What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
>Wrestling heel Pokemon
nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
why is this kitty so lewd
Pretty much. People only remember the "good old designs" if they were fuckable. Likewise you don't heard people bitching about the new designs if they are fuckable. The only reason a design is "bad" is because some furry can't find a hole to stick his penis in.
What are you talking about, lots of people bitch about Incineroar
Owl archer and seal mermaid are just cooler. It’s like gen 2 where blue gator and fire badger we’re amazing but leaf dinosaur was also a very good Pokemon.
everyone thought he was going to turn into some cool dark/rock fire pokemon but they somehow made a cat into a fighting type despite his first two forms looking nothing like his final evo. They decided to make him anthro last minute to pander to bara/furfags.
>cool house cat turns into cooler Tiger Mask
>best unique Z-move
>comp viable with HA
Nothing went wrong, OP.
>What went so wrong?
Making this stupid thread.
Fuck you, it's better than the rest of the garbage on Sup Forums.
Furries and barafags ruin everything.
Nothing, Incineroar is perfect.
What's wrong, feel insecure because nobody will love you as much?
No sweetie, it really isn't.
>draw a furry slut
>call him a pokemon
Mhm. Okay kid, do you have a reason why Incineroar triggers you that isn't stupid bullshit? I'd love to hear it.
go back to your 14 xenoblade titty threads
Degenerate furries.
I used litten on a whim, but incineroar turned out to be top tier bro.
It is a real shame he gets stigmatized, because gay furries latched onto him.
Disgusting Furfags should die.
>another bipedal fire starter that may as well be co typed Fighting
Fire Starters truly are the most boring when it comes to typing and design.
Feels good being a grassfag.
>Blaziken based on cockfights
>Infernape based on kung fu and Sun Wukong
>Emboar based on a soldier in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>Incineroar based on wrestling heels
Designs are more than just appearance, you have to consider influence and interpretation.
It's why I enjoy pretty much every design.
Oh I do. They're still the dullest of the trio.
I haven't seen that picture in a long-ass time, user.
Thanks for reminding me of better days.
Why is Sceptile Mega?
His design is fine with artist interpretation, but the official model and art is awful
I'm still waiting.
There where already reasons listed in the thread. Are you Fucking blind?
...What, rule 34? Is that your reason you're mad? Get over it fagmunch.
Its height started with '5.'
Honestly, not muscular enough.
Thats the second tallest fire starter. Second only to the king.
Its got the best looking Z-move of that gen's Starter Trio so I can't hate it.
Infernape is CUTE!
God, the 3ds models look fucking ugly.
Gen 4 had the best battle sprites
Why aren't the mods deleting this SHIT thread?
why aren't they deleting
monkey pokemons are so cute
the cutest
>1 good looking grass starter
>2 good looking fire starters
>3 good looking water starters
Mind blown
cute paw
You bet I am!
everything past gen 2 looks retarded
Slaking, Simisage and Passimian are also very cute
Passimian, Simisage and Infernape are my husbands. All three of them;
the problem with incineroar is it alienates littenfags. i'm not a littenfag and i like incineroar, but littenfags deserve a final form they like since they were the original fans of the line
We all agree torterra is a badass motherfucker right? Maybe my favorite starter
torterra's rad; in general I think gen iv had the best starters overall from a design perspective. good typings too, outside of the fire/fighting fiasco
Decidueye is better fuck off firefags
Every gen has an objectively best designed pokemon
Gen1 Charizard Fire
Gen 2 Feraligatr Water
Gen 3 Sceptile Grass
Gen 4 Infernape Fire
Gen 5 Serperior? Grass
Gen 6 Greninja Water
Gen 7 Decidueye Grass
Goddamn Gen 4 has the best starters overall or what? The penguin's design is genius
>Less focus on the brimstone design of his 1st stage
>Became bipedal to appeal to furries
>Not staying a cool, evil brimstone cat like he's trying to cheese the Binding of Isaac
Should've been fire/fighting so everyone would shit on it.
I'll rather get flooded with /vp/ shit then the shitposts this board gets. We need to restore Sup Forums to its former glory.
Wait is 5'11 supposed to be short? Im like 6ft exact and I dont feel short
Torterra looks really fucking cool as well, I also like that Gen 4 had the kinda double typing triangle going on With Torterra learning earthquake, infernape learning fighting moves, and the penquin learning ice beam.
He's another fucking bipedal fire starter
next fire starter will fucking float
edgy 12 year old detected
gen 4 is fucking underrated all around
Gamefreak's fucking fire/fighting fetish is the problem
Even when it's a fire/dark pokemon they design a fire/fighter
His pre-evolutions were better than his final stage.
I really don't understand why gamefreak pigeon-holes fire into the fighting type, do they love hot-blooded fighting-manga that much?
typhlosion isn't bipedal, he just stands up right for certain moves. He's just always depicted standing up right in vidya
I said objectively but my favorites are
Piplups final form
pretty much same so i guess im an edgy 12 year old although would a 12 year old even care about pokemon in this day n age???
Emboar is so cute.
Holy shit you really are underage as fuck. And yeah, they would.
>would a 12 year old even care about pokemon in this day n age???
haha am i right all 12 year old only play cawa dooty now xd
>best unique Z-move
>called "Malicious Moonsault"
>it's clearly just a body splash
what if Blaziken was fat
??? I just asked a question
>Infernape over Empoleon
>Serperior over Boarbeque
Shit taste
fuck is wrong with u? Grass starters are consistently baller (except maybe chesnaught)
Also, Samurott was a huge fucking mistake. Maybe the one starter that would have been better as bipedal
>Incineroar will never malicious moonsault ass first onto your dick
playing gens 1 and 3 were always harder to choose the starter since they were all good options
Torracat is a lot cuter, I always imagine carrying him letting all that weight go down like a toddler trying to carry a cat
I just realized johto starters were designed lazely
They literally JUST GET BIGGER!
Not without training at least.
>generic plant lizard better than badass kung fu bird
>generic red monkey better than pimpguin and walking ecosystem
>freak's fucking fire/fighting fetish
Pretty good accidental alliteration
That's probably also why Johto starters suck to play with
>What if we made a Charizard that can be hit by Earthquake?
Bipedal Samurott would've been fucking excellent. Or, at least, have it stand up when its ability activates
>Drops below 1/3rd health
>All of the sudden, Samurott stands the fuck up and pulls out its shell swords
That alone would've made it 7/10. And I say that as someone who always reluctantly chose Samurott's line in Gen 5 because the other 2 lines aren't worth using.
And Meganium is shit. Fuck you. Fuck Gen 2. Awful Pokemon. Gen 2 is the only generation where I box my starters.
Except for torterra, I actually think you're pretty spot-on.
Seriously why would you make a Pokemon line around samurais and then make the final evo a quadruped that can't use its shell swords?
Needs to be lower. I fucking hate how top and bottom heavy the silhouette is.
People are talking up all the furry stigma for incineroar, but I honestly haven't run into any such thing. To me, the threshold is when you start running into the porn without explicitly looking for it or soliciting it at all, cropped or otherwise.
Not to mention all 3 of them are worse than their Kanto counterparts, both in game and competitively.
>Let's make a slow, defensive support grass-type
>But not give it any means to defend itself, no resistance to fighting, bug, or poison, and make it take longer to evolve
>Let's make a fast, frail fire-type
>Except not give it immunity to Earthquake, half of the usable movepool, and not give it any distinguishing feature... at all
>Let's make a bulky, slow, hard-hitting water type
>Except make it a physical attacker in a gen where water is special, give it less bulk, and don't give it any useful non-water moves
Gen 2 blew. The only people who like it are people too cool to be genwunners but still revel in nostalgia.
agreed, Samurott should be bipedal when is on the offense but even if he is attacking, he is quadrupedal and rarely stand on two
dude just google Incineroar and you'll find shit ton of furry porn
start an incineroar thread and you'll have a shit tons of furries lusting over his dick
do you even use the internet
That was like half of the Gen 7 threads on Sup Forums for a while. Just furry/bara bait.
It being bara bait ontop of furbait is what made it particularly egregious. Not only were furfags yiffing it up, but so were homofags.
>furfags and "homofags"
>different things
For me, the thing that really irked me about delphox and chesnaught is that they both suddenly sprout these long, spidery, ill-proportioned limbs. Chespin was always last place for me, but I really thought fennekin was gonna be the one for me until the third stage reveal; all of a sudden, fennekin dropped off my radar and froakie shot up to the top of my all-time favorite starters. Delphox doesn't even look that bad in the promotional art, but when it comes to the actual model, it's horrendous, just like most of the 3d models. I know they got me to stop liking haxorus pretty damn fast.
>You now realize fire starters have always appealed to the husbando/waifufag demographic
I don't think even 1/10th of the yiffing over, say, Krystal or Buneary are by women.
Is it weird that I unironically want Gen 4 remakes?
And that they'd probably be the last Pokemon games I ever buy unless something drastically improves?
no one who care about Incineroar is a straight dude who want female incineroars.
It's all just barafags.