How can Breath of the Wild be considered the best Zelda game when the story, dungeons and bosses are so lackluster? Not saying that Zelda has ever had a great storyline but at least games like Majora's Mask tried to come up with something original.
How can Breath of the Wild be considered the best Zelda game when the story, dungeons and bosses are so lackluster...
3D Zelda was never good. Only BOTW gets it right
It's not. It's a decent jumping off point for a sequel but as its own game it's underwhelming in many ways.
Here we fucking go again.
>It's not water, earth, air or fire!
>It's all just ancient puzle lookin stuff!!!
Kino Monk called, he said "eat shit".
>the only way to get 3D Zelda "right" was to make it more like a modern day open world game
I'm consistently convinced most BotW fans haven't actually played any other game in the series.
>have to buy DLC to get a decent boss
this is not something we should be encouraging
They stripped down the Zelda formula and created perfect dungeons without stupid shit like dragging blocks, or lighting torches with fire arrows, or shooting holes in the wall.
What the fuck did you want? The same exact themes as the old games?
>A good boss
What? You roll after him and he dies.
It doesnt even look like "ancient puzzle" stuff, it looks like they barely changed the early objects and textures they used for testing
4 shrines basically count as a dungeon in length. there's over a hundred shrines.
the story never mattered that much in zelda, botw did good keeping the shit short with the memories cutscenes.
bosses are scattered all across the open world
I have only played BotW but I want to play the other zelda games now because of it.
How can you call them "perfect dungeons" when their atmosphere is fucking dogshit awful? I don't understand how you can just reduce everything down to the puzzle aspect. I would rather have on Spirit Temple over 500 shrines because the shrines are so shitty and boring.
Start with OoT or TP if you want to experience something different and see why everyone is upset.
Play WW if you want more open world, barren, empty shit.
getting to the shrine is the atmosphere and adventure. there's more than enough to see. probably went through 2 camps and climbed todd howards mountain
>4 shrines basically count as a dungeon in length. there's over a hundred shrines.
BotW fans always makes these weird types of statements, as if the only thing that matters is adding up the quantifiable details.
I don't feel like BotW is empty by any means. Is it bad that I feel everything I do in the game is rewarding? All the exploring leads to something that is enjoyable.
>Not saying that Zelda has ever had a great storyline but at least games like Majora's Mask tried to come up with something original
MM is the only Zelda game that I would say has a great storyline. One thing that's objectively superior in BOTW is that they keep the story in the back seat.
If you feel the need to post this in every thread, for months and months, then guess what: you are the butthurt one my friend. Behind that smug face is a mind filled with tears and anger that people dare criticize your precious game.
because the zealots will eat up any platter of shit if Nintendo serves it, that's literally the only thing that matters to them, eating their Nintendo-samas poop.
No that's fine. Just try to understand why most people don't feel that way. We come from a series where every bit of progress was rewarding in a real, tangible way. Botw throws everything at you at the beginning and then leaves you to do the same thing over and over without any feeling of quantifiable progress.
The dungeons are supposed to be ancient technological creatures, not all different worlds.
GotY, my friend. Criticism just means people are butthurt Horizon Zero Awards sucked ass compared to BotW.
If you need to post and bitch about Breath of the Wild, every day, for a year, then guess what: you are the butthurt one my friend. Behind that shitty demeanor is a mind filled with rage and hate and anger that people dare enjoyed and gotten their money out of the GoTY and moved on by now.
>Pay $20 for a few puzzles and a decent boss.
>They stripped down the Zelda formula
They stripped it down to the things that people never actually wanted from Zelda. Puzzles were never the most important part of dungeons. I think what people want from the dungeons is a sense of adventure, atmosphere and well, dungeoneering. But they totally ignore that and just make them nothing but puzzles. The first two Zeldas barely even had puzzles at all.
When I think back to Zelda dungeons and areas I really loved (Skull Woods, Spirit Temple, Forest Temple, Ice Cavern, Stone Tower, City in the Sky) it's not really the puzzles that left the biggest impression. If you were to take all the puzzles in them and just put them in shrines they wouldn't be nearly as engaging.
I thought the divine beasts actually had really cool atmospheres (although they were a bit too samey). The real problem was the shrines and making them one of the game's most significant forms of content.
And right on cue you bring up the irrelevant awards, as if you need gaming journalists to think for you.
Doing the lord's work, user
>paying money for another damage sponge boss
>said boss is just one of the monks you've seen the entire fucking game rather than a unique monster or design
Shrines were not the significant form. It was exploring the world without needing to have 1000 things on your mini map pop up
It's not even a Zelda game.
Remove the name and it has no similarity to the rest of the Zelda series.
>Block the Blaze shrine near Death Mountain
>All these fire hazards inside
>Just walk through all of them while wearing the Flamebreaker armor
It’s not considered the best Zelda though. Of those who have played 70% or more of the existing games, probably only 10% would put it in their top 4.
Been replaying the game and one of the major flaws is how unrewarding the sidequests are. Most just give rupees or some lame items you can get some other way.
The thing about this game is that all of the arguments against it go both ways. If the game locked important items behind quests you could only get by doing specific ones, people would complain. In a way that’s true of this game without Terry Town, but you get my point?
>game is busted, just go to area X and get broken weapon Y and cruise through the game
Use of negative space
>I’m fucking stumbling over icons and landmarks with no space between, this game map is so littered with meaningless bullshit
>Why are there so few optional Mini dungeouns and puzzles? I want more to do if I choose to do it
>Climbing is broken, you just mash jump and can escape any mildly difficult encounter
Specific Items
>Here we go again, can’t get here without the fuckin hookshot, this isn’t what rewarding exploration should look like
Love it or hate it, BotW absolutely achieved its goal of breaking the Zelda conventions. Whether Sup Forums wants to admit it or not, they needed a change. What’s important is that they managed to do it and that the series will continue to adapt into the future.
>XD i can't understand different perspectives and valuing different aspects of a game
>please teach me basic concepts, i lack all critical thought
Okay. Those who say its an amazing zelda game aren't judging it based on the qualities it shares with previous games but its overall qualities as a game that just so happens to be part of the zelda franchise. They are not using the same template to judge the game and they also have different tastes to boot.
Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you?
You don't have a single statisfact to snack that up though.
It's still discouraging when most sidequests just turn out rupees. Why even bother doing most of them when i can get more money by blowing up rocks?
The other major flaw i have is the game's difficulty is very front loaded. You get 1shot left and right, but the second you get 8 hearts or manage to get some Durians, any challenge the game has goes out the window because you can facetank everything and will never die.
Different people post it every time. Last time I posted it was like a month ago.
And it's still relevant, as it will be for quite a while.
It’s better at the beginning but you don’t have to make it so easy. I refused to use upgraded runes and I personally really enjoyed running through the game with 4 hearts, using cooking when really needed.
Most of my enjoyment in any game comes from playing with its given systems and fining a challenge that’s compelling for me.
The game is overhyped, the copy and paste shrines and the lack of true dungeons and the dlc is just more copy and paste.
The Ganon fight was fucking garbage along with all the other boss fights, twilight princess is still better.
7/10 at best
>They stripped down the Zelda formula and created perfect dungeons
>virtually no enemies
>no minibosses
That's a very retarded way to excuse shit.
I player should not have to limit himself to get the most out of the systems.
Game design should account for both progression and difficulty, otherwise it is flawed.
Why do you faggots always act like "oh yeah man i just explore the huge empty world with no depth"?
You’re a dunce. A dunce who is angry about a video game.
No one role plays anymore, you're just too cool and mature for that despite many games being designed around it.
Legitimate complaints:
No sprawling varied dungeons, and the Beasts are pretty small
Not quite enough enemy variety
Most of all in my opinion, the combat combo and dodging has been inexplicably dumbed down. Targeted dodging feels slow and lacks distance compared to other 3D Zeldas although there is the Zenga-Dodge. Worst of all though is the barebones weapon combos, at least the straight sword combo should have had the standard 3D Zelda 3 combo in every direction including stabbing forward. Three hits over and over feels awful coming out of any other one.
That said it's supposed to feel like a giant post-techno-apocalyptic wilderness in full 3D and it nailed that. It's a fantastic game.
Nah, you're that guy who whines "If a game LETS me do something, I HAVE to do it! If I can break the game with alchemy I have NO CHOICE and it's a BAD GAME!" Use your own free will to have some fun, or maybe get a prescription for your Aughts.
This is not me using alchemy exploits in Morrowind, this is literally natural progression breaking game.
Besides MM and maybe WW, no zelda had any worthwile story. I actually likd BotW more than the rest cause it told it in a interesting way.
Also, the greatest part of botw is the world, and just like MM the dungeons aren't the main focus of it
We should encourage dev to improve.
They improved their boss design, it came late, but it's here.
The thing is that of a person doesn't enjoy sandbox games where sandbox is the core, like just cause or something similar, botw is not enjoyable.
Evidently sandbox games are flavor of the decade, seeing how Skyrim and BotW are the most popular games this ten years probably, but I would much prefer Zelda with tight combat and complex dungeons.
It's just a choice you're free to make if you want more challenge. It's not like there aren't some enemies that can still kill you in three hits even with a lot of hearts anyway.
I get it, not every genre is for everyone. But there's 1000000000 zelda games following the more linear structure, and they'll probably continue making them. Having one new game that tries something new is quite good, even if the results aren't perfect
>mfw the most fun I had was in the divine beasts
Fucking hell, I can't believe that of all the things BOTW decided to be, it decided to be fucking Skyrim.
All I am saying is that Botw is a very casual game, and not in some meme way, I mean literally it's a game that is made to be very accessable and casual.
It attempted to be LttP 3D, minus dungeons I guess. Check out the developer videos from before it was out.
Oh sure. I haven't tried the hero mode yet though.
>Recycled assets
Breath of the wild reallt shits all over the other 3D games