I really hate to say things like this... but this gets fucking amazing 20 hours in.
I really hate to say things like this... but this gets fucking amazing 20 hours in
idk I was enjoying it like 5 minutes in
This is entirely true yet not necessarily a good thing.
too bad grinding for cores never gets fun
The writing went down the shitter in the latter half of chapter 3, though.
>need to play a game for 20 hours before it gets good
Nintenlets everyone.
>Grinding for cores
>20 hours in
Why would you ever grind for cores when you can just play the game normally?
Currently 19.9 hours in and hating every second of it.
>in Chapter 4
>Haven't done any grinding outside of just playing game normally
>Rex and nia are completely full of blades and I have 30 cores in inventory
Can I recycle these blades or something?
This game would have been amazing 0 hours in if it let you do underwater exploration.
I was hooked at this part senpai
Please applaud!
At the very least, will players of Xenoblade 1 and/or X be able to enjoy the gameplay?
>grinding for cores
unless you're an autismo who wants to collect every rare blade you should never grind for cores
I hear the next bing bing wahoo simulator gets GREAT after you finish all post game content
You're right. It was only great before the 20 hour mark.
The gameplay is an improvement in every way, and the story is amazing if you're into XC1's lore.
>20 hours and 3 minutes in
>game still not good
OP is a fraud
best combat in the series so far, second best exploration next to X
X combat is braindead so if you like that then no
>le overdrive spam arts
>evade up whole time blossom dance xD
or just 1 shot 99.9% of enemies with decked out doll
>Her final form is titled QTπ
Letting a blade go converts them into boosters.
This game is like 20 hours long, what the fuck are you people doing to waste so much time?
>Currently in chapter 4
>Just fighting enemies normally.
>Have 50 someodd fucking common cores thanks to Chain Combo increasing core drop percentage
fpbp, though it gets good in Chapter 3, and hits it's stride starting Chapter 5, and 8 onwards is just kino
can't comment on X but other than initially being disappointed that I can't autoattack while moving during the tutorial, I'd say it's a step up in every way
XC1 is the only good part of it. The rest is a typical evil church/gubmint plot stemmed by mommy issues.
You owe it to yourself to get on Takahashi's wild ride.
>le kino meme
Glad to know it's trash, no need to waste my time now
We won't need that. Nintendo will let him finish his story.
It's true though, it was around 20 hours for me when I finally reached the point where they take the fucking training wheels off the combat.
It sucks, I have actually seen other people give up on the game before that point.
No way around it really. Throw too much at once in the faces of newbies and it'll be too confronting as well. There's a lot of stuff being introduced outside of combat as well during those first 10-20 hours.
They really should have given you the 3rd Blade slot sooner, either upon reaching Uraya or even after fighting Morag.
ok, but does it get good 20 hours in?
Finished the game. Should I replay the first game?
Heavy spoilers so dont read if you havent finished
I completely forgot that Zanza was a scientist named Klaus but his model in the cutscene looked a lot like Shulk and I remembered Shulk's resemblance to Zanza. I actually realized it when you could hear Shulk in the other dimension obviously. Did anything else allude to the connection between 1 and 2 besides Malos' monado abilites and the story of Klaus?
Should I buy the season pass? I already finished the story.
>chapter 8 and on is pure kino
The 3rd Malos fight near the end of the seventh chapter is whenthe kino actually starts
This excuse has to be the worst excuse in gaming...
It's very likely that the third Aegis that randomly warped to another dimension is Alvis
the game is so good you even stop caring about all the performance issues
What if game starts out good, but after 20 hours gets amazing, and stays that way for the next 30 hours?
Fug you're right. I meant to say Chapter 7 rather than 8. Though 8 in itself is something pretty special with the Land of M & starting your climb of the World Tree
>open 99 common cores
>no rares
It's not fair. I had like 681 luck.
>stop caring about the memory leak
Not really
The only saving grace is that take all of a minute to save, quit the game, start it back up and continue where you left off.
And they honestly should have let the game load more during loading screens before putting us back in control.
>watching that cutscene in Makna Forest again after beating XC2
I refuse to believe that this shit wasn't planned at least somewhat beforehand.
I mean, drop rate on common cores is no different than rares. Only difference I've seen between the two is the base stats of common blades and their affinity charts
Drop rate is based almost entirely on how many blades you already have. I think that after a certain point commons completely stop dropping unique blades, and you must use rare and eventually legendary cores.
>Using your blade harem for a team attack
Favorite last minute upgrade. Way better than Monado 3.
>want to continue Xenoblade Chronicles on dolphin
>transfer save to SD card
>import saves into dolphin
>load up game
>no save files
I didn't even like this fucking game anyway
Welcome to Takahashi's wild ruse cruise
This is the only person who deserves to be happy.
>Nia won't ever switch to Nim to launch
Fucking bitch.
>Actually managed to set it off during the Boss Battle before they explain that you can do it
Fucking love using it even when it isn't really worth it.
>tora gets qtpi
>he can break now
>always starts out the fight with break
>it also has launch
>whenever I wait the break out for the switch gauge and topple, tora launches
>it's like he knows I'm going to topple
>happens multiple times as I always have to cancel switch my greataxe because he launches faster
Best masterpon.
Wait till we know more about it. I wisely held off on Zelda's DLC and that turned out to be underwhelming
All things considered what exactly would you say newcomers would miss if they played XB2 first? Speaking as someone who's played all 3. Curious as to that perspective
You're best off keeping an axe on Rex to get launches until you get Zeke at the least.
With the right set up and Poppi's third form, Tora and Zeke can pull off the full driver combo on their own without any input from you.
Then they should have deleted the first 20 hours of it, replaced it with a cutscene or whatever summarising the plot up to then, and start the game at that point.
I have time to relax and play games, and even enough time to shitpost about vidya, but I don't have time to /kill/. If you think I'm going to slave away for 20 hours playing a game that isn't fun so I can unlock the fun part, you are out of your fucking mind.
Talking about in relation to the revalations in the final chapter mind you
That doesn't work here though, that 20 hours is the tutorials before they let you play with all the combat's toys.
But the game is fun at the beginning. If they did what you proposed everyone would complain the combat is way too complicated and makes no sense
>Fast travel to lower Tantal for a sidequest
>Sure is foggy right now, can't see much of anythin-
>Mfw the evil giga squid ritual
post hikari now
Smash here we come!
Where's Tatsu when you need him
Which one? I don't remember it
Really happy that Xeno games will come out and be good. After all that hell, Takahashi is able to work and be happy with his life.
I don't remember that cutscene. Link please.
Bullshit. It's a video game, it can't possibly be complicated enough to require 20 hours of tuition to properly play. And if it does, it's horrendously overcomplicated and needs to be redesigned.
There are so many great games that have deep mechanics yet also let you hit the ground running by being fun and engrossing right from the start, building up your skillset organically as you go, with masterful pacing throughout. There's no reason this game gets to be different.
Poppi did the Gurren laggan pose monolith soft confirmed for bros.
So is he the Aegis of the monado?
65 hours in. The game is addicting as hell, but I'm not sure if it's any good.
he's Ontos, the third Aegis who disappeared to another dimension.
Yes, he's Ontos, the lost Aegis
What's even good about chapter 3?
Shitty textbook philosophy
Scenes straight out of a seasonal anime
Every character starts acting retarded
Forced drama
I have acquired a new form *glows*
So have autists figured out the core rates yet.
Also fuck every unique near a hazard or a pit. Loot dropping into the abyss because giant fish have shit hitboxes is pure bs
So the end of chapter 3?
I agree.
Uraya is pretty
that's literally a Blade Special
You liking the story? Enjoying the characters? The combat, environments, etc? Xenoblade's always felt like that child you end up loving unconditionally and immensely in spite of its flaws. Even then the little niggles usually end up becoming memorable experiences for better or for worse.
Uraya and Zeke were the only saving graces of it
>Endgame builds are the entire game
>Takahashi probably has the entire Xenoblade saga's overarching story already planned out and hidden in the bottom of his closet somewhere
speaking of the ending, were the Saviorite Rebels piloting Skells?
The hip sway all these girls have is fucking nuts.
no, they're artifices in XC
>there's probably hints to the next Xenoblade in XC2 that no one will notice until the next one comes out
Got one of Homura? or Blade Nia for that matter
They're called "Devices" in the Japanese script. Not sure if there's any significance in that.
I just love how it contextualizes XC1. It adds to the story as a whole and it just works.
The genius is that it adds another layer of context and scale while still keeping the two games effectively independent and separate.