>The enemies look cool but they're all fucking fodder
>The weapons lacks any form of combat depth, just the same few attacks for the entire game
>The only depth in the weapons is for platforming
>Story is prioritize over gameplay
>Graphics are prioritize over gameplay
>Enemies are so dumb it makes you wonder how they even got the LEGENDARY DOOR GUARD job

This is why I can't take western action games serious, and I was happy to see DSIII being made in the hopes that we might get our first SERIOUS western action game that isn't shitty DmC reboot this generation. Fucking Tameem game is going to go down as the most technical western action game in history because everyone else just fucking sucks at this. I could do 10 times better than these fucks if I had the push to pursue game dev. Got dammit if I someone just had told me that action games would die and/or be shit in this timeline I would have fucking saved us. I would have become a game developer and made something that would surpass DMC because I know everything about these games. I dedicate my life to technical action games! Fucking hell mate.

Other urls found in this thread:


>going to go down as the most technical western action game in history
fuck off tameem

>it's another JRPG babby cries that western devs make good games

Kill yourself you weeb faggot

>>The weapons lacks any form of combat depth, just the same few attacks for the entire game
That's why I couldn't even finish Darksiders 1, I was expecting something like Devil May Cry but you couldn't even combo in that game other than mashing the pre-set combos

>wow that fight looked epic XD

The artstyle is so overdone its boring, its the typical WoW/Fortnite/LoL/DotA cartoony crap.
The fight itself looked so fucking boring and slow, is this a hack n slash or just a Dark Souls wanna be?

But how are the temples? Darksiders exists for temples, not combat. After two games that did exactly this, you'd think people would know.

Wouldn't be surprised, I don't think any of the previous Darksiders games was particularly good but if that 2 minute clip is all we have base judgement upon I think it's way too soon.

oh well at least they still have battle crashers

Surprise. Darksiders 1 and 2 were garbage too.

here is 12mins of footage

why is everything so slow?

>pink haired manly women
yeah sure, not buying this garbage

Her hair looks like cotton candy in this one for some reason.

Unironically a talented individual that, by just changing the hair color of Dante, made all of Sup Forums butthurt for 5 years. Then he threw the white hair in with devil trigger as well as a pre order bonus.

Is he living the dream or is he just Tameem?

It seems pretty clear that the team that took over development of this game is just working with what they were given, but have no artistic vision of their own to guide the work. Nothing looks bad, per say, but it all seems artistically flat. Lifeless. A by-the-numbers production.

Say what you will about the art style and presentation of the previous two games, but it was clear that the developers cared about what they were making, and had a clear vision of what they wanted to accomplish.

At least it's sticking true to the series.

what the fuck is wrong with dante's left leg in that image?

>It seems pretty clear
I thought that clip looked fine, aside from the easy fight. Why do you say it's artistically flat?

Looks boring and clunky. Just makes me want to go look at something made by platinumgames

>tease all four riders fighting during a doomsday event almost 10 years ago
>keep prolonging it and now you play as fury
For fucks sake just get on with it and have all four horsemen in one game already. Shit is dragged the fuck out for no reason.

I wanna breed fury!

>Dark Souls wanna be
I fucking knew someone was gonna mention DkS. You fucking idiot

>Unironically a talented individual
>Needed to be handheld because he couldn't make a decent combat system

Fury is for Uriel.

All you have to do is look at the previous two games to see they are aping the style, but don't really grasp it. As to the combat, Castelvania Lords of Shadow does it better, and that's no kind compliment. Also, enemy designs are uninspired at best.

Hey man that art style was created by the art director of this game Joe Mad back in the 90s!

so its literally the same as the other darksiders games? this series was always trash

>they are aping the style, but don't really grasp it
That doesn't really explain anything.
Can you provide a specific example of this?

No it isn't. Joe Mad isn't involved in 3, which is why the artstyle looks so shit.

>combat in lords of shadow was bad
This meme needs to die. It was no Devil may cry, but it was a lot better than some of the other western games out there and even some from platinum games.
>inb4 nothing is better than platinum! You’re a fag!
Fuck off

Get this;

I'm sitting here imagining what she could do what her whip. Like how fucking hard is it to add depth?!!?? It's not hard at all. These fucking developers just refuse to be creative. We as Sup Forums could literally come up with multiple ways to make her weapon and the overall combat have more depth then these fucking developers who don't know what the fuck their doing.

In the video she swings across a ledge, why isn't this implemented into the got damn combat as an attack?!?!?! Why is it platforming only?!?!?!?

No one fucking tries these days.

>looks so shit

i think it looks fine so far

Kys idea guy, youre uselessand there is a difference in a idea and actually trying to execute it

nothing really tops platinums own IPs, though its quite obvious they phone it in when they do shit for other companies. Basically shit like nier or MGR will never be better than bayonetta

You just described every hack and slash game.

>why isn't this implemented into the got damn combat as an attack
How do you know it isn't?
The other games didn't start you off with every single attack unlocked and available to you.

This combat looks completely unrefined and boring. If in a demo I see the same two moves being spammed, that’s a problem. There’s been some fantastic 3rd person action games recently, so I don’t understand how this is what they come up

I liked Dark Siders 1 but when it gave you that "go back to every place in the world and gather up the map scrolls" type pre-final boss quest, I couldn't finish it.
Like I know it's supposed to be a fun tour of the areas I've already been to, now that I'm all powered up and whatever (and also a chance to 100%) but...ugh

Ds1 was a surprise. It wasn’t the best game, but it was amusing for what it was, even if it ripped off so many things around it

Ds2 was such a fucking letdown. It was NOTHING but fetch quests and back tracking. You’d get somewhere new and they’d want four fucknuts to open a door to get a quest to gather five fucknuts from the fucknuts tree on the other side of the fucking world.

No Mark Hamill Joker voice sidekick.
No more “we’re on the shattered remains of Earth after the apocalyptic battle of heaven and hell”
No more bigass sword guy doing bigass sword guy things

Oh, and a fucking trash loot system

So dissapointing

Why the fuck do all western action games make the player character so OP?

Don't they understand that restricting the player often leads to more compelling and tactile gameplay?

It's already executed in the game though you idiot. It could be a situation tools just like wall running in action games rather than being used for just platforming. It's a fucking waste since the platforming doesn't even have any form of difficulty. It's just there for no got damn purpose other than some bored designer getting paid and having something to do while he's at work. Tell those retards to learn stage design you fucking DS groupie.

I could easily make combat that is 1000000 times better than this, sell my game for cheaper since it's indie and have all you weebs praising my combat decisions and explaining them to fucks who think DarkSiders III is any amount of innovation. Game is fucking garbage. It's not even God of War tier.

That combat looked really slow and repetitive. DSII looked way quicker and fluid compared to that.

Morrowind and Oblivion would like to have a word with you.

Chair armrest

>all the lil bitch niggas crying in this thread
Game looks cool, thanks for posting OP you fuckin fagget

Why do you believe it's not going to be some kind of combat move?
You've seen the whole movelist? Or maybe you think the game is complete? We don't even have a release date other than "2018".

But all the things you're mentioning where already more or less in the other games.

Here's some DarkSiders 2 combat/combos for comparison of the DSIII's combat : youtube.com/watch?v=OeX2FU7vmaY


The exact opposite is the issue here. The gameplay shown is limited and dull. Hell, the first Darksiders had more inspired combat, and it had more in common with Ocarina of Time than DMC.

>having any hopes after the previous devs went under and run out of money halfway through DS2 because THQ couldn't into finance

I'm surprised the game is being made at seeing as how no one picked up Vigil.
Shame it doesn't look like an improvment like how 2 was over 1

Then do it, make a game. But your just a troll so you won't.

That's nearly a year old. The newest one looks infinitely better than that shit heap, but there's still improvements to make.

>Sup Forums already needs something new to complain about and spam their favorite buzzwords

Liked DS1 and DS2 and I'm gonna preorder this one.

And it always ends up nothing more than this:
a situational tool that is used like a handful of times in the game or something that you COULD do but don't care about since other things are less obstruse and more effective, see half of Bulletstorm's Skill-kills for example.

>Why do you believe it's not going to be some kind of combat move?
Because this isn't Japan. Western developers don't think like this, there has never been a western action game with combat depth besides God of War. God of fucking War! And Tameem's game. I can show you hundreds of Eastern made games from big time to indie that offer far more combat depth than these triple AAA shitters implement into their games. By the way, Square Enix is pretty shit at combat too.

You have no idea how bad I want to, but I did not pursue game dev when I was younger and don't have the push needed to get into it now. Dude I've been playing action games since I was a kid. I know so much about these games and how they work. I'm autistic as fuck when it comes to action game combat dude.

It could just be the person playing is shit at action games

I'm pretty sure this game is in late alpha still.

Isnt Darksider series is more like Zelda than God Of War/DMC?

>still mad after all these years

first one is, second is much closer to those though

>Because this isn't Japan.
Oh, fuck off. You're inventing problems and then complaining about them as if they're factually correct. At least wait until the game actually releases and you KNOW it's bad before you decide to have another temper tantrum.

To be fair, I feel even the Japanese can't seem to get it right.

Don't get me wrong, they are 100 times better than the West but the gap between DMC4 and everything else is still just so fucking huge that it's ridiculous.

i only played 3 hours of the first one before getting bored.
is this supposed to be pestillence or famine?

My brother, I hope there's a Goty version with extra stuff
This is the one game i'm gonna burn some money on
Get your earplugs ready for the months ahead because we're gonna be hearing a lotta bitchin about how Fury is SJW

neither. The horsemen in Darksiders are War, Death, Fury and Strife.

>He thinks this game is going to get better while in the hands of shitty western developers who lack creativity

Enjoy your empty world, weak enemies, cinematic cutscenes, terrible combat, wasted potential platforming, SJW pandering, QTE simulator, Unreal Engine assets, repetitive gameplay with no replay value, sack of shit game.

Stop pretended like THQNordic is any different than the other shitty western developers that make games by the book and never try to innovate.

well thats fucking lame

>not breeding both

It "looks" exactly the same.
The new one just has prettier graphics, but the same animations and plays exactly the same. The most rote, mundane, barefuckingbones action combat.

It's a western action game that isn't an FPS, they're all hilariously slow.

>Platinum Games was trying to buy the rights to the Darksiders series after THQ went under
>TFW Darksiders was almost good

Feels bad man. Feels bad.

it's painfully clear that The Madureira brothers (Art direction and Animation Lead) are not on board

I'm a videogaem animator myself and tha whip flow is horrendous.

Castlevania LoS 2 (and the first to some extent) had indeed some superb whip animations. wheter you like or not the combat mechanics

>Enjoy your empty world, weak enemies, cinematic cutscenes, terrible combat, wasted potential platforming, SJW pandering, QTE simulator, Unreal Engine assets, repetitive gameplay with no replay value, sack of shit game.

No thanks i don't like JRPGs

Yeah remember how good korra and teenage mutant ninha turtles were!

Oh wait

>doesn't know about weapon switch and block cancels
imagine that

As a fan of Darsiders I and II, what little they showed looks perfectly fine.
The only thing I'm not sure about is when the whip thing goes behind the chick and takes up a big portion of the screen. It might be distracting when doing harder encounters.

So? 1 and 2 were both garbage as well. Sup Forums's resident soys memeing it up doesn't change that.

War's sword was way cooler than Death's scythes. I suspect the whip will be even worse, but still looking forward to this.

>play as a woman
haha, deadgame

Oh yeah, I can't wait to play an action game as Famine, where I beat the enemies by making their crops wither and then waiting for them to starve. What a great idea for a video game.

you're just not creative then obviously
you make famine a glutton that sucks the life energies out of enemies, reducing them to shriveled emaciated husks

I literally just thought of that as I was typing it

See, that sounds cool in your head when you're trying to justify the dumb shit you're saying, but it would actually be terrible in practice.

Do I need to play the other 2 games

Fury looks awful

in what way? there are many games that use a similar mechanic
you would chain the energy sucking to the end of your combo to replenish your own health, or you could engage it with a grapple after guard breaking, or it could be a button mash mini game on heavies and bosses, and would have an AOE super attack that drains everything on the screen

I don't even know what these games are, I'm just listing many examples of how a character could easily be made with famine as a theme

pretty sure the female protag gave that away

all these faggots screaming about how the weapon has no Depth. if anyone of you actually played the games you would realize that you're able to buy new combos and whatnot. but nope...


>I don't even know what these games are
That would probably a good thing to learn before you engage in a conversation about said games.

I already pointed this out and was ignored.
Remember: They don't actually care about the game one way or the other. They just want to shitpost.

looks like a basic GoW clone from the video
besides it doesn't matter what the game is, I'm just talking about how you can easily make a famine themed character

No, but first game was fucking perfect.

just like previous games in the series?

Yeah, i know.

but damnit sometimes Sup Forums is stupid and needs to be told again and again.

>trying to buy the rights
>but guys, if our publisher that ask us to do this
>no fund, no games guys!
yeah yeah whatever PG

>dat ugly dyke protag
Why do western devs almost always need to make women ugly?

Other than that this looks like a contender for worst game of 2018. Everything about it looks painfully mediocre. I'd be ashamed to be associated with it.

Oh no, not a fun 3D action game. Anything but that.

looks awesome to me.

>sucking the dick of a talentless fag
enjoy yourself

>New Darksiders
>New God of War
>DMC is still dead

Pretty funny when you think about it

Yeah this game doesn't seem to be living up to it's mediocre legacy.