>enter the gungeon
A match made in heaven.
Enter the gungeon
Never played it. Tell me why i should.
Zelda with guns.
Or so they say.
I can't imagine that playing well on two sticks unless you had some sort of auto aim.
It was fun for an hour or two.
Binding of Isaac is better
15 hours in Gungeon
100 hours in Issac
140 hours in Issac Rebirth
Also, Gungeon seems a lot worse for the Switch, it seems much more reliant on a mouse. I don't have Issac on Switch because I don't want to start all over, but the four directions make it a better match.
This might actually work on a portable console.
Nuclear Throne was a disaster without mouse and keyboard controls.
>it seems much more reliant on a mouse
You're fucking retarded, Twinstick Shooter is it own fucking genre
You're insane and basically showing you don't know shit about games.
Here's a tip: Run a google search for "Twin Stick Shooter and tell me what you come up with.
Isaac's gameplay is garbage, it's aesthetics are literal shit tier and it's only major saving grace is the OST. Gungeon's shooter gameplay, items, graphics, music, and pretty much shits on Isaac.
Gungeon is a game for people who like Shooters.
Yeah, we know what a fucking twinstick shooter is, Gungeon is too slow to be a real twinstick shooter, it's designed for aiming with a mouse.
>BoI is shit
wow, now that's a shit opinion
>Don't know shit about games.
>Le twin stick shooter console may-may.
I'm sorry, I don't like playing things on a shittier setup, you gigantic shilling faggot. Or are you going to tout the switch for boasting a gorgeous 60 fps in an indie game?
I don't want to be that guy, but I always thought that the mouse makes these games piss easy.
Sticks allows for a more balanced difficulty, where you actually have to aim for the enemy and not just click on it.
Requires more skill and for me it's more entertaining. Clicking on things with a mouse is something I do when I browse pornhub, not while I play.
I bought Romancing Saga 2 instead of this and that was the biggest mistake i have ever made
BoI is addictive but I'd struggle to say that it was a good game. Never played Rebirth or Gungeon though.
Most twinstick shooters are designed with fast firing weapons or weapons with a lot of spread. Gungeon has so many weapons with slow bullet speed, you're going to spend double the time fighting enemies in a game that already takes too long to kill enemies when you do hit them every time.
Tell me about RS2.
I think it is balanced for the easier aim provided by the mouse. Mouse makes easy to aim them, if they were to die quickly the game would be too easy.
I suppose they will lower the hp points on enemies or find some other way to balance it.
this was my 1st time hearing about it and the trailer made it look fun. But then i started playing it and it feels like im playing a fucking rpg maker game. It runs like ass on the switch somehow and i stopped playing after 15 minutes. Idk why refunds are not allowed i feel like i need my $20 back
bump for actual discussion
not him but RS2 is okay not the best one though. this gun game looks decent though never heard of it
>feels like im playing a fucking rpg maker game
Thanks man, that's what I though when I saw the eshop screenshot, thanks for confirming my doubts.
Never heard of gungeon? We talked a lot about it here.
your welcome
>update got delayed just so it could be ported to the Shitch
What did you expect a snes rpg to look like?
No man, don't tell something this stupid.
Good snes rpgs look WAY different from rpg maker shit.
I hate playing games on PC since I do all my work on a PC. Is Gungeon worth getting on Switch vs not at all?
No, they really don’t mate. Not all rpgs on snes look like ffvi and chrono trigger
This is why I want a switch, basically.
Rip Vita, you were too good for this cruel world.
switch is literally the vita 2.0
nah analogue stick is superior for dodging which is more important in this game
another shitty indie game getting hyped up because it landed on the switch.
My friend and I have cooped 70+ hours in this game using controllers, a fucking mouse sounds really unnecessary, but I'm actually good with a controller.
I think a controller is better because I can run through bullets a lot easier (analogue movement) while aiming wherever at 360 degrees.
ho boy!
Now I can play one of the most tedious and unfun rougelites in existence anywhere I go!
Real talk, this game is garbage
>no ammo
>game punishes you for getting hit, no more item/gold/ammo drops for the room you just got hit in
>dozens of guns, but you basically can only use your starting gun outside of bosses unless you want to guarantee failure
>enemies gain more health with each new floor, ensuring that it takes more shots to kill them
>even with multiple "great" weapons and items, you still feel like you are doing no damage to anything
yeah nah, fuck this trash game
Binding of Isaac is garbage. How anybody tolerates that game is beyond me. The gameplay is trash.
>dozens of guns, but you basically can only use your starting gun outside of bosses unless you want to guarantee failure
This is the biggest gripe, IMO. You're discouraged to use your fun and powerful weapons because bosses just become a chore without them.
Also, a lot of roguelikes have a "singularity point" where if you get the right kind of items you can just streamroll the rest of the game with barely a sweat. Gungeon almost never has this because of how ammo and enemy health scaling works.
>no ammo
Git gud
>game punishes you for getting hit, no more item/gold/ammo drops for the room you just got hit in
Git gud
>dozens of guns, but you basically can only use your starting gun outside of bosses unless you want to guarantee failure
Git gud
>enemies gain more health with each new floor, ensuring that it takes more shots to kill them
It's being rebalanced. The Switch Version actually has those balance changes already. Scaling has been toned down
>even with multiple "great" weapons and items, you still feel like you are doing no damage to anything
Completely untrue.
Enter the Gungeon is like some sort of crazy pleb test.
>Also, a lot of roguelikes have a "singularity point" where if you get the right kind of items you can just streamroll the rest of the game with barely a sweat. Gungeon almost never has this because of how ammo and enemy health scaling works.
That's a bad thing and EtG tries to make sure you're working hard and having trouble the whole time. It's inspired by Souls games in that way.
>if you don't like a game that must mean you're just bad at it
I'm tempted by it, a simple and fun shooter is something I lack.
How about
>These specific complaints are indicative of somebody who's bad at the game
Because that's more accurate.
Nothing worse than a pathetic shitposter who uses this idiotic deflection tactic.
I have 70 hours in gungeon and considered trying issac but it just looks so trash and everything looks the same and repetitive, why do you like it?
I love Gungeon. I understand the complaints, but to me it really seems like a matter of taste, and I suppose people being acclimated to Isaac's batshit insane 'balance' doesn't help matters.
Honestly, the appeal in Isaac is getting over the top builds or breaking the game.
Binding of Isaac can get too crazy too fast, but I think Gungeon has the opposite problem. There's almost never any potential to gain a significant advantage over the game. Your monstrously broken weapon is only good as long as you have ammo for it, and there's no guarantee you get any more drops any time soon.
>I suppose people being acclimated to Isaac's batshit insane 'balance' doesn't help matters.
That's the main issue the game suffers from. I dont' actually care if you don't like the game much, but most complaints I hear end up just being people who're mad it isn't an isaac reskin
Which is why Gungeon players aren't fond of it. Gungeon is about being hard as fuck the whole way through.
gungeon is pretty trash
>I want to play the game on a system that can run it at 60FPS
>But the Switch runs it just fi-
Get your head out of your ass.
There are a lot of methods to ensure you get the ammo you need so you usually have a gun to use from the 2nd floor onwards.
You can 'force' a gun from the boss by not opening a chest before you beat it.
You can play as the marine to get the ammo drop active item.
You can go to the secret floor.
You can skip keys until you get to the shop to ensure one is in stock.
You can use gun munchers which show up every so often (i think one is ensured on the 5th floor) to combine 2 ammoless weapons you won't use into something usable.
Not to mention that it's likely the shopkeeper or a random vendor will have a decent gun you can pick up with the casings you've collected along the way.
Lack of ammo is rarely a factor when you learn how to manage it.
>having trouble the whole time
what a FUN game that sounds like!
no, a singularity point is what makes rougelites fucking thrive. After dozens of shitty games the gods of RNG finally bless you with an OP assortment of bonuses that lets you turn the tables on the game and finally shit on IT for once instead of the other way around.
Even in souls games you can get stupid OP, so I don't really know why you're using that as an excuse.
>After dozens of shitty games the gods of RNG finally bless you with an OP assortment of bonuses that lets you turn the tables on the game and finally shit on IT for once instead of the other way around.
Or you could not be bad at games and not need to be OP to win. The Binding of Isaac is so fucking shitty.
If only the weapon progression wasn't a total fucking dumpsterfire.
If only the scaling wasn't a total fucking dumpsterfire.
>fun shooter
Look elsewhere.