Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself. His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in 1949.
Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military...
Other urls found in this thread:
a rel hero
a true juman bean
Cow mangler > stock
>they'll never bring back the original cow mangler particles
what happened?
>old TF2 plot has been completely forgotten by both the community and Valve
>we'll never learn more about the people behind RED/BLU running things when the mercenaries aren't fighting
It didn't really hit me until I played a community server game of 2Fort and realized that, despite the game being out for 10 years, we still know nothing about the higher ups or workers managing the subsidiaries under both teams even though there's tons of potential for story there
It would be clishe 50's spyflick and it would be boring.
Because there's so many 50s spytech games out now, right?
Shitters like usual
I don't really see cow mangler used that often, for good reason, it feels so much less threatening than stock as a vaccinator medic.
post your main's loadout
I don't understand if this is meant to be that he participated in the war illegally on his own volition, or if he was like late to the war and had just been slaughtering civilians.
The fact that it reads "upon hearing about the end of the war" rather than just "upon the war ending" could imply either.
(You) got me
do you retards genuinely spent more than $10 on this 10 year old game?
Maybe a bit early on when keys were new, but beyond that not really, got what I needed through trading.
Top tier medic spotted
The minimum is at least $20 because backpack extenders.
microtransactions is a bitch. dont be like me and fall for it
Yeah I got what I wanted 3 years back, I just started playing again with the update.
fite me irl im ripped
Did you reset your stats recently?
I have presumably, took a screenshot of my stats before I reset and can't find it more hours on Scout than your Pyro, yet I don't main him.
No I didn't reset. Lucky for you punk, I don't play that much even though I'm a hardcore gamer who only plays PC games on a Toshiba Laptop
Im f2p started last week and main engi and i got more points than your pyro
Engie is easy to live longer though my dude
Is it warm under that rock you've been living? We've known about Redmond's and Blutarch's petty stupidity for years.
Read this to start with
Soldier is best boy
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
How did he go 4 years without the war ending
It wasn't 10th century Kievan Rus'
*without knowing the war ended
Don't drink, Sup Forums
he's insane
Blithering idiot and insanity.
He's dumber than the Scout and the Pyro.
Heavy's mom's face is the cherry on the cake here. It's hilarious.
>only 4 years
what an amateur
He’s a comedy character
and I forgot muh image. Guys like pic related held out for lifetimes and there are other rumored Jap soldiers as far as the 1990s
>they get a hero's welcome for killing innocents
Where is Jane Doe's parade?
Jane wasnt military.
had a good laugh
He does shoot a rocket at himself to fly to the other side of the map
They were idiots who argued over everything and didn't stop even when their father called them out in his will.
Well the Pyro was able to become he CEO of a large company in months so he must be fairly intelligent
reminds me of this
pyro was, is, and always will be the best class
Burly Beast+Macho Man is OP
I'm not talking about Redmond and Blutarch, I want to see the rest of RED/BLU and how they operate. I don't give a fuck about Merasmus and Gray Mann and those other dipshits they introduce to poorly explain new game types, I'd rather have more comics about TF2's world, like that map of the Badlands from the Engineer Update or how the WAR Update introduced those TF Industries messengers manipulating both sides
RED and BLU are both meant to be controlling one half of the world's governments yet we never see any of the weird antics that could come from that
Of all the mercs only 3 are actual mercs. The rest are society rejects that became mercs because they're fucked up in the head.
did illegal human experiments on his patients presumably killing them or crippling them for life. Wanted by Germany.
Gun for hire.
Sex offender. Became a merc for the fun of it.
Owns large amounts of explosive materials and wants to blow up stuff.
Wanted for murder and terrorism across europe.
Mech savant that wants to test his patents in real life situations
Mental patient. Probably works for free or a slave to the companies.
Gun for hire.
Gun for hire. legitimate occupation
Crazed gunman is not a legitimate occupation.
I've looked at all your pictures, you guys can't be serious. This literally looks like minecraft where it's geared towards ages 8-12. The fuck???
>heh heh quake sucks kid
More people play quake arena than tf2. :^)
How did spy, sniper and heavy deal with these fucknuts
Pretty sure thats not heavys mom
Well there's that one time they rented The Alamo
>Poker Night's TF2 cards in Saxton's hand
I would trust this medic with my life and organs.
>the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military
impossible in 194X
Unboxed this yesterday
if you were a 60 year old quadriplegic tramatized WW1 vet without any strategic or tactical skills and a radical communist political stance I really doubt they'd sign you up for anything
Framerate went to complete shit anytime anyone fired it.
The war in Europe ended in 1944 you tard
>history is what they taught me
ww2 never ended
He was literally rejected because of his mental health.
Post funny deathcams
>sniper main
>using the razorback at all
Absolutely disgusting.
r8 my old pootis
here's a pity (you)