>Ok it's time for the Sup Forums hoedown...
Ok it's time for the Sup Forums hoedown
Other urls found in this thread:
over here we have condescending lore discussions
its closed
all these shitposters keep giving me concussions
>heh Heh hehehehehhheheh heh hehehheh he said hoe
a couple of kids posting inflammatory opinions
>So many new Jap VNs
>Filling the steam page
>These shitty books are awful
>They're not even really games
I hate playing vidya
games are fucking gay
All these hipster faggots
saying stuff no-one would say
Games set in warzones,
outerspace or delaware
But all the characters talk the same
'Cause they were made by Bioware
Good shit
>Witcher 3 and Shadow of War
>GTA and Nier
>Such a wide variety,
>But I've something to fear
>So many good games keep coming
>More and more and more
>But my shitty laptop
>Can't run even fallout 4
>I hate Sonic Forces
>Because it sell so bad
>Onry have 5 revels
>Rearry make me mad
>I am good director
>But making game is hard
This port is fucking garbage
you can't change the controls
When I close the game it crashes
it was clearly for consoles
The FOV is ugly
it barely works on my display
But it's fine because I got it
from the pirate bay
Underrated post.
My GTX's 1080, my PS4 is pro;
My screen is running G-SYNC, a fucking ASUS ROG;
I can play whatever, I want this current gen;
Then why do I keep playing, vanilla BG and weeb VNs
Forgot pic
I'd better call them redittors!
This one is good.
I've been playing online
it's a lot of fun
Spending hours shooting
random faggots with a gun
But I died a few times
for reasons I don't really get
Getting shot while in cover
by cunts with Australian internet
I don't know what I am doing
On this vidya board
Between all these shilling threads
And porn dumps (thank the lord)
I have been here for ten years and it is all the sames
Fuck Nintendo
Fuck Xbox
And Sony's got no games
God I hate this sequel,
It plays like molasses.
But if there's one thing I like
It's titties and asses.
I wanna fuck the Herald,
stick my dick right in her chest.
But every time I try to, she
Says "bear seek seek lest."
>Ryan or Collin make fun of Drew's weight
It never got old
Everything from this show is great when the cast takes shots at each other.
Whirr and other noises
In this copypaste
Written by a sonyfag
Who only has one game
He's angry at nintendo
But I can't say why
He shows it with an assmunching
Oh jesus christ god why?
Fucking nice.