be honest,
>your playing you're favorite video game of all time
>Suddenly, you feel the need for some gamerfuel to go with your Johnny Walker Blue Label liquor
would you rather have...
>a tiny white chocolate bar that wont even satisfy you
>a Nice Big and Filling Dark Chocolate Bar
Be honest
Do they even make snickers that big? How do I order one?
Chocolate is for pansies
>Would you rather exercise healthy restraint or morbidly overindulge?
>"Just open it for the wrapper already"
>picks the dark chocolate bar
>"You didn't need one that big...."
>I don't even like chocolate
Who here only snacks on peanut butter and apples? Pretty much the best snack ever.
id rather have a titty streamer to ravage that would get my energy levels back up
god damn snickers is disgusting
.t tiny white chocolate boy
This, I fucking love snickers and I want a huge one like that
Whoa that's a big dark chocolate bar.
>10 years old and already has reddit hair
This world is sickening
/gif/ is leaking it seems.
>tfw have a jar of peanut butter right next to my monitor
its sweet
>peanut butter
Regular consumption of peanut butter is a factor in kidney stones. Y’all are fucked.
I don't like this image.
>/gif/ is leaking it seems.
This. Why the fuck is that fucking board so obsessed with big Snickers?
I'm so fucked good god
>consuming peanut butter as a snack
I bet your landwhale ass thinks those sugar-loaded apples somehow makes that healthy too.
How often is 'regular'? I've had peanut butter on toast about 2 days a week for the past 2 months. Is that gonna fuck me up? I haven't even had peanutbutter for a fucking decade before this.
Snickers>Kit kats> all other candy
>implying black people can get kidney stones
>he doesn't have a big white chocolate bar tipped with delicious berry flavoured crunch on one end
enjoy your pure chocolate, chococucks
If derailing wasn't against the rules on /gif/ it wouldn't be. Spiderman posters from Sup Forums would download a bunch of those weird audio distortion memes from youtube and derail all Snickers threads.
Snickersposters are legit worse than pedo/trap posters tho. At least pedo/trap posters stay in their own fucking threads. Snickersposters have to shit up everything in that goddamn board.
the big ones are called slice n share and usually sold during the holidays for sticking stuffers, so right now you should be able to find them pretty easily.
7-Eleven has meme candies like that. I saw a yard long twix at my local one. It's not cheap though, you're just better off looking for discount stalls at your supermarkets.
Almonds and carrots. Not together, obviously.
Why not? Any sort of nut with carrots is pretty decent.
Seriously though how can white chocolate even compete?
/gif/ is filled to the brim with people that like snickers
they post snickers everywhere constantly, even when and especially when explicitly told not to post snickers
it's quite confusing how such an obviously small group of people could like and post snickers so much all day
white "chocolate" isn't even chocolate, its literally the fatty sludge left over from the process of making nibs and 'liquor.' its combined with milk and sugar to make it taste appealing because there no flavor to speak of in it since the actual chocolate has the flavor and compounds. you may as well be eating cake frosting or fondant.
okay you're pulling my leg lmao
They're like pony posters or pokeposters.
They need their own fucking board so they can be reported for shitting up everyones threads.
>white "chocolate" isn't even chocolate
most forms of chocolate aren't a much chocolate as you believe them to be, only the darkest of chocolates are actually chocolate
>They need their own fucking board
No. Just no. Just bans.
be honest,
>your playing you're favorite video game of all time
>Suddenly, you feel the need for anal sex to go with your raging homosexuality
would you rather have...
>an oversized nigger ape dick riddled with aids that will give you anal fissures
>a cute clean white penis
well this argument kind of sucks because regular chocolate also has milk and sugar added to make it taste appealing because its fucking gross by itself. Have you ever had unsweetened baking chocolate before?
>Whites are fake
>Blacks are real
A big and filling white chocolate bar
I pick a silicone sculpture
She looks 16 at least
pure chocolate isn't even chocolate in the way you comprehend chocolate
lololol le blacked xd
>Eating chocolate
>Eating large amounts of chocolate
>Eating large amounts of chocolate while sitting around all day playing video games
Fuck off you fat fuck. I'd rather just eat healthily and not die of a heart attack or diabetic shock at the age of 40.
Fucking stupid "gamer fuel=disgustingly unhealthy garbage" meme can fuck off too.
How can white chocolate kitkats compete?
>not wanting a /snk/ board
>le everyone on Sup Forums is a health and fitness guru meme!
kys fat faggot
relax you fucking sperglord fagtron. its a nigger dick meme thread. not even about gamefuel
>Have you ever had unsweetened baking chocolate before?
you dont eat that shit straight up, it goes into baked goods so it combines with the flavor of cakes and baked goods. the real good at least 80% chocolate is marvelous, especially if it hasn't been dutched with alkali.
I don't snack. I drink water and wait until it's time for a meal because I'm not a fat shit.
Any tips for an user whos allergic to nuts
Don't eat nuts
I hate this picture so much
looks exactly like this annoying faggot I went to school with. Its giving the exact same look he'd give after saying some dumb shit
Eating chocolate with liquor what fuck is wrong with you is this a soyfag thing? Everyone knows that you only eat meats or cheeses with that you pleb.
That's not very nice. I'm 140lbs. You probably weigh more than I do.
Then what am I asposed to eat?
Anything but nuts
>snickers now shills on Sup Forums
all nuts?? remember peanuts are legumes and are a separate allergy. if you allergic to tree nuts you're pretty much fucked so i hope you really like fruit.
i would probably get a twix, or a rice crispies chocolate
why do you type like a nigger
>Numale eats cheese
don't eat nuts
dried apples and dried berries
buy as semi-fresh and dry yourself
Cheese is made of milk you know that thing you Niggers can't drink.
Get out of here Tim
Milk Chocolate, you faggot.
i don't need to be /f/it guru to know that's very unhealthy, you fat of shit.
>Not drinking chocolate wine
But user, online we are ALL niggers
Eat a whole tub of smooth peanut butter. As long as it's not crunchy it doesn't have any actual nut pieces in it and shouldn't trigger your allergies.
I've never seen a leftist eat cheese
You don't see anyone period because you're a fucking shut-in who posts in snack threads on a taiwanese tea-leaf reading forum.
Hipsters eat cheese all the time and there's a lot of overflow between the two groups.
I can't drink and play games, I get too tired.
Most hipsters are vegan user.
Dark chocolate is disgusting.
I prefer yellow chocolate if you catch my drift.
"yellow" chocolate is mostly just white chocolate with flatter, slanted bars though
Chocolate oranges are the best.
>ruining blue label with chocolate
This premise is flawed, op
I snack on home made corn chips, but I oversalted the ones I have now
I happened to be drinking a glass of blue when I saw this. Also fingering my black wife, mfw
>getting girlcum on your keyboard
why did I think this was blacked shit?
>can afford blue label
>wasting it by eating chocolate with it
the fuck is wrong with you?
I get a fucking apple because I'm already sitting on my ass all day playing video games. The least I can do is keep the caloric intact to a minimum.
>slice n share
lol who are they kidding
>ITT: people virtue signaling about eating healthy; completely ignoring the fact that drinking whiskey is part of the premise
Somehow it doesn't feel like a waste when you could go buy more whenever you want to and not be that bothered by the price tag.
I could buy a bottle of Blue Label every single day and still be well within my budget. Smart saving and investment tends to pay off you know.
Drinking whisky doesn't make you fat, people here tend to be more concerned about the external visual demonstration of poor health, rather than the more invisible stuff like a destroyed liver, kidneys and intestinal tract.
In the hive mind of Sup Forums, being fat is literally the worst thing that anyone can ever be.
It's funny because it looks like a black cock haha
>dying from eating a big snickers bar
Only a fatty would think of that.
Man with that kind of anger over literally nothing you might die of hypertension by then anyways.
Vanilla Bean is the best ice cream flavor. Prove me wrong.