Unpopular Opinon thread?
Resident Evil 6 is one of the best games in the series and miles better than 7.
Unpopular Opinon thread?
Resident Evil 6 is one of the best games in the series and miles better than 7.
I think the story is an important part of a video game.
Agreed. Best Mercenaries mode and coolest B.O.Ws too
NieR Automata was the most disappointing game of the year.
I still enjoy video games.
This. Why would I want to replay the game how many times? Like, 50 different endings?? No.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories and Downpour were good Silent Hill games.
Wolfenstein TNC doesn't push a SJW agenda at all. There are SJW characters in it, but they're not made out to be in the right.
I want to love the Monster Hunter series but I find myself bored every time I play it. I just don't like any of them.
Overwatch is great
While Sonic Mania is an amazing game I felt like a lot of the remixed zones weren't as good as their original counterparts.
You only have to replay the game once after a first playthrough as a different character, the third route is completely new stuff and arguably the best part of the game.
There are 5 main endings, ending E is the true ending with a bunch of joke endings for fun like blowing up the bunker or eating a fish.
You have shit taste.
>joke endings
So the game really is a joke. I wish platinum would have picked up a better game than NieR Shitomata.
Devil May Cry 1 is the best one.
Bloodborne is better than every Souls installment
I like FFXV, but I'm not the autist.
I agree
MGS3 and V are the only good ones
FFVIII is literally the best FF and by a mile.
NieR: Automata is the greatest game ever made
Bioshock 2 Multiplayer is still the best fps multiplayer game to have ever come out.
I loved the shit out of MGSV despite that ending/story.
that's not an unpopular opinion
SWBF2 is fun
The Adventure Sonic games are better than Boost shit
I like Ratchet and Clank PS4 more then RC1 or RC2 in terms of gameplay (story still shit though and RC 1 & 2 are still really good games).
Most people on Sup Forums do, that's why they love Yakuza 0 and shit on MGS V. They just won't admit it.
Anyone who doesn't is a contrarian.
I agree, 7's just a generic first person game through and through and while 6 has holes in it it's got a pretty bitchin' mercenaries mode
>one of the best games in the series
>miles better than 7
Metal gear rising is a good game
I played mh3u so fucking much I 100% it in under 2 months and burned out on the series. I can't even play for more than 10 minutes without getting bored as fuck
Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums
Undertale was a fantastic game.
hotter take: Undertale was not only a fantastic take, it was also the best game of 2015
Sup Forums is way worse and it's not even close m8
the plot of MGSV really isnt bad at all.
God of War is a lot of fun. Not very complex, but very well made and cathartic.
DMC1 has aged like milk and is nowhere near as good as 3 or 4.
Same with the original Deus Ex. HR and MD are better in every way.
GTA is a clunky snoozefest and Saints Row is better in every way except soundtrack.
The only good game in the Resident Evil series is 4. 7 is okay.
The Last of Us is an absolutely incredible game.
Half Life 2 has aged like fine wine and is much better than 1, even if 1 is great.
The entire Sonic series is abject garbage. There isn't a single decent game in the franchise
Ocarina of Time is far and away the best game in the series and has aged like fine wine. 2D Zeldas are painfully dull.
MGR is a good game but the song lyrics are cringe worthy as are the people that rave about them
The Last of Us is the most overrated video game of all time and is the single best example of how immature video games and video games criticism is as a whole.
Undertale is such an unappealing game to look at
I like you
>DMC1 has aged like milk
>Ocarina of Time is far and away the best game in the series and has aged like fine wine.
Some unpopular opinions, i'll give you that
>The Last of Us is an absolutely incredible game.
Let's not exaggerate user
Danganronpa 1 2 and V3 all have great endings
Junko is one of the best video game villains ever
You want unpopular?
I played DMC1 when it released and I hated it.
Why are you so set to hate? What did you not like about it? I played it at release as well and it blew my mind then.
the witcher 3
are the best games from this last gen
weabo games suck
they are all gay
have you played beyond two souls?
i watched it on youtube
Persona 2IS is the best in the series
MGS4 is a bad game.
MGS2 is the best MGS.
Digital Devil Saga > Persona > Mainline SMT.
SMT Strange Journey sucks.
Danganronpa > Ace Attorney.
Bloodbornes sole flaw is the blood vial system, everything else is literally perfect.
There weren't any bad sonic games before '06.
Bloodborne is literally just Fedora Dark Souls. The differences between all the games are so trivial that I don't understand all the autistic bickering
Japanese games are better than western games but weeaboo shit needs to die. Video games and anime would be better without all the retarded tropes and Moe shit
MGSV is a 10/10 game if you kill Quiet. DDog gets a pass for first playthrough
Latina women are the best
Howl's Moving Castle is just as good as the other acclaimed Ghibli animations
Makoto is a terrible character in Persona 5 and the game would benefit without her.
Nah I agree with the other user, Sup Forums is the worst
>DMC1 has aged like milk and is nowhere near as good as 3 or 4
This isn't an unpopular opinion
You haven't lurked enough
/fit/ is the best board on Sup Forums and has the best mods
>MGR is a good game but the song lyrics are cringe worthy as are the people that rave about them
Everyone knows that. People like them because it fits the fights perfectly.
So much this.
>FFVI while creative, becomes easily readable. Old gen graphics and storywriting too.
>FFVII is a nice first 3D try, but still inferior to 8. It got overdevelopped because of pure nostalgic popularity
>FFIX is nice but filled with unforgiveable issues
>FFX was nice, but begin the corridor genre
>FFXII was pure, unaldutered, cancer. At least the first PS2 version. If I wanted to play an MMO, I would have gotten an MMO.
>FF13 was trying to set things right, but wildly failed in unexpected aspects (lol let's put 90% of the necessary lore to understand the basics of the game in a glossary no one will ever read).
Ocarina is objectively the worst 3D Zelda and Mario 64 is the worst 3D Mario.