Ok, I am leaving this Velvet pic here

If this thread dies before the new Tales game gets announced, Sup Forums is officially shit.

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Why would you need a new Tales game when you could just play any of the other ones for the same experience?

Tales festival is today?


not even a hour in the game and i dropped this lame shit

Part of me wants Velvet's story to finish.
Another part of me doesn't because they might decide to shit on her somehow even harder than Berseria. Just let her have a happy ending.

>Weapons give you skills
>In Vesperia they're actual combat moves like ++plus hits to your combo, altered artes, and even shit like mystic artes
>In Berseria it's mmo x% tiny differences under specific circumstances

Man, recent Tales of were so bad... Berseria was "good", it was better than Zestiria at least.

And then they port the game with denuvo on pc, for fucks sake... its hard to get excited about this series to be completely honest.

I'm at the end boss and I don't want to finish this game because I'm afraid the ending will be shit. The only thing I liked were the characters, the story turned to shit after the innominat shota shit

since Zestiria the story is absolute garbage, I played Berseria for the characters (minus Velvet, she's utter garbage after the beginning).

you WILL buy her game AND play her game

You need to correct your Velvet hating ways.

they should have made her flat
boobs ruin this

You have Magilou for that.

The VA for Velvet is amazing in the English version

especially since Velvet contrasts heavily with her usual roles

also they're announcing a new tales soon? When?

The Destiny remake is pretty damn fun.

Yeah I thought I was going to just hear Angsty Noel Vermillion the entire game but Vee pulled off Velvet very well.

Oh, are we getting a new Tales game?

Doubt it

Wait, there's an event or something? Should I expect any news tonight?

It's probably just another Symphonia port.

It's Berseria for Switch and you know it.

One of the best remakes of all time imo. If it was localized people would put it up there with REmake and HGSS etc

tales stream 10 hours from now

expect the switch title (probably a port) at the very least


>vesperia switch never

Are they announcing a new Tales game today? What time?

Also out of all the unreleased tales games, the ones I want to play the most are Rebirth (for Eugene)

and Innocence for the story, how is it anyway?

yeah not that one

> 8 PM Japan time

so if I'm right, 5 AM CST?


I want to be Laphi's big sister


I never got around to playing the original and only recently got a laptop that could emulate PS2 games. It's so damn good though. I don't know why Bamco hasn't jumped on the port craze yet. It'd be easier to port the PS2 games than making a new game and it's a perfect chance to give the west Destiny DC, 2, and Rebirth.

I hope so hard it's a Berseria sequel

>Berseria sequel
It's called "Zestiria".

Velvet should have gone gay for Eleanor.

The official itinerary only has Asteria, Rays, the Stage, and Festival as listed subjects. Don't be too surprised if they don't actually announce anything new.

I loved her in the beginning when she was like a big sister and cute, but the whole 98% of the game after that she's just insufferable imo :(

no man, stop, let that story end, I don't want anything else from that setting...

lets have something new and this time GOOD pls

Never again

>Watch TGS
>Actually wasted my time staying up late during TalesFes
>Nothing happened for 3 days

Arthur did nothing wrong

Currently playing Berseria. First time I played a game in this series and I absolutely love it. It actually feels like a natural evolution of 16 bit era JRPGS unlike modern Square garbage. Everything about this game (except the writing and pacing) is really fucking neato. Are the other games in the series just as good? From what I understand this games fighting system is a big departure from it's predecessors.

Also I love how linear it is. Fuck open world.

I was actually surprised that there wasn't any significant /u/ bait between them. It just seemed like it was obligatory at some point.

Velvet shouldve banged Eizen

This is why I stopped caring about Berseria. It feels like every single new Tales game adds more bullshit that doesn't make it any more fun, just more complex. So to keep up with progression you're constantly swapping shit out, considering layers on layers of mechanics trying to do things in just the right way to satisfy some arcane mechanic that you have to guess at half the time. I JUST WANT TO BUY SOME NEW, BETTER EQUIPMENT WHEN I GET TO THE NEXT TOWN, DAMMIT, NOT CONSTANTLY BUY MULTIPLE COPIES OF THEM TO BREAK DOWN INTO +1 MODIFIERS OR SOME SHIT

Also the dungeons are irredeemably shit, I can't even believe they thought palette-swapping 2 or 3 basic templates was acceptable.

I liked Berseria's Story but X2 had better moments imo. I still love Victor's scene.


Thank you. I liked how they just let you do side-stuff whenever you wanted and the main story progressed by just going from Point A to point B.

I haven't finished it yet. Is there a way to get back to midgand? I accidentally skipped the first code red mini boss. It makes sense that I can't select it story wise, but I still want to clear that boss.

Yeah. I wish more games did this. Straight form A to B, no bullshit.

You have several parts in the game where you are free to go back to any place and do whatever you want. Just wait until then. You even have a save point right before the final boss in case you forgot a side quest or something.

Those Red bosses aren't special, but the side-quests for the party are pretty damn good. Be sure to do those.

>Those Red bosses aren't special
But they're the only real challenge. I'm playing on moderate and on manual btw.

>Get NTR'D by a doppleganger
>Stay virgin and turn into a dragon

Tales games contain a LOT of permanently missable content, I'm glad this one doesn't have much of that

That's a nice pic, OP

Temparing doujin of Velvet pulverizing his ass with her huge cock, when?

Is there ss doujin with Velvet and Laphi? (not the real one)


Sorry to say it isn't happening then.

Sounds like you just want the bland generic girl that every other JRPG has. Velvet actually had to fall hard to be able to become a better character though.

[housewife intensifies]

>mfw I still have to play through Zestiria.

Should I just skip that and jump to this one?

I thought Zest was more fun gameplay wise, Berseria has Magilou though so that pretty easily makes it a lot better.
You're not losing anything by playing Berseria first so go ahead

i'd lick her feet

Xillia 2: Father-daughter incest
Zestiria: Yaoi
Berseria: /ss/

What degenerate fetish will the next Tales of pander to?

bear is a prequel so who cares

Loli obviously

Hopefully yuri

Hopefully /ss/ again.


Just watch a let's play of Zestiria and read the plot summary on wikipedia, then play Berseria.

Don't watch the ufo table anime of Zestiria because it has Berseria spoilers.


I am going to start playing Eternia soon. Did you anons have fun with the game if you played it?

Hopefully /ss/ again

Eternia is pretty fun. It's one of my favorite games in the series.

Will I like this game If I like XB2?

Yeah it's pretty fun, I think it's the oldest Tales of to have aged well.

They have nothing in common

having some of the best 2D artwork on the PS1 definitely helps.

>all the dangling plot hooks about how the pure and untouched heavenly Seraphs want to wipe out both the humans and earth-dwelling malakhim who chose to go live alongside the malevolent monkeys
>Velvet in stasis
>Sorey in stasis

wow i sure do wonder what a third game would be about. it surely wouldn't be about discovering the true nature of the Dragonic Curse, finally ending it and the terrestrial faction finally pushing the Heavenly Gate to ram it up the angel's poopers (in an unpleasant way, not the kind of pooper-ramming that Sorey and Meebo indulge in.)

I mean it's not like they were trying to hide it. You literally see the gate to the area in the optional dungeon.

should I get this, it's on sale?
what makes it fun?

will there be an actual good Tales game on PS4?

Reminder next Tales is going open world whether you like it or not. New Director wants complete seamless battles.


>skyrim but with artes

Crossing fingers for some /ll/

The series loses nothing out of this

Hope you're ready for your Zestiria port on Switch

Whatever you do, don't watch the anime version of Zestiria. The references to Berseria are ripped apart, as well as any coherent story telling.

Read the plot on the wiki or pirate it. Just don't buy it.

A third game in this universe is economic suicide, but it's not like Bamco cares about what the fans want outside of fujos anymore

Canonically the purest girl.

user can just read the manga, its better in every way, except length.

What's wrong with open world gameplay? They might come up with something extra.

They're making bank off of the mobile games. And it's not as though most of their fandom wasn't fujos to begin with.

Hence why the game that went full waifufag failed.

canonically has the biggest butt, too. Rokuro knows what i'm talkan about.

it all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

Haven't played a tales of game since Vesperia on the 360, am I missing out on anything good?

Am I the only one that thought Berseria's ending was dogshit? It should've just ended with
Velvet being stuck in limbo with Laphi instead of instantly shoehoring the maotelus shit alongside with it. At least the postgame content makes up for it.

I love her.

It explains why Maotelus exists in Zestiria and why records of Innominat barely exist.

No she's trash. The dub is utter trash you delusional fuck.