Does she feel like a believable three-dimensional character or just a checklist of strong independant woman traits?
Does she feel like a believable three-dimensional character or just a checklist of strong independant woman traits?
She definitely feels forced
Absolutely hideous
Sexism and jealousy will be rampant in this thread.
She is easily the most well written female protag in over a decade.
Not really. She feels believable to a point, especially when the Nora are the only ones that treat her as a messiah.
Elisabet Sobeck was the real Mary Sue. Though I'm sure they were intentionally going for that Jesus Christ/savior thing with her. Only the player knows how broken Aloy is compared to literally anyone else in the fucking game, few are the ones that recognize her insane hunting skills.
she looks like this to me
shes not attractive so this game is feminist shit lolol
Forced and she looks like a female Jimmy Hopkins.
Everything about her personality is just bland.
>Sobek is a mary sue
>Tony Stark isn't
Sexism. Wew
You're probably gay?
She's really good at hunting, but pretty terrible at everything else, especially being social in any real way. Makes sense for her upbringing, but that's hardly a "strong independent woman".
Kojima and Sakura like her and her game that's that
She's literally a Mary Sue Robot.
Aloy is a massive hindrance on the game and it makes me desperately want a Horizon One Dawn with a new protagonist.
Shes alright.
As someone who has beaten the game twice, and she is literally just a mishmash of stronk independent woman traits and other forced SJW shit. She supports gay rights even though there is no logical reason for it
They both do, and they do so on purpose because I don't think writers can be so fucking oblivious. Whether it works or not I can't say, but I can say that I can stomach Aloy much more than Downey Jr.'s Stark. Also, drop the whole sjw act, the game isn't even like that.
Yes, kind of. Aloy has the face of a chubby little boy. Her waist is godly, though.
if you like women who look like little boys, then youre probably gay and a pedo
>Aloy has the face of a chubby little boy
Her abs are fucking spectacular
at the very beginning of the damn game everyone shuns her just because, that right there makes her not Mary Sue, and even towards the end of the game, 2 of the 3 elders still dont like her/trust her
Why is she so fucking ugly?
because you are a fag
I'd rather fuck this desu
If she wore a paper bag over her head I'd fuck her.
anyone got the screen shot that looks like a cosplayer?
keep link out of this
what a strange coincidence, because if you wore a paper bag over your head, id also fuck you
I want to FUCK link's Boipucci user
I think she's cute. I don't own a PS4 though, and I can't bring myself to buy one just for H:ZD, TLoU, Uncharted and Bloodborne.
link isn't for that
there is also:
Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
Ratchet and Clank
Gravity Rush
Gravity Rush 2
None of them really capture my interest as much except for Gravity Rush. I guess there's that Yakuza game though too.
Yeah, but your mom is though.
>Elisabet Sobeck was the real Mary Sue.
>the most evil person in game
pretty much this
thank you reddit!
that fucking manjaw though
they here, this is Sup Forums, thank you Sup Forums
How juvenile of you.
>Be at the cinema
>Some normie brags about his 4k tv
>Says his PS4 games look amazing on his tv
>His friend asks him what games he plays
>Friend laughs
>Oh...but i have another game, i haven't played it much, it's about a girl that's an indian
This is the kind of people who bought HZD.
Monster Hunter World
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last Of Us Part II
Kingdom Hearts 3
Ni No Kuni 2
New From game
Soul Calibur
And yes I'm intentionally naming shit that isn't out yet. Don't forget all the dirt cheap multiplats that have been around forever. Lots to play.
u mad bro?
Name one better written female. Naughty Dog doesn't count.
I'll wait.
Go read a fucking book nigger. This is a board for video games.
2B or A2 from Nier: Automata.
captcha: easy road
To be fair to that dude, he did say in a decade.
Any 1980s princess trapped in a castle is better written than this try hard shit
Whether you're samefagging or white knighting, you should be ashamed of yourself
please stop posting this chimp. I can handle todd but this shit is just unbelievably ugly. its a blight on the eyes, makes me not want to use the catalog anymore
Back to Sup Forums!
She looks like a little boy. They deliberately fucked up the models face. The chick she was based on looked hot as fuck.
Naughty dog? You mean how tess kills a crew of males, she has bruises so it was a close encounter by herself? Tess is also a twiglet that can lift a man twice her size in famine?
Don't get me started on Ellie, naughty dog couldn't write a proper female character if it could save their life's, even Joel's character arc in the last of us was an accident because Ellie was the true focus, and he was infinitely more interesting.
>m-muh Sup Forums please stop posting things I don't like ;_;
after you
Like clockwork, Sup Forumstards here to shit up a perfectly good thread
If she had this face she'd be 10/10
Thanks user. I think I might go snatch up a PS4 and a few of the earlier recommendations. Unrelated, but this shall be the last (You) I give. Been on Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) since 2007, and I'm not sure if it's me who changed or this place, but I feel like the amount of anons of your caliber has sharply declined and there is just way too much rampant shitposting. Every general is like 50% noise, it sure as hell wasn't always that way. Good hunting out there stalker.
saying a character is objectively ugly is Sup Forums?
Sincerely, kill your self you fucking retard.
Not with that jaw.
It's the same shit every thread. Someone posts something that triggers faggots or makes them upset, they complain about Sup Forums, Sup Forums cross-boarders retaliate, rinse repeat.
Stop being such a dumb whiney faggot.
>strong independent woman
This has been a complaint for many years, probably since forever, but I never quite understood WHY it's a complaint. Can someone explain please?
Go back to the_donald and hug it out with your racists
Spill it out. I don't care if you're memeing or not, I am legitimately curious as to how you concluded that.
>Nintendo will never stop being mad at this game
>ninten year olds triggered by Horizon: Zero Dawn
Zelda nerds go home
Why would they be mad in the first place? It's not that good a game.
see that shit there in lower left? its easier on the eyes than the one on upper-right.
I implore you to stop your crimes against the eyeballs of the residents of Sup Forums.
It gets derided because they aren't written properly.
>Sup Forums cross-boarders retaliate
I'm not sure they'd be considered cross-boarders when Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always shared the same userbase. Only cmplete newfags/redditors hate on Sup Forums
it's a tired, old trope used to virtue signal more than anything. any game that relies on it invariably falls flat, because devs are more focused on making a statement than a proper fucking video game.
Because the same ones spouting that nonsense are the ones who write off Samus/Bayo/Tifa/etc as fighting fucktoys. They then act like Aloy is so special when gaming has been putting out good heroines for years.
It's just a marketing ploy, nothing more.
Not really though? Horizon just isn't that good a game. The game looks pretty, sure. But the voice acting is absolutely atrocious so it's hard to like the main character because of it. The gameplay is fun sometimes but isn't really anything new, other games do it better. The story is good at times but overall is really predictable.
too ugly
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always shared the same userbase
Why are you lying?
Stay upset friendo.
why is she so goddamn ugly its hard to even watch the damn game holy shit
>this is what the average Horizon fan actually believes
>meanwhile, nintendo hasnt even acknowledged the existence of the game
literally pic
"strong independent" female video game protags always feel super stiff and unrealistic to me because they don't make them act like a strong woman with the lived experience of being a woman-- they write her like a man acting like what a strong woman is like, and parroting what they think makes up a strong woman.
>not enough that Zelda completely raped Horizon: Zero Awards
>Horizon-shitters can't even make their own memes and resort to copying BotW's
>Sup Forums users don't frequent other boards on Sup Forums
Newfag detected
Because ask yourself who browses Sup Forums you fucking retard? Basement-dwelling lonely weaboo neckbeard faggots. Stop larping like you're from here.
aaand ofc I selected the wrong image
NOOOOOO. HZD is a masterpiece. DELET THIS
She looks like the Mad Magazine guy, not even kidding
wow that's pretty ablist bro, you sure you wanna use "fag"? I'm gonna tell on your local tumblrina group!
>le stolen memes
Don’t even like Horizon. I just think this kind of complaint is asinine.
is this you?
Honestly she was more bland than SJWshit, we live in a world where humanity has restarted due to an apocalypse but she talks like every western protag in the last decade
The best part of the game is finding out Aloy was literally created (by a robot) to save the world.