SpongeBob Online

SpongeBob Online thread. What does Sup Forums think of the latest patch? I'm really liking the Squidward buffs so far, they're pretty substantial but not overboard like everybody seemed to be worried about.

>inb4 butthurt Patrick players

Other urls found in this thread:


>sandy nerfed again
I'm so fucking done with this game. At least they didn't touch Krabs this time

Hey guys, I finally found the last material drop to make a legitimate Krabby Patty without the Krusty Krab Fry Cook career perks! The secret ingredient i

>Not maining Larry

How do you live user?

Not like Larry

Larry is fun to play at times, but if you wanna actually be competitive and win you definitely gotta go with patrick.

>Not running hydromancer SpongeBob
WATER you waiting for?!

squidward has always been shit desu

the latest updates make him stand out a bit more but i still prefer sandy with her crit ratio or patrick with his tanky ass armor

did anyone get their code for battle for bikini bottom? i didnt

The chocolate selling quest is the most scripted, low reward quest in the game but I can't stop playing it. It's just too funny.

>tfw can't pass the boatmoblie license quest

Go with blindfolded Spongebob, it makes things a lot easier

I've probably run thorough it over 100 times by now, but the drop rate on the Candy Bar Bag Carrying Bag is so fucking low that I still haven't managed to find one yet. It doesn't help that most of the people in my guild are fucking awful at raids.

>tfw bad breath debuff

When are all these EEnE Online scrubs leaving? I'm sick of having to deal with planktons Chum-Buckets aoe every match

>he doesn't know about the buffs to the Handsome Squidward perk
>he doesn't know that dumping all of your skill points into Clarinet is now a tier-1 build

Mr. Krabbs robot spec is so fucking busted

You guys ready for the expansion pack?

Does anybody even play Bubblebass anymore? I remember I used to see them around every now and then but now they're more rare than Barnacle Boy players.

>Highest swim speed and strength.
>Not viable

Hey Sup Forums
Want to know something funnier than 24?

Nah, the new Plankton robots are gonna be too OP, gonna change the game into a p2w system.

Ok should I make a tank Sandy Cheeks or a DPS Sandy Cheeks?

how do I main squilliam? I keep getting steamrolled by dutchman players

Hey all you people

Dude, go Water-less Sandy. Its op versus the meta. Just make sure to spec into AsBigAsTexas

i recommend trying ibuprofen paired with the golden doorknob, underrated choice that should surprise the metagame

>find magic conch
>ask what I should do
>sit still for 3 minutes and get 2 hours bonus exp

haha ebic thread pretending le childhood nostalgia show is an mmo xD simply fuckin dooooope my dude :DD

>he doesn't know

Nigger it has been around on PC longer than TF2 has and has maintained an even bigger player base over the last decade. They're coming out with a PS4 port next year.

haha I'm gonna double down on da retarded meem xD

dabbing squidward


I know it's hoohoo haha to roleplay, but this isn't video games.

I'm so sick of these off topic threads

>hur durr I added da mispellings and duh reddit words and duh emoticon to wat day say that maeks them dum XD

>this thread

>hahaha I made da obviously not video game thread on da video game board because I'm retarded hahahaha
Why is this thread here? Seriously, why are you making these threads? If you want to talk about music, movies and TV shows go to the appropriate board. I doubt people go on Sup Forums and talk about video games as if they're comics and cartoons. There's a few spongebob video games, talk about them. Stop trying to roleplay this though

How does this make you feel?


The OPs and EDs of Blood+ were good

I post in this thread because it amuses me. Tough shit if you think that I'm shitting up your precious basket weaving forum.

You know for a guy that posts on a video game image board, you sure hate fun.

The common "you hate fun!!!" Line
I like fun, video game fun. About real games. Not roleplay. If you find this fun, okay cool. But why is it here of all places

>W-why are you guys having fun!?
Sad as fuck dude

>not listening to the free form jazz radio station

>still can't find a competent group to do the smitty raid
always get to the graveyard and they just can't take aggro properly

Oh shit it's just like the idiot box episode

Just know you cant loot his hat, its his hat.

I really hope they never nerf the rewards from the pickles quest. The confidence attribute reward can be applied to squidward, and all of his flaws are gone. He is a s tier charcter with that attribute.

Why is this dumb RP shit allowed?

Does anyone know when they are going to add gary into the game?

>maining named characters
casuals, all of you

yeah but you can get the swordfish skull weapon and it will effectively make you stronger than King Neptune

the only viable no name is that green one

>this is now video games


Have you not tried the mmo yet? It has the best class system i’ve ever seen. Currently maining gattlin gun patrick. Low damage and requires a lot of ammo but the insane knockback makes up for it. Can basically hold someone against a wall spamming it.


patrick absorbing snowballs also counters spongebob 100%

Only a handful of people ever thought it was funny with the shit ed, edd, and, eddy threads and the king of the hill ones. These have always been off-topic shitfests.

>he thinks a sage is the same as a downvote

newfag brainlet


Bossing at local rock bottom dungeon
some noob runs in without glovelantern and dies in 3 ticks

It's alright, the club is safe from big noses like his.

>mfw random scrub hasnt grinded to unlock the PFFFFTTT language skill and wants everyone to translate for him

>They've never cleared the 7 mile spanking machine
The sixth guy hits the hardest then it's easy sailing from there, any decent hp+regen build can handle it no problem

>tfw wiping to gary prime for the third week in a row
Who designed this piece of shit boss?

If you read the devs garry prime early design sheet he was originally planned to be a midlevel boss. Saddly they upped the floor with the sunbeach update so he now appears to be borderline broken. I tried fighting him with assholefish brawler build. Nearly got him down when I lagged during phase 3 and he spect me with corall claws. FUCK THAT GUY

Patchybros where you at?

Just get another player to give you directions, just try not to think about how you're a dirty cheater



Jesus Christ, how the fuck are you supposed to beat doodlebob?