What games should I buy next to add to my collection?

What games should I buy next to add to my collection?

You've pretty much all worthwile games on ps4 congrats.

What do you think of Fallout 4?

Fallout 4 is utter garbage


Resident Evil Origins
Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, 7

gt sport

Uncharted 4 (highly recommended as someone who hates cinematic games)
Maybe TLoU, I dunno.

gravity rush 2

The kingdom Hearts HD collection and the darksiders 1 and 2 remasters






The last of us

Far cry

If you don't have a PC EDF 4.1

Not OP, but I want to start buying physical games for PS4 rather than digital for PC

>tfw feel like I have to prefer PC

Final Fantasy XII

Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush, Neptunia VII

> Buys a whole console
>11 games total and asking for recommendations

theyre doing 2 for 55 in the store.

Story and dialogue system and quest design is garbage

Exploration, gunplay, crafting weapons and armour, settlement building and farming were all top tier fun. That's just my opinion anyway, others will disagree

>That's just my opinion anyway, others will disagree

the silver case

Is the GotY or Complete edition of Bloodborne EU only?

injustice 2

Well I need to point that out on Sup Forums cause people will go ballistic if you mildly disagree with them on a game they really hate/really like

If you use a PS4 as a port station (like I do), then The Witcher 3: Complete Edition.

Question. There are so many Yakuza games. what are the highest rated ones released on PS4?


It's literally Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 2 and that's it. Yakuza Kiwami is a pretty decent remake of Yakuza 1, but Yakuza 1 kind of sucked.

not OP but my options are
>Far Cry Primal
>Ass Creed Syndicate
choose 2 for me

Are these games that you currently own? Prey then Far Cry Primal. I'd skip Syndicate entirely and pick up Origins or The Ezio Collection.

>pick up Origins or The Ezio Collection.
shame theyre not imcluded in the 2 for $55 deal thing in the PS4 store (New Zealand).
and no i dont own them.

damn son, why you gotta do that?

I don’t think about garbage

>skip Syndicate entirely
>the best AC game since Black Flag
>recommends fucking Origins
