Rockstar is going to announce another game for the Switch in the January direct

Rockstar is going to announce another game for the Switch in the January direct

Its a Bully remaster

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Bully sequel when

Bully sucked IMO

Switch is the absolute BEST console to own*

*if you like downgraded ports of 10 year old games

MFW rockstar is only gonna ship bully to nintendo switch and not remaster it for ps4 or xbox one or pc. And not even make a sequel

I think it probably runs at higher graphics settings on nintendo switch or higher res for that to happen

lower render distance and texture quality

ok, the it's probably just a bad port as there are cross gen games that include nintendo switch where nintendo switch does look and perform better on switch than ps3, but not as good as ps4

>texture quality
Why did you have to discard your opinion by flat out lying

You were doing so good user

I am looking at the pic you just posted and its clear the Switch has better textures

except the switch version clearly has superior details, it may be slight but it it noticeable.

Actually forget what I said earlier about it being a bad port

I just found out that on switch LA Noire runs at 1080p and higher texture quality on switch than on ps3 according to the video which the user that claimed switch is worse than ps3 posted. for reference

conveniently ignoring the abysmal framerate and render distance on shitch lol

because it runs a bit lower in heavy sequences, that's "abysmal" to you?

Hey now i disagree but you are free to feel what you want to about the game since admittedly the subject matter may not appeal to everyone as much.

la noire was built from the ground up for the ps3 hardware as it was initially meant to be an exclusive so the performance is obviously going to hold up well on even that old hardware. even the 360 version suffered from worse performance than the ps3 which a rarity across the gen and it was all down to the ps3 specific optimizations. also the cpu in the ps3 in general was a fucking beast of a processor and the one in the switch is some ARM mobile chip so performance is actually not that bad when all things are considered.
iirc the switch has better textures than the ps3 version too.

Maybe a Red Dead port. It would certainly explain the unusual reason there hasn't been a port on ps4 or xb1.

LA Noire came out 6 years ago, mongoloid. Not 10 years.

>using piss3 numbers
Use Xbox 360 numbers if you want a greater effect.

>Maybe a Red Dead port. It would certainly explain the unusual reason there hasn't been a port on ps4 or xb1.

because it's practically impossible without rebuilding the game from scratch. its also the reason why there still isn't a pc port. it's a game made up of spaghetti code and according to some insiders it's a miracle it even runs on the consoles as it is. it's not worth R* time or money to port it with all the problems they'll face. that's why they're pushing rdr back compat so hard on the xbox. if they had a remaster in the works they wouldn't have approved MS back compat

It was fun, for a while, but then you realize it's way too fucking easy, and there's not really all that much to do in the first place.

>it's probably just a bad port

It's almost as if Rockstar wants to sabotage the Switch so that they don't have to make games for it.

>no one bought LA Noire on Switch, so we cannot release GTA6 on it as there is no demand