What do you use to play fighting games?
What do you use to play fighting games?
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stick and mech keyboard
my hands
steam controller but I'm a newbie badplayer
I got blazblue on steam because a friend from another state likes the game a lot but it turned out the netcode sucked and we had a full second of lag and could never play against each other
And that's about the entirety of my fighting game experience
Muh dick
z - weak punch
x - strong punch
s - weak kick
a - strong kick
q - fierce punch (if applicable)
w - fierce kick (if applicable)
q - strong punch + strong kick (if applicable)
w - weak kick + strong punch (if applicable)
Nothing because I can't into fighting.
A fightpad. Been looking into getting a stick though
keyboard and just mash on it
stick nigga
no one plays fighting games lmao what is this 1991
that stick looks awyfully close to the buttons
is it comfortable for you?
it's comfortable, the picture makes it look closer than it appears. i've never had a problem
Only the best.
Mayflash F300. Its shit but it gets the job done. Switching from a controller to a stick really has helped me improve. Plan on upgrading after Christmas. Looking at Qanba sticks.
dpad for manlets though
Thought control
>using the dpad
ugh sad
Umm, no sweetie.
Razer panthera, i always thought that i wouldnt be able to play on a stick, turns out it's very easy if your stick is not shit and thank god it comes with a top bat instead of that super awkward balltop.
just bought one of these, liking it more than my old ps3 stick. upgrading the joystick with a sanwa stick coming in soon, gonna be sick
Xbox one elite controller.
I have some problems with knockback on the stick, so I have to set the sensitivity to delay.
my first stick i ever owned. bought that in July but got the red version. playing injustice 2 with it right now. love it
Hitbox, it's nice.
step aside, poorfags
xbox controller
X 3 punches
Y 3 punches
RB 3 punches
A 3 kicks
B 3 kicks
RT 3 kicks
Is that Mayflash F500? or Venom?
I made my own hitbox. Also have a couple sticks just in case I want to play a character with a 360 or 720 input.
Is it art moddable right out of the box?
i use an obsidian and it is so freaking nice. like legit such a sweet stick. i did have to switch to default gate on it though
>all black
lol why?
could those buttons be any fucking closer to that joystick? holy shit what trash
Blazblue and Guilty Gear: stick, specifically the Qanba Crystal
UNIST: Stick or a Saturn pad with a Raphnet USB adapter, since it's oddly the only PS4 game that supports it as a legacy controller
Tekken: DS4
Gundam Versus: Stick or DS4, either or
For anyone else that owns the Crystal, can artwork be modded in?
I have one of these, it's pretty gr8.
I don't really play fighting games anymore though.
modded old HRAP-EX stick with an ls32 and sanwa buttons
I'm still a shitter and haven't played any fightan vidya for quite a while.
With Steam's PS4 controller compatibility update is it safe to assume that fightsticks for PS4 are compatible with all fightan games on PC?
wasd for movement
y- light punch
8-medium punch
9-heavy punch
0-medium kick
space - light kick
t - heavy kick
i play on stick
is there a such thing as a clicky mechanical fight stick?
dont own the crystal but its just another q2, you should be able to remove the plexi from either screws underneath or on top, then if the artwork isnt on the plexi you can slap whatever underneath it, otherwise gonna have to get some new plexi
most qanba sticks are easily modible
thats not yours
why wouldnt it be my stick
I really want to like fighting games but I end up just smashing buttons and I get frustrated because I don’t know what’s happening. :( How do I get into fighting games, Sup Forums?
Waiting for my new FE to come in.
practice, find locals, find friends
If you're not a natural you'll have to invest long fucking time into them.
Do you play vidya for fun or for being a tryhard cum drinker?
Do tutorials, look up videos, practice a lot.
good taste in waifu, user
step it up nigga
invest lots of time and effort
it helps if you know people to play with
Who /built their own/ here?
aside from the default frame of the carbon everything is custom on my stick, board, buttons, joystick, art
>having a slut daki
I bet you don't even feed her well.
Keyboard. Might get a hitbox because keyboard is annoying sometimes.
that's literally cheating, user
the only thing neko deserves is absolute happiness and love
Hitboxes aren't cheating, bro.
Why go that far and not cut a hole in your mouth to actually put the food in?
I mean her mouth.
afterglow 360 controller with a brook converter. I don't mind playing on stick at the arcade, but I find it easier to mash 360's on a stick.
I made mine out of wood. Got a prefab board and just assembled it. Smells like sawdust when I open it and I love it so much.right now is saving up for plexiglass since my layout is nonstandard.
*on a pad
Why are they tournament legal then?
That looks pretty sweet. I don't have 300 bucks to drop on a stick though. also
>no custom art
>stick and buttons that close when you have it further apart
they're banned because they make wave dashing too easy
I play on a ps4 controller and i feel like my directional inputs are sloppy. Do you guys think switching to a stick would help?
literally not banned
That's the most nonsensical layout I have ever seen.
Why don't you just use this?
do whatever the fuck you want it wont make you better
I play on a keyboard for now, but eventually when I get decent enough to want to go to tournaments and shit I'm going to make myself a hitbox.
The plan at the moment is buy some wood from a luthier I know and see if I can get the top to look like a Martin D-18 sunburst
Probably not going to happen for at least 6 months though, maybe a year. I don't have a lot of time at the moment.
Where do you guys custom your sticks ?
Got the black hori rap4 but its looks boring
they might be banned, but I will never ban you from my heart, user
>signed, your waifu
Nigga, you dumb?
The are all mechanical (tactile switches) and by virtue of that they are clicky.
I want to start to play fighting games.
What games should I get myself into guys?
i got most of my shit from focus attack, including art
Literally what ever you think looks fun.
As with any other game, you shouldn't let other people tell what game to play because "those other games are shit" or whatever.
Just don't buy more than 2 because it takes time to learn them.
It depends what you like because there are a lot of choices.
But choose a competitive game, because those are the deepest. Which means, basically, choose your game from this list:
Melee and Sm4sh it is.
What's the art?
Looks nice, colored rims with clear arted plungers is my favorite aesthetic
tek-innovations sells plexis and cheap custom art prints for pretty much every stick
by woofycakes
What is it of, I mean
It kind of looks like blue revolver art but I don't really remember the character designs
hey arczer
i love 3rd strike best fighting game
They were banned because they allowed you to make two different movement inputs at the same time. Hitboxes and most games themselves now automatically ignore that.
Its realy cheap... how is the quality?
What do you eventually want to play? Street Fighter, just get SFV.
Anime games, probably Guilty Gear, but if you don't mind having to beg for matches in a discord Uniel(st is the newest version, jap psn only) or Melty Blood(steam version netcode is shit, just download cccaster) are a lot easier to pick up and fuck around in.
Skullgirls has a good tutorial for introducing mechanics you might not understand and plays pretty smooth so you can do stuff easier than a lot of other fighters, but has a bunch of weird complex mechanics and tons of crazy shit going on with assists and everyone still playing the game will touch you once and then reset you to death.
I don't know anything about marvel or NRS games, probably just get whatever the latest version is.
You can do that on a keyboard though
You can do it on pretty much anything but a stick if the game doesn't prevent it. On pad just hold left on the analog stick and right on the d-pad and if they didn't sanitize inputs or whatever the term is for controllers you block in both directions at once and can't get crossed up.
But that's a problem with the game more than the controller and doesn't happen in modern games really.
I'm stuck with mech keyboard, getting a new stick soon. I'm used to stick, I can't play with pad unless it's something like pokken, even then the dpad sometimes throws me off