It's time to post your favorite fighting game character
It's time to post your favorite fighting game character
my husband
I can't pick just one, but here's one of my favorites.
Childhood favorite is M. Bison (still main him)
Adult favorite is Juri
Miss the giganigga design
armored nazi behemoth is much better to be honest
gigganiggas are a dime a dozen
loli potemkin is superior
My wife
I don't know what's worse between against corner Byakuya pressure or a Carmine's. At least the latter is killing himself trying to open me up I guess.
Would cum if he beat me up
It used to be Billy, but I've fallen in love with this guy's moveset and design ever since he was released. Here's hoping he doesn't get left behind in SF6.
There's something so satisfying about a tiny karate girl punching harder than a grown man.
Fucking loved this characters moveset and combos.
what this guy said here's one of mine BBXTB announcement when
Faust and Dudley
>first vidya crush
There's something horribly wrong with me.
Do any Skullgirlsfriends in this thread have any hope for Undivided actually being good?
>tfw you look like this guy
tfw the symbol on her hat looks like a man with smelly armpits
rash player here, youre disgusting
I've never been all that interested in the project in general. Would've been more interested to see something set in the Skullgirls universe, whether another fightan game or something else. A beat-em-up might've been neat.
Give her back, Capcom.
>"Because he's the only robot."
-Daigo Umehara, on why he picked Huitzil.
Dinosaurs are cooler.
You hating on my girl, son?
You wouldn't happen to have a youtube channel and were helping train a fledgling Bison up til recently, would you?