its not megaman legends without inafune .
no inafune = no buy
its not megaman legends without inafune .
no inafune = no buy
oh fugg
I might have had some sympathy for this statement if it wasn't painfully obvious from MN9 that Inafune had nothing to do with what made Megaman good.
No because they were also well aware of the 10,000+ fans that were actively participating in the game's development but they still cancelled it.
Did you learn nothing from last time?
Inafune has genuinely lost his touch. First MN9, now Red Ash. He's just so fucking bad now
t. Inafune
Oh boy, it's fucking happening. If that's not a soft confirmation then I don't know what is.
and give me edit recommends
>raising your hopes for anything Capcom related, let alone Mega Man related, let alone Mega Man Legends related
We could only hope.
If they greenlight MML3 and actually finish it I'll be happy even though they canceled it last time. Like hell I'm going to preorder it though.
It seems like Capcom has been going through some restructuring and is getting the hint that they can't keep shitting out low budget/low effort garbage forever, so maybe things will be better this time.
Calm down. Keep your head cool and keep buying dem Mega Man merchandise. It is our silent deal with Capcom: we buy their shitty Merch and they will give us the games we want someday. Yes, there is hope but you better unload your wallet for those Mega Man plushies if want to see it happening.
Capcom should just hire CC2 to make legends 3.
Solatorobo already kinda play like a Megeman legends game.
>“To be honest with you, when Inafune left it was a difficult atmosphere within the company,” says Mega Man 11 producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya. “It was difficult for somebody to step up and say, ‘I really want to work on Mega Man.’ Inafune-san was definitely a brand leader for the franchise. He helped pave the way for its success, and he had a lot of brilliant ideas. That’s an absolute truth. So when he left, there was a sense of emptiness, and a sense that no one was appropriate to pick up the mantle and pave a new vision for Mega Man.”
>BN/SF with netplay
dude i bought megaman 10 on every platform including the second legacy collection. it is solely thanks to me that mm11 is coming out.
>"actions speak louder then words"
So this translates to "if Megaman 11 sells good enough, we'll think about more Megaman."
I'd buy the new Megaman if it means a potential Legends 3 and more Battle Network in the future.
>Inafune-san was a very important component to making Mega Man a success, but Mega Man is such a treasure to the company that it would be a waste to let him go because someone left.”
im genuinely getting my hopes up and you can't stop me
Get the devs that worked on EX Troopers instead. People bitched that that game "rehashed MML3" (also Gaist Crusher somehow?) so might as well do it.
People had been clamoring for this for years now. This is nothing new.
As soon as I see and end to ZX and the X series then I'll bother caring about Legends and Battle Network. Just kidding, I'll never care about Battle Network. Was pretty boring to be quite honest, plus didn't BN actually have a, you know, end to the series, for Lan at least?
This, MM11 happening at all, and what the director is saying in that article is what's giving me a glimmer of hope. It sounds like someone's finally nutting up and doing something, and I can only hope that this effort gains some momentum and we eventually see this talk of awareness actually fucking going somewhere. I don't think it's gonna happen soon but I want to believe that a ball is about to begin rolling here.
>Is there still hope?
You underestimate the pettiness of Japanese businessmen
They make high-school girls look level-headed
I'm actually more hype for BN, than Legends. I want Legends 3 more, but I'm scared it won't pan out well. BN is a really hard formula to fuck up, the only AWFUL games were 1(First installment, excusable), and 4(Which they know not to do again)
>Sequels are usually dependent on the success of the game that came before them, so the fate of a Mega Man 12 will largely depend on the success of Mega Man 11. However, Capcom is hoping that Mega Man will come back in a big way.
>“This is definitely not just a trial balloon, we’re definitely not experimenting,” says Mega Man 11 producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya. “We don’t even have the bandwidth to experiment. This is all about pouring everything we have and everything we know into one project and making it happen. We’re using our prior experience and knowledge to strengthen ourselves and reach the next level. From the start of the project I’ve been saying, ‘Mega Man 11 needs to be a true resurrection of the franchise.’ I really want this title to be something that veterans can pick up and say, ‘Yes, Mega Man is finally back.’”
You're not gonna let Megaman 11 fail do you user?
Nobody is going to want to touch Megaman at this point, it would be like a non-disney company rebooting Mickey Mouse, even if there was money in it nobody wants to do it.
> I’m one of those people who thinks that actions speak louder than words.
Can't. Not. Read. Into this.
Why do people want a third legends game? Storywise everything has been wrapped up nicely. The only real remaining thing is MegaMan being on the moon.
I've only played 1 and half of 2. I really liked 1, actually. Not like I really know any better, though. Legends, on the other hand, I grew up on those motherfuckers. 3 can't happen soon enough.
>What about The Mega Man X And Legends Series?
>Obviously, Capcom isn’t ready to announce any new games outside of Mega Man 11, but if this game does well it could lead to a revival across the brand
You heard him, folks. Better buy the new MM game and don't even think about review bombing it if it is bad. Remember: Capcom has a hostage on the moon.
So nothing new? Okay
If Mega Man is successful again in 2018 I was already convinced that we'd see spin-offs again.
But I'd have ranked anything related to Legends and Battle Network really low relatively speaking.
But actually seeing them recognizing it actually leaves me thinking they may be some of the more likely spin-offs.
It feels really, really weird to have your hopes crushed. Muster up whatever you've got to still cling to some sense of hope, have that crushed too. And then years later kind of get newfound hope again.
I can't really help it. I am feeling quite good about the potential for Mega Man again and I am not quite sure how to deal with that. Since it makes me happy I think I like it. So I guess all I can do is hope that I don't have all my hopes crushed again.
I hope command mission can get some love too
If they ever do make another BN, they better not do another huge fuckup like 4.
Maybe because Megaman is trapped on the fucking moon and 2 left off with Tron and Roll actively brainstorming on how to get him down.
i'll buy 5 copies. just give me more legends fuuuuuuck all over my titties
1 is just bad, in the sense it's not worth playing. It's clunky, weird, and misses a lot of quality of life features of the later games.
1 isn't bad. It's just that every game after it improved the formula so much that going back is really hard. Even 4 which was shit it still had QoL improvements and new features.
Buy MM11, and also buy the X games so that way they see even more interest in other series besides Classic.
Would you buy a Legends 1 & 2 + Tron Bonne collection for the Switch?
Buy Marvel Infinite and the X Command Mission costume and we promise you wont be disappointed ;)
A new RPG series would be great to see if they don't do BN again.
>Nobody is going to want to touch Megaman at this point, it would be like a non-disney company rebooting Mickey Mouse, even if there was money in it nobody wants to do it.
I think Nintendo would do it
I also think they'd make Classic Megaman a DLC character in the next Mario Kart
There is no hope left in man.
Koji Oda is that guy that had the glasses in the anniversary video, right?
I think I like that guy.
kek, they don't even give a fuck about F-Zero, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, etc etc
I'd consider buying a Switch for that.
LOL dude. MML story is about adventuring to find ancient ruins and ancient artifacts. They just keep getting derailed.
How would they handle an X9? SNES, PSX, 3D?
Only if it's physical. I've been wanting to play Tron Bonne's game, but I don't want a digital copy when it's no better than downloading an ISO.
Please, no more retro. It was fun at first, but enough is enough.
ML1 is clunky, but it's just so chock full of charm and amazing bosses that it's worth putting up with
It's not unplayablu clunky, just awkward
yeah instead of making it retro looking how about we make it very pretty
The fact they're doing a Megaman X collection makes me think they're entertaining the idea of an X9 already.
>no announcement
>just talk
kek fuck off crapcom we know all you can release are shitty collections and og pixel mm
They'd probably go with 3d, though I wouldn't mind spritework as long as it isn't fucking 8 bit
All. Fucking. Three.
>tfw no X remaster/remake hybrid that remakes all the games in all the styles that have existed up to this point
It's so improbably but my dick would be fucking diamonds if you could, for example, play a SNES version of X4.
yeah but that's it. That would take no more than 5 minutes in game to resolve. What would the rest of the story have? Nothing. The only way they could build off that would be to have the entire game revolve around getting MegaMan back on Terra, in which case the game would just be stiflingly slow. There wouldn't even be any reason for pirates/bonnes as enemies since there wouldn't be any big treasure to go after.
Even the real MML3 didn't know how to deal with this and the story was pretty much its own thing that only referenced MML2 once and even contradicted it by having a Tron fight.
Wasn't Golden Sun camelot?
Is Camelot a Nintendo company like HAL or Gamefreak?
I was referring to BN. ML1 is fine.
Hopefully advancing the 3D style. X8 was a step in the right direction but the movement in that game was suprisingly loose. I would want a little more weight to the characters.
PSX had kino aesthetics imo, so something that aims for that but in 3D would be amazing.
>kek fuck off crapcom we know all you can release are shitty collections and og pixel mm
They just announced MM11 last week, though. Give it time, user.
I'd guess 3D, probably like X8's but looking less like a PS2 game.
>We're aware
>backlash to canning Legends and Universe
>blame fans for lack of interest
>continue to rehash older games individually and as 'collections'
>rape him with a mobile, p2w game
>30th anniversary comes around
>"Please forgive us, we have something for you."
>all hyped killed the moment Mighty Mega No.11 appears on screen
His studio can easily be hired as an external developer. Even then, as long as they have his written story for MML3 - Capcom is golden. They should get Itsuno's team to do it after DMC5 is released.
Spend the first half of the game accumulating parts to make a ship that can reach the moon, spend the second half exploring said moon. I dunno, it worked for Final Fantasy IV.
I don't want a new BN or SF, make something new in the timeline. Another 100 years into the future, while being ZX with battle chips. That's all I ask, Capcom.
The Moon in FFIV was the endgame though.
Those events were probably not all the same guy. This MM11 director seems alright so far.
>His studio can easily be hired as an external developer.
Capcom and Inafune don't talk with each other anymore, though. Their relationship is done. Whatever Legends 3 we get will be without Inafune's involvement.
>That would take no more than 5 minutes in game to resolve. What would the rest of the story have? Nothing. The only way they could build off that would be to have the entire game revolve around getting MegaMan back on Terra, in which case the game would just be stiflingly slow. There wouldn't even be any reason for pirates/bonnes as enemies since there wouldn't be any big treasure to go after.
There are other pirates. Story can be them looking for ruins/artifacts/parts they can use for a spaceship.
Space battles, Moon battles just to name some. You're not just imaginative enough.
The idea's close enough to get the point across. Each area could be as large as Legends 2 was or something, I'm just throwing shit out there at this point.
How does that even work?
how did data get off the moon, Sup Forums?
Megaman threw him like a football through the vacuum of space.
Legends is the kind of series where getting megaman back from the moon could easily be the tuturial.
There's so many ruins and the whole world is open for exploration.
>tfw legends 3 would likely be a console game and not a shitty handheld game like the one that was canned
The story ended with Tron and Roll working to bring him back while Trigger and his sister units were worried about the activation of the elder ssytem
>tfw it actually ends up having a handheld port
That's what I said. 8 bit pixel shit that people can literally make themselves. It takes no budget to make a shitty 8 bit game these days. That's all they can shit out
All this maybe reminds me of ALL the times they try to get people to buy their re releases and never give a sequel. See dragons dogma
Now that is the kind of thinking I like to see. In the end, we will somehow get a better Legends game out of it.
How did data get on the moon in the first place?
He doesn't go into the drop pod with you.
The prologue of 3 was going to take place on an island with a new cast during the events at the end of 2 when the satellites prepare to reset the world (you could see one in the footage of the demo they showed on a tv show once), then the new protagonists meet Roll and Tron and agree to help them put the rocket to rescue Megaman together. Then the main game was going to focus on Megaman's search for an ancient artifact supposedly tied to the creation of the world, and Barett was mysteriously missing. They already had plenty of ideas.
Bass had 1 hp and that is a program advance that unleash every single attack on the enemy
>Is there still hope?
There's a slight glimmer, but I still wouldn't get my hopes up.
Right now I'm more interested in seeing how they can do MM11 good.
>That's what I said. 8 bit pixel shit that people can literally make themselves. It takes no budget to make a shitty 8 bit game these days. That's all they can shit out
What? But MM11 isn't pixelshit, it is using 2.5D graphics. You can see it in the trailer:
Reduced Bass's HP to 1HP with Balance (I think?), dodging like a motherfucker, then sliced his remaining HP off when he removed his invincible aura to use Earth Breaker.
Scroll down to the Bass fight.
Setting yourself's up for more disappointment already I see. Megaman fans just never learn I guess.
Data obviously has teleportation abilities. How else does he get around the ruins?
cant stop wont stop
EX Trooper is so fucking underrated it hurts. Simple but charming game that had a very old school Capcom feel to it.
Someday we will be joining hands to enjoy MML3 together, user.
>adventuring to find ancient ruins and ancient artifacts
And now that Trigger is the designated master unit on the moon, he probably knows exactly where every single ruin on earth is, assuming the moon base has retained a record of everything.
Rock is now the ultimate treasure, everyone would be gunning for him and whatever secrets he may now know.
as if i'd ever touch your hand