I just got a PS4, first console since PS2. Are any of these games good? Which ones should I drop?

I just got a PS4, first console since PS2. Are any of these games good? Which ones should I drop?

idort here

TLoU is worth playing, the rest is iffy at best

If that's in you cart already, I have nothing else to recommend you.

Those are all fun ignore the guy above.

Get persona 5 and gta 5

Buy TLOU, skip the rest. Buy Bloodborne, Persona 5 and Yakuza 0. Those three are the only games you need.

Would HIGHLY recommend Yakuza 0 as well.

TLOU, Bloodborne, Persona 5, Yakuza, FF12:TZA, Crash N-Sane Trilogy
all you need

Want to have sex?

Having played all of those, your best picks were Last of Us, Final Fantasy XV and Until Dawn. All of them are worth playing and owning though.

drop them all aside from TLOU and get BB, Persona 5, ratchet and clank, yakuza 0 and gravity rush 2

Some of those are way cheaper at gamestop

You can probably get all of those cheaper second hand. I know I got Shadow Fall for $5

TLOU and Until Dawn are worth playing
Infamous Second Son is an extremely mediocre game at best, I wouldn't buy it
Dunno about the other ones

Get Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 instead

Infamous and kill zone is trash get something else

Keep TLOU and drop Killzone, Infamous, and Final Fantasy. Replace it with Yakuza 0, Persona 5 and Bloodborne

SS is fun. First Light is much much better though.
Haven't played SF but KZ2 was godly. I doubt it's as good though.
Until Dawn is actually really fun.
TLOU is all around great. GOAT mp.
FFXV is pure ass. Has some nice moments but in general it's just fucking awful.

when you play until dawn get some buddies together while you play. i just recently played it with a group of 3 friends and had a crazy fun time.

>having friends

Last Of Us remastered.
Life Is.Strange.
Uncharted collection and Uncharted 4.
With her 3 Wild Hunt.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided.
Until Dawn.
Mafia III.
Infamous Second Son.

It is the best Resident Evil game in years, and it is tons of fun passing the controller back and forth between chapters with everyone trying to influence the choices. It's a good time. I really enjoyed The Last of Us on PS3, and enjoy it even more on the PS4. I haven't played Shadowfall, but I really don't care for FPS games in general so I wouldn't be the one to ask, and I've been curious about Final Fantasy XV. If you are up for suggestions, I'd like to add Uncharted A Thief's End, also the Nathan Drake collection if you haven't already played them. Have fun user!