Is Tracer's ass considered attractive?

I mean...

it's more about the legs and skintight latex my man

>skintight latex my man
This pretty much

She has no ass

What about this ice-cream

>is tracers ass considered attractive

learn to spell, u dipshit

>She has no ass

Yes. Especially when shes running or in her white pants

The commotion on the Blizzard general forums was massive. When it didn't change the fact that she has no ass.

Where's the ass?



I want to touch that ice cream


I haven't even played this game but I regularly jerk off to her


its important to remember she's english
so for them that's about as good as it can get

Women asses are disgusting, literally just a blob of fat with no muscle tone at all

It just makes me devastated to know I will never even get the chance to even sit next to her and just talk

for a moment I thought this was real

There's no shape to it. Shape matters more than size.

>blob of fat with no muscle tone
Vanessa would like to have a word with you, Seamus



Same here

No really, fuck off sybb

I want to fuck Tracer

never mind, i don't know how i missed the thong

Tracer's ass look better


>mfw all my tracers are lewds

I would creampie Tracer doggystyle if that's what you mean.


-t gay man


>snowflake over the sphincter
what did they mean by this

depends on the skin



brap posters are the best posters.

do girls actually have stinky farts

I will say, her ass in the hero gallery is terribly rendered and fails to show any degree of depth or roundness. When you actually see her running in the game, you'll change your mind

they actually tend to have the worst farts, because they eat shit like broccoli and kale and hold in their farts a lot.

Yes. Tracer has the best ass of any character ever.

This is my favorite meme.

Holding in your farts will make them smell less, because some of the sulfuric gasses will get re-absorbed into your colon lining.

Don't hold in your farts if you don't have to.

holyshit nigga what game! What's an "eyue"? Nothing come up.


What a goddess. She's perfect in every way.



isn't it spandex though? sorry, am a fetish fag

best skin

muscles are a man thing

spines dont bend like that


But my dick does

macho women aren't attractive actual faggot

>target sighted

anyone have the one of sombras ass. asking for a friend

you cant tell me this image doenst make you moist user

I want to marry Tracer.

mediocre ass


this one is decent, but as expected. it's not official art

maybe if she actually looked like a girl

say no more

go back

Yeah one of the draws of latex is the shininess.

t. latexfag

>fedora posting has left /asp/ and come to Sup Forums

feet > tits > >>> butts

butts are for negroids.

>/fit/ would find this attractive


My personal favorite

Girls can't fart stupid faggot