Daily reminder that the new DLC confirms the fact that Mipha took Link's virginity

Daily reminder that the new DLC confirms the fact that Mipha took Link's virginity

>implying link racemixes with disgusting fish people

Aw shit, son.
You're gonna have to cite that for me.

>can't even confess her feelings
>taking Link's virginity
Why are Mipha fans so delusional?

It's basically a whole lots of porn gifs where Mipha sucks him off and fucks him.

Yeah I doubt this is one of Link's memories


Why must they turn an innocent love relationship into smut


SableServiette (probably add Rule 34 at the end and check both sites out because some have more than the other).

I know about all that. I was really just asking to see whatever in the DLC somebody decided to joyfully misinterpret as meaning Mipha let Link explore her spasm chasm.


They wake up in bed with link shirtless smoking a cigarette

This. Mipha is the definition of a beta orbiter.

>Gets nervous just for having her picture taken
>Thinking she has the courage to admit her feelings to anyone, let alone someone in as high regard as Link

Pure delusion

Guardian-chan looks smug in that image.


It won't be so smug when i start raming it with my awesome bike


Do you remember, Link?

No... Oh well..

Inb4 the sidonfag shits up this thread
just watch

>Sorry to keep you waiting!


Gosh darn it I wasn't even trying to make that look or sound lewd.

Because even the most innocent of love relationships have their lewd parts.

I haven't played it yet but this seems like an edit. Pls tell me it's not

Too bad. It is. Somebody posted the animator ITT.

*blocks your path*



Wow! No shit!

>you will never DP Mipha with best bro Sidon


Take one fucking look at Link and tell me he's ever choose a cigarette over a bong.

Mipha is the only Champion I ever really felt sad about dying. Was meh about Daruk and Urbosa, and didn't care about Revali since he was a cunt.

I really liked Mipha because I know its really bland writing to have the "childhood friend love interest" but she felt more developed in that sense than bird cunt or rock bro because at least she HAD a set of wants and goals

This man

And his daughter

Reminder that mipha is older than link and saw him as a younger brother.

Not even Mipha was this delusional

Daily reminder all the Champions are OOT knockoffs

Which OoT Sage is Revali a knock off of?

that makes it better

Reminder that Mipha was cucked and then died

not a sage but clearly Mido

Oh so you're one of those retards.

I'm pretty sure they mean in terms of personality. Not because the divine beast is named medoh after medli's japanese name. No need to be rude and name call.

Paya is even more beta desu. Mipha went as far as making Link an outfit.

>mipha was playing checkers while zelda was playing chest
>took 100 years to get her checkmate



Mipha knew Link since childhood and even had the time to make a fucking bespoke suit for Link, while Paya just met him. Mipha had the most chances of all the girls to confess and didn't. Biggest beta.

Mipha is actually a cutie and I like bullying her.

>don't care for Zelda
>game spends the whole time shipping Link and Zelda together

Fuck off cunt, I want to a Gerudo harem, not some dumb bitch with a stupid accent. Can't she go back to never being seen for 99% of the game like the other Zeldas besides based Spirit Tracks Zelda?

Aww yeh

No, now enjoy your eternal waifu

I cant believe Ive been playing this game since march and I still find new shit

Fucking hell, I'm going to sleep for another 100 years, maybe Ganon will kill her during that time.

zelda has a fucking rockin bod dude what are you even saying right now??

>dominant brown musclegirls > boring girl who whines a lot

>immasculated femdom fetishist doesn’t understand superior tastes
checks out

Old Gerudo with wide hips or the younger muscle girls?

>low as fuck self-confidence

>dominant means femdom

Assertive isn't femdom.


Zelda gains self confidence by the end of the game.

>spells emasculated wrongly
>doesn't understand the appeal of a girl who wants to fuck as much as the guy does instead of some girl who lies down and has the guy do everything


She already had confidence. The girl managed to get the egotistical bird to become a champion with her stern look alone

of course you would know exactly what to type into porn sites to search for your homosexual fetishes

zelda is fucking thirsty dude she just doesn’t display it in the same way a man would aka the GAYrudo


Im not even a mipha fag but this makes me feel bad

Fuck DLC, gimme a new game.
It'll take five more years to get the next game, instead of reusing the assets and adding new ones. They've gotten too complacent vs. back in the N64 days when they knew they couldn't fuck around when Sony was dominating (Literally).

But there were only 2 Zelda games on the N64, and they reused assets for that

Whats the reason the game comes up with to make Link a mute?

They're saying that reusing assets would be smart, like how they made MM.

>game spends the whole time shipping Link and Zelda together
Are we playing the same Zelda games? Because Nintendo blueballs any opportunity between the two.

From Zelda's diary:

>"Bit by bit, I've gotten Link to open up to me. It turns out he's quite a glutton. He can't resist a delicious meal! When I finally got around to asking why he's so quiet all the time, I could tell it was difficult for him to say. But he did. With so much at stake, and so many eyes upon him, he feels it necessary to stay strong and to silently bear any burden. A feeling I know all too well... For him, it has caused him to stop outwardly expressing his thoughts and feelings. I always believed him to be simply a gifted person who had never faced a day of hardship. How wrong I was... Everyone has struggles that go unseen by the world... I was so absorbed with my own problems, I failed to see his. I wish to talk with him more and to see what lies beneath those calm waters, to hear him speak freely and openly... And perhaps I, too, will be able to bare my soul to him and share the demons that have plagued me all these years."

>Spirit Tracks handholding
>the entirety of Skyward Sword
>60% of BOTW
They don't have a kiss yet, but Nintendo's definitely provided a lot more fodder lately.

zelda wants link’s cock but so does everyone else. link has only eyes for mipha

>still completely unphased by revali's masterpiece and his sparring advances

Thanks user

I suppose you're right, BotW does have quite a few moments, and it's a recent trend. I skipped over Spirit Tracks and Skyward Swords too by the way.

eyes for best girl only

>link has only eyes for mipha

>"Link came to visit the domain. It feels like forever since he was here last. He no longer resembles the child I first met. He is now an accomplished knight and keeper of the sword that seals the darkness. I am so proud. However... He hardly speaks anymore, and smiles even more rarely. He is still the kind soul I knew, but something has changed. I asked him if something had happened, if something was wrong. He merely shook his head. Perhaps it is his newly acquired height, but I feel he is ever looking past me, into the distance beyond..."

t. Mipha's diary

Thats better than Hyrule Warriors slapping in a fucking fairy that serves no purpose. Seriously, Link being mute in that game is retarded.
>But Link is suppose to be a self insert character user
That doesn't work here when you can play as more than 20 different characters


I don't remember much of the dialogue from ST, but phantom-Zelda accompanies you the entire game and is a tsundere. Then in SS, from the very first scene she's established as Link's childhood best friend who has a crush on him. I'd definitely play at least Skyward Sword if you're a big fan of Link/Zelda, plus it has one of the best dungeons in concept, personally.

Didn't pick up any shipping scenes or dialogue from A Link Between Worlds, though.

I'm surprised by how much more restrained their romance is in BOTW, considering the progression of the Zelda series. Feels very Ghibli-esque, which is probably what they were going for.

What said. Majora's Mask was made in a year and it's amazing how fresh it felt with time mechanics and the reused assets being developed into unique experiences. Making both of Malon's models into siblings, using the Skull Kid as a major antagonist, and so on. I'd love to see the exact same process done with BotW. I wanted a third N64 game, I doubt they could do it with today's trends, but a MM equivalent could be exactly what the base game needs to shine.

It would need its own gimmick/mechanic. Any ideas?

that’s part of the tragedy, mipha misinterpreted link’s male state of mind, believing the pensive silence brought on by his immense obligational duty to be an intimate distance

botw Zelda's cute when she's being adorkable

This game's story really bums me out, especially the DLC. The champions seemed to be such good friends but they're all dead now. You really get the feeling that the main story already happened 100 years ago and there was a bad ending so now you're just trying to fix it. It's unexpectedly sad.

But there's nothing to fix, the only thing are memories. Link can't actually revive anyone or change anything. If you didn't expect this by now then you're dumb.

>being friend of the other champions.

according to his diary he seems to relate to them only for bussiness.

At least link hung that nice photo up in his house. That was sweet.

You missed out with Spirit Tracks. There was some seriously solid chemistry with those two there. Definitely one of my favorite Zelda titles, and still in my top five Zelda titles.

>people writing ellipses into their journals

game would've been far more profound if Zelda was an old hag when you finally save her, you literally CANNOT deny this


What's left of Hyrule needs saving&fixing

Pasta bird cares for the others but doesn't want to show it.

No, it would not. The game needed a happy ending.

Set 100 years after the events of BOTW after Link fails to beat Calamity Ganon and another apocalypse happens, making the map even more devoid of NPCs and towns :^). But seriously, I would kill for them reusing BOTW's assets for a reconstruction sequel. That's not not enough of a gimmick to revitalize the game's world, but I personally would love it.

I wonder if restricting exploration or weapon access would work. A lot of people seem to agree that it's the first 20-40 hours that really capture the strengths of the game, and after that, you find ways to entertain yourself rather than the game content.

She would still be a top tier braphog