Which is superior, Sup Forums?

Which is superior, Sup Forums?

I think left is overall way cuter but right's hat is just the best.

In what category? Sexiness? Pleasing lolicons?

they are the same girl with different clothes.

Chicken chan is an abomination.

be honest Sup Forums, do you make your chicken-chan dress like a slut?

I can't let that sexy as fuck body go to a waste.

How come nobody cares about the male protagonist anymore?

>leaving them as default
Nah, awful trash.

did anyone care about them in the first place?

The ckicken

Sup Forums and /vp/ was in agreement that Chicken-chan was the sexiest loli last year and this year, too.

In gen 1 and 2, yeah.

a respectable answer

Why did they get rid of her hat, Sup Forums? I know you can buy it but I need it by default.

Not enough clothes to mix and match.

Why is Pokemon suddenly pandering to lolicons?


it's not sudden, and they know that otaku have money.

I'll never understand why the fanart for her makes her look half as young as her official artwork.
It's funny because fanart for every other girl did the exact opposite.

Maybe the fact that she's confirmed to be 11 in-game? Doesn't excuse the fact that they draw her as a 6 year old, though.

I don't really mind, it makes my dick hard.

you know sun and moon have plenty of other girls who aren't lolis right? why complain?

The non-loli characters aren't attractive. I'm not even a lolicon.

Regular chicken > Ultra chicken
