When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?

>what it really looked like is how it was displayed after being affected by the TV it's on (and potentially after analog to digital conversion on some consoles and wire types) rather than the raw sprite
Sure thing buddy.

Considering the console cant output digital video, that is how it looked.

what did nintendo mean by this?

Its a foot

No, I'd say about five inches.




think I'm with /vr/ on this one





>makes a factual statement that corroborates the OP
>follows up with a sarcastic sentence that implies he actually disagrees with the OP

These are the kinds of posts that make me want to stop browsing Sup Forums for the day, because I just fucking can't...


Unless you want indie devs to smother their game in filters you're not going to get your precious CRT blur. And even with the filters it's just emulating what's actually happening and not a faithful simulation of it.


Perhaps they should avoid 8-bit in favor of things that actually look good with modern technology, then.

The only reason people enjoyed old games is because they didn't know any better.

Perhaps different people have different ideas about what looks good.


>this level of strawman

CRTs have much better colors than typical modern displays


Replace old with new and this is accurate.

Uh huhuhuhuhuhuh


Somebody explain this retardation to me, please.
I've played on every kind of SD TV, including the old-ass, rectangular wooden ones that didn't even have color or remotes and you had to turn dials to change the channels - as well as modern ones they were still making in 2002.
I've played sitting at various view angles and distances (close or far).

I've never seen these "scanlines" on any SD TV.
This entire idea seems absolutely fucking retarded to me.

This more your speed?

a bunch of retarded kids who never touched a crt in their life read on wikipedia about how a crt works and then decided games should look like lines

Scanlines only really show up like that if you're playing the game at 240p. 480i wouldn't show it. It probably also depends on the type of tv used.


somewhat, yes

>you'll never be a care free lad spending his late summer nights sitting in that crt glow enjoying amazing vidya that runs your imagination wild
why should I live another day when the prime prime has passed. i'm so tired...

guess you just didn't look hard enough
also really depends on the TV and signal of course

I have a Sony Trinitron and the lines are quite visible if you just look up close at the screen
you can very easily see all of the black space in between the pixels which turns them into round blobs of color rather than anything resembling a square

I think that better TVs actually have more visible lines and there is also two different types of technology aperture grille and shadow mask which both look different


The current decade, 8-bit is little more than a way for lazy, talentless hacks to hide behind "look at how retro it is!"

Is that Fate of Atlantis?


Not gonna lie I always put a bilinear filter on pixel games because it just looks better to me. The sharpness and blocky look of unfiltered games is just bad to me. I remember what old games looked like and they looked more like the filter.




not that funny doesn't deserve this many (you)s


Put me in the non existent screencap fellas

Of course it's going to look like that if you LITERALLY sit 5 inches from the TV.

But if you were an actual fucking human being that played on SD TV's back in the day, you'd know it actually looks like the blurred version in the OP.
You don't see these retarded fucking scanlines if you sit at least a feet or two from the TV like any normal fucking person. That is why scanline filters on modern displays are absolutely retarded. Digital monitors don't melt the colors together.
I can't believe I have to explain this, god I fucking hate you all.

what's your point?
the lines are still there either way
the only reason modern displays have trouble fully emulating the look of a CRT with the lines is simply because resolutions still aren't quite high enough
but they actually can mimic the look of tv signal fairly well which is also where a lot of the blurring really comes from

You know how back in the day your parents told you not to sit too close to the TV or you'd fuck up your eyes? Muh Lines people were the kids that didn't listen.

it looked more like this for me haha

How bad are your eyes? Scanlines are noticeable even from a good distance away. At five inches the scanlines are moot, you're going to be noticing the individual phosphor dots now.


Holy shit, put me in the screencap, senpai.

You need some warping on the right.

How do I emulate GBA games for bigg screen and get it looking somewhat authentic? Whenever I try to upscale it to 1080, it ends up looking like the right part of your pic

It cost time and money

it's pushed by a bunch of nostalgia retards who think old games looks like a bunch of lines. I literally have a CRT in my apartment for playing old games, and the lines do not look like that.


they're only really visible on high-end PVMs that literally nobody played games on back when they were current

I don't care if this is a future Reddit screenpost or not, this gets a (You).

I play GBA games on fullscreen all the time and can't complain.


if anyone wants my settings, just ask

to be honest, if you were to sit as close to an old tv as you do with a computer, you would see the lines

now that I think of it
does anyone here use scanline filters?
if so, what does it look like if you're sitting far away?

Ok, consider this asking. Also, I forgot how great Golden Sun looked for a GBA game

who else has reached point of not caring anymore?

I've owned two dozen CRTs of all times. Yes, the good ones. The -really- good ones. Yeah, games looked good on them.

And they looked good on my old UHF/VHF CRT TVs with just screw terminals on the back too.

But you know what? I've played a lot of games on my old shitty laptop screens over the years too. With lag. Still enjoyed them.

When I was a kid and a teen I didn't care very much about this stuff. The games were the draw. Then I got into my 20s in college and I started to be a screen-fag who was more concerned with getting things to look juuuuuust right more than I was in playing games. And after years of it I realized I don't even give that much of a shit at the end of the day.

Buy a CRT if you want. ANY CRT. Or don't. Although it's so easy to get one it would be silly not do. Anyway, it doesn't matter. fuck it. If you want to play on a LCD screen and it doesn't bother you then it doesn't bother you and I don't care. Just hook whatever up to it and play some fricken video games.

Remember when hipster was our buzzword for PC faggots? The shit we see now with SJWs is what they evolved into.We shoulda been even meaner

the former Sup Forums userbase turned into the SJWs
moot is a SJW
you are posting an anime version of peach on an anime board, you are also considered an SJW
SJW is a meaningless term
so was hipster

I'd love to have a CRT TV or monitor but the space and more importantly power requirements are just too high. Maybe if I had money to burn but I just can't justify it for the sake of video games.
Fuck me, by the time I get around to it, all the good ones will be gone anyway.

woah dude no way, nice detective work

>muh space
>muh power

A 13" CRT doesn't take up a lot of space. Playing games for a few hours a day is going to be trivial on your electric bill. If you really wanted it you'd have it. You're just a pleb shitter.

t. deliberately obtuse (charitable interpretation) cunt

I don't remember my Gameboy looking blurry like that though, so If a dev said he's emulating the Gameboy aesthetic you wouldn't be able to complain

Assholes, the lines themselves were never the fucking point. It's the effect the lines have on how you see the image that is important.

Scanlines don't have the same effect on an image as resizing it in paint or whatever the fuck, you stupid mongrel.

Scanlines only show up on photos

If you like scanlines, that means you've only seen photos of crt

I have had a cheap chinese 100 dollar tv, and it had no scanlines, but if you took a photo you'd see the patterns

Yup. Most certainly.

this is autism. just play games faggot

>this thread again

The problem is most people are playing on a 1080p LCD which simply isn't capable of accurately emulating the scanlines of a CRT rendering 480. Good filters that focus on accuracy are definitely worth it if you have a 4k monitor and don't feel like using a genuine CRT for whatever reason. In my case it's because I like to sit pretty close, which causes an uncomfortable electromagnetic sensation, and I'll get a headache after viewing a CRT at 60hz for an hour or more at any distance.

The point isn't to draw a bunch of black lines on the screen, it's to generate a picture as close as possible to the one generated by a CRT rendering at whatever resolution was standard for the console/game being emulated.

WOW, what a nice, HOT opinion you got there, champ