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>9 life bars
>11 ammo

9/11? could obama be real?

how do I pass this part without spending a fuckload of shotgun ammo and playing cat and mouse for 10 minutes

should i bother upgrading the red9 or should inwait for the blacktail , should i go with the riot shotgun or the striker

pls help vee

red9 is the best handgun in the game. ignore all the (you)s I get

Red9 has better damage and accuracy if you buy the stock, Blacktail is better at everyting else. Both are good, so pick whichever you want

The Striker is a direct upgrade over the Riot Shotgun iirc


>he doesn't know that the drones die in one hit if you hit them in midair

>tfw started playing RE4 +10 times but never finished it due to one reason or another

By the time you get the Red9 stock you may as well use the TMP though. Every gun is basically usable with certain playstyles

God I hate that part, it's so boring. Now that I think about it I'd say this is were it become boring for the rest of the game.


Did the game always look this bad or did they port the PS2 version on pc? This looks like a mess.

>The Striker is a direct upgrade over the Riot Shotgun iirc

Maybe on the first play through or if you don't upgrade either, but once upgraded the riot shotgun is the best shotgun in the game. Striker gets to house more ammo but that's a moot benefit outside of bosses. Same difference with the rifle, you're trading power for ammunition.

Isn't the striker's spread better than the Riot Shotgun's? That combined with
Makes it annihilate flying guys

What does user think Leon was like growing up? What was he like before 1998? Did he always want to be a cop? Was he a hardy athlete his whole life? I wonder if he had a hard life as a youngster.

>when you find out that anything is a one hit kill when they're flying
You're very observant

So what's the trigger for the different colors of the treasures the insects drop? I know for a fact that they are related to what the insect is doing at the time you killed it but I can never drop as many blue eyes as I drop red or green ones.


the holy trinity of god-tier weapons. you need nothing else besides the free broken butterfly for the stupid armor suits. you know it's true.

He never had the makings of a varsity athlete. This has been confirmed by the devs

Its based on their eye colors iirc, to get the best gem you need to kill them before they've spotted you.

And yet RE4 onwards he is a super athlete.


>needing a magnum at all

Also the TMP is just as good a choice on high difficulties where you'll want grenade space in your inventory.

All you need is stuns grenades for the armor suits, casual.


>tossing one of these into a group of 5+ plagas

name a better vidya feel

getting an ass-clenched pistol headshot on a Crimson Head on pure reaction.

Yes, the island is very boring.


>Isn't the striker's spread better than the Riot Shotgun's?

It's too good to the point that you lose power from two character's length away when your ammunition strikes the floor and sides. Using those flying guys as an example isn't proving much since they go down with any handgun shot midair and you can sweep swarms of them with the TMP. It's still the same point that I mentioned before, a fully upgraded striker is weaker than the riot shotgun but has more ammunition to fire. Riot shotgun is also more accurate than the striker but I didn't want to mention it before cause the shotguns aren't meant to be used for their accuracy.

striker is also a shit gunfu



>Riot Gun
>Broken Butterfly

So the striker in RE4 was actually an AA12 with a drum, cause the real striker had its drum built into the gun and couldn't be swapped in and out. Learn something new every day.

underage detected

AA12 can do full auto though

fuck the red9. takes up to much ammo space and cant aim it worth shit without the upgrade.

i mean, it takes up item storage.


Keyword, and it also has a semi auto function, meaning that in RE4 the striker is in essence an aa12, than it is an actual striker.