Why the fuck are lootboxes allowed in a singleplayer game? Just wasted 20 Common Cores, some with Boosters, not a single rare Blade.
Why the fuck are lootboxes allowed in a singleplayer game? Just wasted 20 Common Cores, some with Boosters...
the farther you get in the game, the higher your chance of rolling a rare. It's a really fucking stupid system and I hate it, but don't spread misinformation. It's a shitty randomized system, but the game isn't actively trying to stop you from getting them to make you pay. You can't even pay.
Technically, you can pay for the Expansion Pass, which gives a set of 5 Rare Core Crystals. But you are right, they don't offer that much of an advantage. You have as much chance of getting a Rare from a Common than using those piece of shit crystals.
So will it take forever to get one specific blade?(Say, Kos-Mos?)
by chapter 4 I had 3 rares for nia and rex each. youre equipping bunnit chokers right?
>Just wasted 20 Common Cores
oh dear child, you aren't even 1/1000th of the way into the suffering.
>random drops are now "lootboxes" to Sup Forums
Because you LITERALLY don't have to pay to get those lootboxes, you fucking retard. This might be the only time where gachashit is acceptable in single player, even if it's still stupid. You can get Cores from beating normal enemies, you don't have to pay for them, in fact, you can't.
>5 0, 0 0 0 FANS
ursela wasnt worth it desu
It's all chance.
No. Yes. Maybe.
It's RNG, even if (I think) your Luck stat on the character helps.
Only on Sup Forums can you find absolutely retarded fucks defending this
I remember having a team full of rare blades without having too much trouble
You're a dumbass.
It's a non-issue if you can't spend your money on it even if you wanted to.
Are certain blades rarer than others? What are the percentages on pulling a rare blade?
Nah its completely random.
Gets harder the more you pull, so no one knows.
Don't know but I've been having a lot of trouble trying to roll a specific blade I won't spoil and many others have said that this blade was the last one they got after 200+ hours of gameplay. So it's very possible that there are different rates for different blades even if it is unknown what those rates are.
How is this different from any other rpg where you farm an enemy and wait for him to drop an 0.5% rare item/weapon?
Its not though there are some annoying parts like not being able to multipull that make legitimate complaints.
This is just retards who havent played the game and parroting dumb shit they saw on Dunkeys video.
Like in what game? MMOs?
From my understanding, luck increases your chance of pulling a rare blade, while owning more rare blades decreases you chance of pulling another. This means you should have plenty of rare blades to go around by the time you're level 50-60, but all those legendary cores that start dropping around that time may as well be common cores when it comes to rare blades.
The gacha garbage alone is enough to stop me from ever playing this. No I don't care that you don't have to pay for it, it's just a shitty mechanic that showcases a lack of developer creativity.
Yeah. Upgraded my Affinity Charts with Luck nodes too. Seems like there's some kind of throttling happening in the background where if you haven't reached a certain Chapter or X amount of hours, you're not gonna get more until you get a bit further in the game.
I just got Morag and thought I'd get her a full team too, but hey it's not happening tonight I guess!
I beat the game only using the story blades. Rare blades are worthless.
common blades with orb mastery are better than any rare anyway, because of how broken chain attacks become
Who the fuck is Donkey and why should I care about what he has to say?
Rathalos ruby has a 2-5% drop rate.
You can only get one of each rare blade right?
>It's a non-issue
>countless threads about it almost every day
Here's your (You) you idiot
Suikoden 2 you pleb.
>common cores
>rare blades
you fucked up
This isn't a gacha game.
You character's soul resonates with each blade every time they open a core crystal.
It's a good system, if you don't worry about getting all the rares as soon as you think you can. People here are just genuinely a bit autistic and think they need to grind early and then have nothing to look forward to.
Rare's become harder to get the more you have, they become easier to get with a combination of better cores and a higher luck stat which you get by leveling.
Sorry for your poor luck OP.
As of 26 hours in, I have like 9 rare blades (one of them being KOS-MOS).
I don't want all the blades, just one specific one, which because of the gacha system you might as well want them all, about the same odds. The rare blades are a big selling point of the game, it's dumb to put them behind this shitty system, specially when some are tied to quests. So they were too lazy to make quests for all of them, and if the one you want doesn't have a quest you're shit out of luck and at the mercy of RNG
>they were too lazy
Considering how each rare blade has many unique combat lines and out of combat lines, I doubt that's the case.
It's more likely that they were rushed to develop the game to get it out before the year's end (which explains why they're patching the game alongside adding expansion content).
I'm sure it wasn't easy to get KOS-MOS into the game either.
The system is probably better if you don't know any of the rare blades to begin with. Like you, I also wanted one specific rare blade and I ended up getting them right before the final boss. I would imagine that if I didn't want that specific blade, I wouldn't have felt slightly disappointed with each rare blade I got throughout the game.
probably be even harder to get Xenogears characters also.
>playing shit games made by shit companies
You've only yourself to blame
Not entirely, if you delete rares you never use then you increase the drop rate again. You can still get those rares again but it's a method for farming for what you want.
Your issue with the system is that you went in having looked up what you could get and upset that RNG didn't give it to you when if you had went in blind you would have been presently surprised.
Not saying your way of doing things is wrong but it's silly of you to say it's bad when they would compromise the fun of a players doing blind playthroughs and getting different blades.
>the farther you get in the game, the higher your chance of rolling a rare
>if you delete rares you never use then you increase the drop rate again.
Are those confirmed by the developers or just your placebo?
The latter one never make sense to me.
>lets release the rare back to drop pool so you can roll the same blade again
how is it lootboxes when you get them within the game through normal play
do you think shit like pokemon appearance rates are lootboxes too
Would it be worth putting Finch on Morag? I haven’t used an overdrive yet, would this be worth one?
Currently I’ve got:
Tora - Poppi
Nia - Dromarch, Vess, Ursula
Rex - Py/Mythra, Perun, Sheba
Extras, I’ve got Wulfric and Roc on Rex; Finch, Electra, Dagas, some rare ice tank, and some rare water attacker guy.
Save your overdrive for if you roll one of the like, two evasion tanks in the pool on anyone but Morag.
Yes it's worth it.