>character hyped for years
Character hyped for years
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he looks like slojak
Is that the actor who played the pale man?
is that a pussy in his throat
He was literally a no name worthless backseat faggot in the first film. Everyone fucking created bullshit around him.
Literally who
Literally who cares
>Character can fly out of nowhere all of a sudden, because the plot needed it
Imhotep from the mummy?
some shitty character offhandedly mentioned once or twice in ret-conned sources
>Not having force powers
He had so much potential. My favourite scene is the last jedi was when he scolds kylo ren and tells him to take his stupid helmet off. Then he just dies and that's it.
The force progressively gets more and more fucking bullshit every movie and my friend refuses to admit it.
What the fuck is that thing, who has been hyping it, and why?
it had been established she studied the force in extended universe SW lore years ago.
shes just using it to propel herself through weightless space.
Not video games
Not politics
What is it about Star Wars that makes you omega nu male autism virgins shitpost “spoilers” on every forum? You need to be gassed, jew. You need to be gassed. You belong in a fucking oven, kike. Israel isn’t the jewish state. Auschwitz is the jewish state. The holocaust never happened, jew, but we will make it happen
His neck makes me uncomfortable.
how can it be bullshit? it's magic
this isn't Sup Forums, hunny. bye.
---> Sup Forums
i think it looks stupid but like why cant they fly exactly they can make other shit float right.
Makes sense to me desu
i dont care about any lore justifications for the powers, i just think it looks silly
The movie was great
The only negatives are that plot points set by TFA is thrown out the window
Original Star Wars fans will never be happy so let them complain
I'm not that much of a Star Wars fan, just went and saw the movie with a buddy, I legitimately forgot this character existed from the last movie to this one. Like he went "yadda yadda wonder what they'll do with snoke" and I honestly could not recall who that was and even when he went "the alien looking super evil guy" I still only had a faint imagine in my head at best
>the plot needed it
What are you talking about, they had her end up floating in space explicitly to show off she could pull that jedi shit, it was not particularly needed at all
Lol starwars!
I'm a normie and eaten all stars up but some of the shit in this movie was stupid.
Exactly. I know she's a Skywalker, but it just looks ludicrous.
What the fuck are they even going to do in the thrid movie sit around and talk about how much they hate Trump for 3 hours???
this. it's really fucking dumb, but anyone saying that it makes no sense or comes out of nowhere are dumb too. its the exact type of stupid shit that would happen in one of the shitty books from the 90s.
>There are people out there who thought Rey’s parents plot was going anywhere
People with imaginative bullshit expectations were the ones who were BTFO by this movie
Kike kike jew jew kike kike jew jew
Oven oven
Gas gas
not canon
neither are niggers in star wars. fuck off
except none of that is canon
You mean your mom.
>It’s been stated multiple times that a Sith Lord will eventually be killed by their apprentice, it is their destiny
>People actually got surprised
You guys don’t know shit about star wars
>Jar Jar Abrams will come back to direct episode 9
>EA will retain the star wars license
So is he plagueis or what
So glad I saw the movie yesterday before any of you morons spoiled it for me.
I think the issue is that people expected Darth Fuckface there to DO something relevant before his death.
and yet there she is, using her force abilities in the canon film.
I think people were more surprised by Snoke dying so quickly and abruptly rather than just the fact that he died.
Jesus this is fucking retarded. Most fanfics written by 10 year olds make more sense.
>plebs don't understand yet the 7th best film in the franchise
The worst part of this is how she's going to be replaced by a CGI doppleganger in all the movies going forward because the ghouls that work for the Mouse can't let Carrie have her rest.
>fucking space flight
That's not "some force powers", that's shit that even Yoda can't do.
Leia is a force sensitive, but she's supposed to be completely untrained. She's not a Jedi master, not even a Jedi beginner. The best power she should have is vague premonitions of bad things or some shit. Not fucking space flight.
>Carrie Fisher dead
>Harrison Ford alive
>Kill off Han Solo, keep Leia
Who fucking knows.
This it looks stupid. I don't care she has the force or studied in it, that makes sense. But it looks ridiculous, good for a laugh at least.
I don't think they planned for Carrie Fisher to fucking die mid-trilogy, smartass.
Let's be fair, countering with Next Gen which had its own brand of bullshit like fucking Armus really isn't the best move.
>the door opens to let her in
>explosive decompression causes hundreds of people to die
Good thing The Jedi are almost all dead or they'd be pretty miffed
She looks like a zombie on life control even in the other movie, come the fuck on
t. guy who liked Star Wars before 2015
Your opinion is harmful. You're just a Russian bot.
I laugh with you but then I realized how fucked Trek has been for over a decade now.
Well they probably should have, all 3 of the main cast are ancient by now.
To be fair it wasn't age that killed Carrie.
Leia is Vader's kid, the literal chosen one. Of course she has force powers. Yeah they probably should have set it up more, or actually killed leia since her actress is dead now anyway but if this pisses you off I don't know how you made it through the last film when Luke's kid discovers and out-forces bitch solo whose been practicing force for years.
Imagine being one of those people that poured hundreds of hours into theorizing who he could possibly be.
It didn't help
I don't know, most crack whores die around that age
They could have just had cameos and stayed away from the new trilogy. If you watched TFA the last conversation Han Solo and Leia had was a pointless argument on why they broke it off. It throws away their character building from 4, 5 and 6. All Disney had to do was go, ">Hey I'm Han Solo, and I'm Leia, and we're passing the baton to you, Finn and Rey, goodbye and leave us to our retirement; Say hi to Luke for us".
To be fair, Ford probably told them to fuck off unless he got to die finally.
Isn't this like REALLY tasteless besides being moronic? Showing a dead Carrie Fisher come back to life and Mary Poppins her way through space?
>she's the daughter of ANAKIN FUCKING SKYWALKER
Ah yes, I too remember the scene where Anakin flew through fucking space like Superman.
>parents took their kids to see this movie
I can't wait for the flood of lawsuits against Disney next week with all the mommies enraged 8 year old Timmy got to see very human-like breasts in a Star Wars movie.
If they keep doing crack. I don't think it was known that Carrie had relapsed, was it?
He did, actually. He's got this weird relationship with Star Wars where he's great friends with most involved, but is a bit bitter it's his best known role.
It happened in the canon animated series.
What ever happened to his ship in A New Hope?
Considering she was a fucking cokefiend, they probably should have.
I was waiting for his torso to levitate back onto his legs and he just Dark Sides himself back together. With that face he's obviously survived serious shit, I'm not convinced he won't show up in XI.
Glad we found out where blue milk comes from.
>implying that's the problem with the scene
Nobody has a problem with Leia showing off force powers. It's just that she did so in the most retarded way possible.
She could've just as easily sensed the attack, and created a Force shield, or stopped the blasts mid-flight (like Kylo did in VII). But nope, lets have her SURVIVE AND FLY THROUGH SPACE LIKE SPACE JESUS.
>very human-like breasts
user explain
Where do they get the atmosphere and heat from?
You know, things they need to live for more than three seconds in deep space
They look closer to a woman's than a cow's do, are you blind?
Do you actually believe this is going to happen you delusional neet
He was always meant to be emperor 2.0
This. Flying through space is some of the more minor shit Star Wars has done.
Not canon.
>people complaining about her flying through space
>not the fact that not a single sentient being can stand in outer space for more than 10 seconds
Location location location
Star Wars fans in a nutshell
they said that they won't use CG. She's going to be written out somehow
What did he mean by this?
What the fuck happened to the Knights of Ren? I was hyped for those guys but we got imperial guard 2.0 instead
Okay, fine. I'd consider flying through space to be a hell of a lot easier than achieving CHIM.
really makes me appreciate the prequel trilogy now
The face of a man who just realizes he's flushed his entire career down the toilet. Classic.
You're all stupid. It was kylo sending her back with the force.
Realization his character got butchered in the theatrical cut.
holy shit what the fuck is going on in that webm