So this is the pussified, coddled and infantile state of modern multiplayer gaming......
So this is the pussified, coddled and infantile state of modern multiplayer gaming
Just dont talk on everyplace outside of Sup Forums like you are on Sup Forums. Just dont be an asshole, easy.
stop being autistic
I'm not ashamed to say I've reported people for this reason.
I've been using backhanded ways of being an asshole for years that isn't just calling them nigger, haven't gotten banned for a long ass time from any games
>ad hominem
>right now, there are people on Sup Forums who have never used the word nigger in multiplayer games
It's quite funny because none of this was necessary before you kids started thinking it was so cool to be complete idiots online.
You normfags ruined online gaming and are now upset you face consequences over acting like idiots. Truly.
>the virgin pointing out logical fallacies
>the chad hominem
I literally do not own a PC. Feels great desu.
Hahaha i said nigger in a video game
Sadly, Sup Forums was hit the hardest by the neofag, feggit and dumblr diaspora.
why do newfags love pretending as if they've been here long?
When will emotionally stunted manchildren learn that calling people niggers and faggots online isn't banter?
The only people who get triggered by this feature are the people that are responsible for its existence. Prove me wrong.
We had people in our Battlefield platoon that tried to police what people should talk about. They were booted. If you don't like something just leave and don't be a pussy.
I'm going to abuse the fuck out of this, and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me
>someone types umad?
>report toxic behavior
>they get banned
lel who's mad now?
Holy shit this place has changed since the fuckboys started trying to raid in increments. All they needed was a presence. Not immediate victory, not overwhelming numbers. Just a constant voice. Classic pinko tactic. Before we know it saying nigger or being a shitbag will be moderated by pussies. There's ignore and mute buttons you faggots. Once the hard times come again these fucks will finally get killed off again irl.
this desu
Annoying cunts got kicked from servers back in the 90s and 2000s, too. They just got kicked manually by the admin or with a votekick. This isn't something new. Really the only reason it seems different even though it's not is that the generic term they use for people you don't want to play with changed from "asshole" or "cunt" or "faggot" to a more generic "toxic".
Nigger detected
Ultrasensitive soyboys are the ones responsible for its existence, not the regular non-diaper people who can into bantz
>When Sup Forums randos join your discord and start insulting people under the guise of banter since they're insecure and want to fit in while also not being able to recognize that when someone is ganged up on, they are actually all friends and it isn't an open invitation to start talking shit to someone you don't even know.
People just need to chill the fuck out.
Why is anyone surprised that nu/v/ defends this? A couple weeks ago we had a thread about some dev that called out one of his game's players for saying "nigger", then it turned out that dev only has like 20 people playing his game, probably cause he banned everyone. Nu/v/ confirmed that they would rather have a bigot-free game than a game that people actually play.
Look, I'm all for people growing a spine and learning to not be wimpy bitches who are afraid of mean words all the time, but if you're being an cunt for the sake of being a cunt then who can blame them for reporting you?
>assholes not being welcome
Thanks backseat janitor, have you been stocking on hot pockets before your chance of becoming a real janitor?
Well yes, I never played any online MP in my life.
lmao people are still mad about this
If Tumblrinas don't get to have safe spaces, neither do you.
Good taste. At least you're not an insufferable glimfag.
Straight-ish bangs covering the forehead are my fucking jam, but from what I've been told that one is a terrible character.
The redneck one is a total qt.
It's the exact same as it has always been except it uses the word "toxic" instead of "Harassment" or "bad language" or a million other reasons games have had to report people for over 20 years for what amounts to "being a dick". Please keep jerking yourself off though, I'm very impressed by how manly and adult you are.
But right now you're breaking rule 2.
I never talk in any game I play and I still think this is stupid. Every game I play has some firm of muting or blocking people, yet no one ever seems to use them.
>some fag spamming music on mic
>mute him
>idiot whines in text chat telling to shut up instead of playing the game
every time
I don't even respond to banter, I just focus on playing better and let that do the talking
There's griefing, and then there's being a dickhead. Don't be a dickhead.
>The only one in this thread that feels this way
Must suck to be so alone.
Banter is great in games. What is not great is the kid who has a mental breakdown in spamming random swears in chat when something he doesn't like happens or somebody being a passive aggressive cunt.
I think some people on Sup Forums have this fantasy in their mind that the people labeled as toxic are cool guys with witty humor and amazing comebacks that are just too much for their liberal pussy enemies to handle, but in reality the toxic players are the people who throw the game by jumping off a cliff for the whole round or spam "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" without end for 5 minutes for no reason or go on some pointless rant about Jews that nobody cares about for a whole round
>ree i should be able to TK and call other people niggerfaggots without repercussion
enjoy your ban OP
>playing multiplayer """games""" where you don't play for fun but to unlock things
'Member the days of Vietcong when you could just hop into multiplayer and play with any weapon you wanted and servers were overwhelmed with people? Nowadays you don't play for fun you get conned into thinking you'll have fun at some point because they dangle a SUPER SWEET unlock in front of you. Sad times.
what the fuck happened to sticks and stones mentality
you have to be a literal fucking babby to get so upset at some text some chucklefuck wrote across the screen in order to report him for """"toxic"""" behavior
Bullshit, anyone with a spine feels the same way faggot.
>click "mute player" button
woah so hard
Stop bitching you lil bitch
>Online ranked
>Down entire team and leave
You'll never catch me
Some moderator already got butthurt and deleted the pony (for free). Why the weebs get triggered this easily?
>click "mute player" button
>then click "report player" button
woah so hard
Not really because banter is the same shit
The weebs fear the Western animation.
>I didn't bother to mute the retard for an entire round while waiting to respawn or other downtime
You only have yourself to blame. What kind of games are you playing where this shit apparently happens every match?
Delete this filth
Applejack is best pony, faggot
please tell me this furry gay shit isn't making a comeback. One 2014 was bad enough.
It's important to know that words are just words, but it's still not pleasant to have someone be hostile towards you.
What is even the point of having the report button when mute and vote to kick is all you need and accomplishes whatever you need?
Other than being a butthurt turbo faggot that wants to tattle that is.
Why is the youth such pussies? Raised by single mothers or some shit?
>Everyone getting mad at OP pointing this out.
Words and how they are used function like memes. There is an origin to the use of the word toxic in this context and it originates from a rather unsavory ideological mode of thought.
Pleasant you fag? What is this a chess tournament? The library? Did the limp wrist brigade all agree to show up on Sup Forums today?
> it's still not pleasant to have someone be hostile towards you.
>get reported for winning
>get reported for losing
>get reported for not communicating
>get reported for communicating
>get reported for not reporting
Lel, reports are placebos for skillless shitters. Don't send a messge calling someone a nigger and you'll be fine.
Mute doesn't work most of the time because if they're mad enough to sperg out in chat it will probably start leaking into gameplay too; they'll intentionally die, throw the game, and refuse to help the person they're mad at.
Better to just lynch the undesirable.
Why mute them when I can just kick them?
>Be OP
>After taking my daily sniffies from the shit I just ate, vomit it on my keyboard
>Post whatever was written on the keyboard with the usage of shit-vomit on Sup Forums
>Mod actively scouring the thread
>Legit not fucking deleting a bait thread made to shit-stir
>reports are placebos for skillless shitters
except in dota you will be reported for beating the other team too hard, despite not saying a single thing in game, and get chat banned and put into low priority queue because of it. that's definitely not a placebo, maybe you meant "crutch"
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Internet Toxicity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I'm so sorry you can't report and ban OP like you can in your online games :)
There's this thing called "mute option" in case someone's hurting your feewings. This should be a /thread, but considering neo-Sup Forums's state...I doubt it.
>be OP
>see the sorry fucking state of modern multiplayer gaming
>make thread showing the latest such example
Not a bait thread, go report it for toxic behavior you faggot if it triggers you to have your infantile behavior mocked and ridiculed.
>if people are rude to you, just leave and don't do things you enjoy!
this is the true soyboy response. The manly thing to do is to make anybody who opposes you suffer and then carry on with what you're doing.
You know everytime I see these it's always some turbo sperg who went off on a tangent about hitler and the jews, calling everyone nigger cucks.
Rest in piss
>thread about videogames
Why can't soybronies just talk about videogames?
What's more """toxic"""? Being rude to someone in a game where you can just mute them, or going out of your way to get someone banned?
Being an asshole isn't nice.
It's not hard to understand lol
>Being an asshole isn't nice.
>conventional wisdom makes you a bernie supporter
what did he mean by this
putting lol at the end of your sentence doesn't make you right. You're a limp wristed faggot that can't handle some punk spouting "bad words". You don't care about being "nice" you just like the power of being able to silence someone bothering you, because you don't have the guts to do it irl. You sadistic little cunt.
I can handle bad words, I'd just rather not someone be mean for no apparent reason. How is that a hard concept to understand?
>he doesn't like being bullied into submission and being called a feeding faggot for the length of a 30 minute match
>he doesn't let his teammates spit into his mouth and fuck his shitter into a gaping cummy mess
"Being mean"? You must realize you sound like a grade school councilor. Or a pinko. Or maybe you're just enjoying the bullshit your responses bring. Either way, people who really do think like you turn every platform of communication into a nursery. A nannied, pussified, safety zone where nobody can get pissed or lose control. Everything is like a dang synagogue.
>need to start blasting Sup Forums threads until the loser mods give up
And they did.
>Sup Forums unironically uses the word toxic now
Kinda sad. A few years ago anyone using the word would just get a bunch of
Instead of serious replies.
Words change and so does Sup Forums
>soy-Sup Forums will defend this
Change into another one of your red star embroidered husks you mean? Another job well done comrade!
"Muh bantz" is sounding extremely similar to the "muh legit criticism" arguemnt when shitposting about a popular videogame
>so does Sup Forums
blame the mods for allowing it instead of banning the idiots trying to shape and mold the website away from its original purpose. meanwhile, LUElinks is still around and still exactly the same way it was 20 years ago.
You "RULES OF NATURE" Social Darwinist faggots would never square up IRL. Most people grow up and realize being a cock in multiplayer doesn't make you cool, it just makes you a cock.
the hell are you on about?
>Nuevo-Sup Forums, who gets mad at """toxic""" behavior, also gets mad at legit criticism of shitty games
>Most people grow up and realize being a cock in multiplayer doesn't make you cool, it just makes you a cock.
Do you not see how being mean or rude is idealistically a bad thing? There's nothing unreasonable about disagreeing with that kind of attitude.
You're on Sup Forums for god's sake, own up to the fact that the place is known for being a cesspool of assholes and that a lot of people don't like them because of it.
All this whining about toxicity has it roots in automated matchmaking. Before that all you had to deal with a power tripping admin from time to time, now it's always several faggots having meltdowns over the most trivial of things. But I guess self moderating communities were axed in favor of finding a game a few minutes after even if the experience is shitty 90% of the time.
Wow you really got me there, how will I ever recover