear that the devs didnt know how to balance that boss for that specific armor so they tried to make it impossible for that armor
at the end of the day its still bad design
>There's a difference between you posting your opinion and being correct.
there is an irony here that is lost upon you
Level design, mostly. I like X3, hell it used to be my favorite; but playing X1 and X2 again, I realize that level design took a hit by X3 and declined from that point.
>most X fans state X6 is not a good game
>even the people who enjoy x^ state its not a good game, or put it fairly low on the X series ranks
Alrighty. Live in your fantasy world where X6 is a good game. I personally can admit that I've enjoyed games that aren't good because I'm not a mongoloid.
There's too many gimmick stages and you have to grind to pay for upgrades you find in stages.
Other than that it really is a good game, but some people were so burned by X7 they refused to even give it a chance.