You have been given a job to make a new star trek game.
What is it like?
What era is it set in?
What universe is it set in?
How does it play?
You have been given a job to make a new star trek game
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>Space era
So in that game you would be flying around in a space shuttle enterprise and?
i had a fever dream brought on by my sleeping meds and it was basically a kotor clone set during/after ds9. you are a pirate captain and your crew consists of a ferengi mercenary (like the one from the magnificent ferengi), a vulcan who was raised by klingons from birth, and i didn't get much further than that.
mission based but randomized elements, fly around exploring or get mission from starfleet, encounter random shit in space and have to dick around on a planet or in the ship to solve problems. can make it with hot alien babes.
based on tos since i'm straight
Had an idea about a game set in the mirror universe.
>Set in the aftermath of DS9
>Tarok nor and Earth are Terran again
>Shipyard at Tarok nor is mass producing defiants
>You get to captain one such ship
>Game is sorta shadow of mordor sorta thing where you go around wreaking havoc with the Klingon/Cardassian alliance, explore space, conquer systems, save ships and find some old terran ships here and there, becoming able to build them
>Ability to change ships over time
>Best ships in game will be Galaxy, Sovereign and the Galaxys dreadnought conversion
Mix of space combat and away missions
Just after the events of Mirror,Mirror
The Mirror Universe
Space combat ala Star Trek:Legacy
Ground combat optional FP/TP.A mix of combat and noncombat away missions.
Keeping your crew under control will be one of the main objectives.
oh and there's a mission where you're hired to take the crew of the enterprise hostage and impersonate them to intentionally botch a negotiation in the favor of the guy who hired you
It's Diablo 2, but you play with Picard in various alien planets
what's his skill tree?
Basically just remake Judgement Rites with new levels
Ensign Wizard.
Ensign (Virgin) Walker
i just want a simulator game where i can design and build enterprise like exploration ships and customize and design every single detail and then sell them to other players who use them to go out and explore the galaxy. the detail and scope would be so huge it would take like a real week or two to build one.
Ferengi Empire Sim.
Like PC's Star Trek 25th Anniversary game, but better. Star Trek games should be point 'n' click adventure games.
Keep Telltale away from it.
>Ferengi game
>anything but a tycoon game
Voyager era
Bascially just like Voyager, by some MacGuffin you ended up half way across the galaxy. You start with a standard starfleet issue ship and have to get home.
Combat is tactical ship combat like Starfleet Command. But you also need to think strategically, i.e. manage your limited resources, maintain diplomatic relations and ultimately find a way home. Damage is persistent, but you can also spend resources to repair or upgrade your ship.
A DS9 era platformer, of course.
You fight your ship vs. other ships in space
Upgrades are randomly dropped, with shit ones every 2 minutes and decent ones roughly 1 every 4 hours. Really good drops are like 1 in every 200 hours.
You can buy loot crates for $0.99 with a guaranteed decent drop, or a $9.99 lootcrate with a guaranteed really good drop and the chance of unique gear obtainable no other way.
That's some nice Ferengi LARPing.
First person mystery/puzzle game that plays out as one of "the crew is missing and the ship badly damaged" episodes.
You're on an away mission for a starfleet science vessel, you go about the mission normally. As you beam back the incident occurs and your matter stream is caught in the transporter buffer. You don't materialize until after the incident is over and the ship is deserted.
You get no hints and can free roam the ship. Certain areas are sealed off or restricted to you and you have to go through logs and access computers to figure out how to piece together what to do and how to do it.
Your eventual goal is to repair the ship enough to bring everyone up from the planet's surface that made it off in the escape pods, but you need to move the ship back into range, which involves getting access to engineering and the bridge as well as getting/bypassing clearance to operate in both.
If there were no jump scares I would probably pay for this