Did she prove that we can finally start replacing the voice actors we have been inundated with over the past 20 years?
Voice actors in videogames
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Oh my god, there are human beings BESIDES voice actors who know how to speak properly?
Ashly Burch btfo
I like famous voice actors coming in and claiming to be under-appreciated in an industry where gameplay programmers are nobodies working 200 hour weeks in crunch time.
damn she a qt. best looking va ever?
Post cute Aloys
shut up code monkey
voice actors are golden children projecting the sound of god onto the lowly garbage media that are video games
their strike is well deserved and they need to get paid more
Unionized versus no-union, user. The games industry has to meet the universal SAG standard, not just the standard of the video game industry. Meanwhile, programmers aren't unionizing and are getting absolutely savaged because they have no safety net that can sue billion dollar companies.
The IWW has a branch for programmers unfortunately my fellow software engineers are bunch of absolute class cucks.
That's not hard
but my dick is
It doesn't help that these massive companies hard lobby against anything that might actually protect the code monkeys who are getting fired and rehired at an alarming rate. So these people NEVER get any protection, and end up bouncing from project to project and never really get a steady job.
best post of 2017
>tfw no qt melina gf
They had their own studio where they could to take after take for as long as they wanted to.
Normal voice acting for a video game is more like they rent a studio for a week and the actor has to do thousands of lines in a few hours.
>isn't on a strike demanding devs pay out the ass for voice acting
>won the best voice acting award when she had no prior acting experience
>doesn't have a cuck brother
Is this game good?
Senua a cute CUTE
No it's a fucking walking sim.
is good yes
When they started casting did they specify that the actor should look like a rape victim?
Chad wins again baby
its probably the single worst video game ever created
Is that dog equipped with tactical gear?
wait, did he play Dillion too? I didn't get a better shot of this scene sadly
>walking sim
You don't know what that means. Stop saying it until you do.
on long hikes and camping, dog carries its own gear, like water.
The poor actress in the OP looks like she just came out of a mental hospital.
Hows the actual game though? thinking about trying it after it cleaned up at the game awards
>Ninja Theory
of course not
What's D-DOG doing here?
the character is supposed to look like that
its a walking sim with half-hearted button mashing combat sections
one of the more wholesome moments of the night desu
Right, so what I was asking is if they were specifically looking for women who looked damaged for the role.
Can this game just drop to $20 already. It must be selling well for them to not be
I was satisfied with it for $30
It's a pretty interesting proof of concept. Fantastic graphics, and the best sound design in any video game ever. It's also just kind of fascinating to watch it knowing that it's an indie title made on a shoestring budget but it still looks and sounds better than half the multi-million AAA productions out there. The whole permadeath thing was pretty neat too. Oh, and playing as an actual insane person was something, right down to simulating voices in your head.
Gameplay and level design wise it's nothing great though. I mean it's not horrible but it's nothing that hasn't been done before and done better. It's entertaining for about as long as it last though, as it is a very short game, so it does its job well enough anyway.
indie games look like THIS?
Considering what the game is about it would make sense.
>player input: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Like how the one on the left has a gratuitous manjaw.
>Hellblade comes out
>Sup Forums complains about how ugly they think Senua is
>Game wins a few awards, we get to see the VA
>Sup Forums loves Senua now
Literally the only people who wear North Face are faggots, betacucks, and soccer moms.
It's the dog from Call of Duty
You haven't played very many games if you actually believe that.
I kinda want to check it out but all the footage looks like Ryse
He's an mma fighter, he'll beat you up
>Chad also has a D-Dog
it's not fair bros
The point is people knowing how to act.
Voice actors have always been replaceable in video games.
You know what's worse than people who wear Northface?
People who recognize and pick it out as something to be noticed.
kys soyboy
I only wear Summit Ice
An interesting thing to point out on the game, is that alot of the time they dont flash on the screen "Press X to light attack", the voices in your head tells you what to do, but they dont tell you how.
Sure you can press start and see the controls, but Its so interesting having the game not popping the controls at any point.
Thats because most programmers are ancaps or some other meme political ideology, so they only care about stupid shit.
>be programmer
>willingly fuck yourself over to meet your own ancap dystopia ideology
>be programmer
>slave yourself at work so you can put pink hair tumblr 56%
Ancaps are not against unions though.
I didn't finish it but after like 4 hours I thought it was just okay. Not a walking sim, but you can tell it was on a budget.
She is dating a BR HUEHUE? dropped and Hellblade uninstalled.
Deixa de ser autista e instala essa porra de novo seu bixa.