What are some games that let my female character wear a bunny suit?
What are some games that let my female character wear a bunny suit?
Branded Azel just came out yesterday!
Stranger's Wrath
Disgaea 5, Usalia and Seraphina can both wear one
The oddworld one?
one of the final fantasies, 12 maybe
haunting ground I think?
Not enough
Tera has to let you right? The Elin exist after all
If you choose to play as a bunny girl in games where you interact with other people, you are LITERALLY admitting you want to be this.
Xenoblade Chronicles X. You can create your female avatar anda farm items to create a bunny suit
Most jRPGS
>UI blocks battle rape
>very short for the hype around it
>everyones a slut from the getgo making the rapes/fucks lose impact
2/10, probably most disappointed fap of 2017 behind soredemo 2.
I hate Fairy Tail so much but goddamn can Mashima draw pretty girls
I'd have a boner right now if my dick wasn't fucking broken shit
>That bounce at the end
god DAMN
haruhi is a dumb slut
Don't take the lord's name in vain.
I'd sell my soul to be a woman that hot and be able to do that.
Actually, rather, in exchange I'd become a succubus that serves the devil that bargains with me
shes a good slut when she needs to be
Why wouldn't you want to be this?
Bunny Must Die. One of my favorite Metroidvanias
Look at her, such a stupid slut, she probably can't even get out of the suit properly, she probably gets really sweaty and forces it off by slipping out of it after staying in a hot room for over an hour.
Every Dragon Quest game.
>Never particularly care about bunny suit girls
>Recent months I've really taken a liking to it
>Realize just how little porn there is of it
At least you awakened to patrician taste.
Now that Hefner is dead, hopefully they'll stop being such cunts about it being portrayed in media.
Princess Maker 3 & 5
I'd rather fuck a bunny girl than be one, desu
This is why people find anime disgusting, holy shit, they are not even subtle
Fairy Tail is garbage, no one will deny it. In fact, everyone wants the artist to draw porn instead.
great, let them be
normalfags should not apply
It's a battle shounen. Of course it's not subtle. It's made for young boys.
Is this worth watching for the fanservice?
New Vegas with mods
Kyon is the god though.
>wasting a bunnysuit on forehead mchorseface
>not on literally any other female companion
Tales of Symphonia PS2, PS3 and Steam version though the ears in the localized version were removed because of Playboy copyright, this also effects TERA
Why aren't there bunny suits with a bunny head-shaped hole for the navel?
I just threw it on her right quick to get a screenshot. Truth be told that mod in particular came with Sexout Store and the ears are way too long anyway
"Do you like horny Bunnies?" 1 and 2.
Great childhood games
ah, that makes more sense.
yeah sexually attractive characters are so disgusting
One of Yae's unlockable costumes in Goemon's Great Adventure
degenerate fucking weeaboo
kill yourself
Megaman Powered Up
Damn I never knew
I only played the SNES game and the 1st N64 title.
bunnysuits are great when you can see the nipples poking out
Reminder that there is a secret society of bunny girls who work behind the scenes of society to achieve their ideal outcome. Entering into this secret society is an arduous process, as you must first gain communication with their inner circle (which is borderline impossible), and then must complete arduous and humiliating trials to ensure your loyalty to the organization. Upon completion of trials, and entrance ritual is enacted, where the newest bunnygirl is given her suit and inducted into "bunnyhood."
By posting bunnygirls and fantasizing about them, you are already priming yourself to be a target for a future servant. You are slowly being brainwashed. It starts with simple attraction to the outfit, to a paraphilic lust over them, to wanting to be a bunny yourself. Save yourself before you willingly submit to them when they enact their world domination. Or don't, if you're okay with being a slave.
What are some games that let my male character wear a bunny suit?
If you can still find then on the net, lots of kiss doll/kisekae sets have them
>tfw TG fetish
oh fuck yeah
Do you like the power of friendship? If yes then yea go ahead my man. I personally could not handle the friendship and just YouTubed the fanserivce
>not being a bunny girl fucking another bunny girl
Most of Illusion's games let you put girls in these outfits
There are plenty of anime with more/better ecchi shit if that's all you want.
Elphelt in Guilty Gear.
>futa on female
my dude
THIS to be honest family
>navel cutout covered by pantyhose
holy moly this is powerful stuff
>No leotard
Every game should make it so that if your female character is above average or higher in attractiveness, you have to wear a bunnysuit.
Is there any multiplayer game out there with bunny suits that allows me to organize a group of dedicated people into roleplaying a bunny girl cafe where we serve people as waitresses?
Xenoverse with mods
DQ 11
why did you have to remind me
2 hours of my life gone
>you can give female characters actual muscles with mods
Neat. Is there a mod that improves the height slider so the tallest option isn't just the same height as the second shortest male option?
Skyrim is getting a multiplayer mod so probably that
pretty much any p2w Korean MMO
There are anime with both better ecchi and plot. It's not worth your time.
>tfw no submissive bunny girl gf who will cater to your every whim
Why even live
Why would she ever take the suit off? You can fuck her just fine while she's wearing it.
>tfw she will never change into a different colored suit and change up her leggings everyday to keep it fresh
>she'll never clean your house for you while in full bunny suit attire
>she'll never be incredibly happy afterwards as you admire her body as a reward for her good behavior
Why should I go on in this life
>Why should I go on in this life
Android waifus might become a thing in our lifetime
>implying any of us will have the money for that
SCV Cassandar
Fairy Tail is trash. Take it back to Sup Forums.
Better start making that money
Final Fantasy XIV, and there are multiple versions.
Meant SC4 Cassandra.
why would kyon want stupid shit like mikuru beamus almost making a fucking hole through his head?
He just wants his life to be interesting. And his powers prevent him from being in real danger.
Why would Haruhi's ideal high school life have her surrounded by 1 dude and 3 competitors?
Kyon's the god, which is why he has a harem of cute girls. Haruhi being god is his own rationalisation for wacky events.
How would you make Endless Eight even better?