Holy shit this game aged badly. It’s way worse than I remember in pretty much all aspects.
>terrible story
>characters aren’t remotely interesting
>not challenging at all
>production values are god awful
Just good for nostalgia.
Holy shit this game aged badly. It’s way worse than I remember in pretty much all aspects.
>terrible story
>characters aren’t remotely interesting
>not challenging at all
>production values are god awful
Just good for nostalgia.
We're not meming when we say this game is garbage.
and yet it's still far superior to 2 and heroes.
You did play the dreamcast version and not that shitty buggy as fuck port for the gamecube, right?
Jumping on that bandwagon I see.
Sonic Adventure is an amazing game, one that I replay every year and has the best gameplay of any, yes ANY Sonic game. Even though SA 2 has better level design.
Is it flawed? Yes, the game is technically bad in terms of collision. But the goods far outweigh the negatives.
>either adventure game being better than heroes
3d Sonic was never good. It just doesn't work.
haha this endearing game which many people like sucks
>hyperbolic reason, hopefully for (you)'s
>hyperbolic reason, hopefully for (you)'s
>hyperbolic reason, hopefully for (you)'s
>hyperbolic reason, hopefully for (you)'s
Snide Quip.
i like sa1 but not 2. played it not to long ago again and it was still fun. the voices are by far the worst part.
He's right though Heroes is a dumpster fire.
>production values are god awful
thisis one thing i've gotta disagree on, it was state of the art in 1998
No matter what; I will always believe in my heart that people who say they like Heroes and go as far as to say they prefer over every other 3D Sonic game are just trolling.
No one can actually think Heroes was good, right?
This is the 3rd Sonic Adventure thread in a fucking row
What is wrong about heros ?
This is my current save file on GameCube. Back in the day I only had one memory card to work with, and those Pokémon games for the GC took almost an entire card on their own, so I had to delete and replay things from scratch a lot. Of course I don't remember specifics, but I think I can safely say that my total time on the GameCube exceeds 200 hours.
And here's my current save on emulator. On this one I haven't touched any team besides Dark because they're both the best characters and have the most fun stages. I assume you know it takes about 2-3 hours to get through their story, so you can also figure how much time I've spent just replaying levels for the fun of it.
Do you believe me now? No other Sonic game I have comes close to this amount of time. I wouldn't dream of replaying the Adventure or Boost games before Heroes.
This. OP is probably too young to remember.
>You did play the dreamcast version and not that shitty buggy as fuck port for the gamecube, right?
SADX PC at 4K with mods is the best way to play it in 2018
Why did Sega change the textures anyway?
Sonic games are like Sup Forums.
They were always shit.
Did you get all A ranks and every emblem?
On GameCube, yes. You can see that in the first image, the file says 120 emblems and 141 A ranks.
Has there ever been a good 3D Sonic game? What does it take to make a 3D Sonic game actually good?
Exploitable physics.
What was it like?
Which is your favorite team?
Which levels do you hate replaying?
Lastly, what do you think of the current state of Sonic games?
>What was it like?
It was fun for the most part. The only part I remember being frustrated with was the extra Chaotix mission in BINGO Highway.
>Which is your favorite team?
Team Dark. They are the best characters and they have the most fun stages. Shadow is cool, Omega is funny and cool, and I like Rouge's big sisterly role in the team. The length of the levels in Sonic Heroes is one of the reasons I like it, Team Dark's 5-8 minutes per stage seems pretty ideal to me.
>Which levels do you hate replaying?
None really, but my least favorite level is probably Lost Jungle. The music isn't great and the alligator setpiece is cool but feels buggy and inconsistent sometimes, though I guess that's partly what makes it feel so nerve-wracking as well.
>Lastly, what do you think of the current state of Sonic games?
Pretty sad. Forces was a mess of a game that I wish I could refund, yet it seems like Sonic Team was confident in and proud of the game. That doesn't bode well. It wasn't a complete disaster like 06 or Secret Rings though. Mania looks like a great game but it just doesn't interest me personally.
One of the best sonic games I know, next to sonic spinball.
>It actually matters
Gamecube and other ports might be slightly worse but the Dreamcast version is still a piece of shit that no one should touch.
While also being the best 3D Sonic game
Most likely the Gamecube couldn't handle it. Dreamcast was an amazing system and was able to do things both the Gamecube and PS3 couldn't.
Kill yourself you shit taste having fucking nigger.
Cant hold on much longer...
>sonic spinball
>not sanicball
>SA2 has better level design
>Unnecessarily big treasure hunting levels
>Mech stages with cheap enemy placements and spawns
>Action stages are more linear than SA1's
Don't get me wrong, I love SA2 to death, but I really think SA1 has the better design in those categories.
The story begins with whos gonna win...
I'm playing it currently, and Sonic controls nicely, the level variety ticks my boxes and are designed with speed in mind; they didn't need Big at all, but that just goes to show ST were creating unnecessary new characters back then as well.
This user gets it.
it'll still hold a special place in my heart no matter what
just don't talk shit about the soundtrack
>no it doesnt matter
>no open your heart
>no speed highway
red mountains pretty nice tho
The music is good though.
honestly not that big a fan of speed highway but the first two are implied
i'll go so far to say that i enjoy every crush 40 vocal track
Get the Super Sonic mod. Enjoy breaking the game like the classics.
I can get with that, I love the butt rock
I wanna see a crush 40 cover of infinites theme
B-but games don't age!!1 They are the same as they were upon release!
Sorry brainlets the game is kino
also not exactly related but i love that they chose Cash Cash for the themesong for Colors
they're one of my favourite groups in real life and their music is pure
I didnt play colors cause im not a fan of boost gameplay, I only played generations and forces cause shadows in em
i only had a wii and a laptop when colors came out so it was the sonic games for wii or nothing at all
i also didn't like colors very much but the theme was great
unleashed is probably my favourite of recent years that i've played (haven't tried generations, mania, or forces yet)
my favs are the adventure games, they hit all the right notes when it comes to spectacle, variety, and fun where these newer games are either too buggy to play or put the player in the situation where they play as sonic and boost through level after level till you get to the second part of the game which is the gimmick half
cant really make a 100% sonic game cause the gameplay is too repetitive, colors being the acceptation since it was still fresh in peoples minds after unleashed gave them a little taste and even then it still had the stupid alien powers
but when it came to the adventure games we never got that 100% sonic/shadow stage gameplay and instead both adventure games had the sonic parts and then the bad parts, then came heroes which built in the bad parts, shadow which was SO close but made shadow so hard to control it couldnt capture the meme, and finally 06 where they fucked up so bad they decided to ditch the gameplay altogether
really sucks to me that the only recently good sonic game was fucking mania and I hate classic sonic so that doesnt even count for me
Jun Senoue is the most underrated vidya composer ever
Having never played a 3D Sonic game can someone explain what boost system is that everyone loves to complain about?
The Dreamcast version is buggy too. I replayed it 6 months ago and I kept falling through the floor in that one temple level.
so in adventure games your main mode of travel is platforming while running avoiding obstacles and using a homing attack in order to keep up speed and get through the level as quickly and as stylishly as possible
in the boost system instead of that you hit the boost button and are invincible until your boost meter runs out or you fall off the stage, to fill the boost meter you get coins or kill enemys and you kill enemys if you touch them while you boost
so skill in adventure games is expressed by being able to string along multiple inputs to execute the correct and most optimal route to maneuver around the stage without getting hit
skill in boost games is being able to keep the boost gage full while not falling off the stage
basically boost removes the "speed is earned" aspect which was a theme even in classic sanic games
I consider Ow the Edge to be a guilty pleasure. By that point I was so used to the odd control style of 3D Sanic that it didn't really bother me that much, and the core gameplay was pretty fun. It's just that the graphics are garbage, the multiplayer modes are a bad joke, and I have to play the game on mute because 4kids voice actors. Sean Schemmel was pretty great as Black Doom though
I liked shadows voice actor, actually the only shadows I dont like are his generations "you gat dis sanic" and the sonic boom voice actor for the first season (he picks it up in the second season)
everyone else I like from sa2b, shadow the hedgehog, heroes, 06, forces, hes really just my fav character
my gripes with shadows game is that he feels like hes ALWAYS on an ice level, some of the sidemissions are obnoxious, and that its overloaded with unnecessary (albeit optional) shit like weapons and vehicles, I did like his chaos abilities tho since it gives that powerful feeling
I also really enjoyed the non-canon endings (especially the one where he decides to just chill on the ark and make it his home)
>his generations "you gat dis sanic" and the sonic boom voice actor for the first season
It's the same guy
>secret rings
I have memory playing it as a kid and I remember it being pretty fun and way less buggy than SA.
Like what?
>game encourages you to break boundaries
Has any other 3D game done this?
figures, is it the same guy for season 2 of boom and forces? cause that one I like
Wrong. The original Sonic Adventure has no bugs, flaws, or problems.
Sonic Adventure Deluxe for GameCube, PC, X360 and PS3 however is broken, unplayable, and bad.
both adventure games have some of that
>it was state of the art in 1998
Not when gems like this existed in the same year
>production values bad
how about the music?
For me I just know that Heroes was usually their first sonic game so they just have nostalgia for it. And that's fine I get it. But everything about Heroes was a step back in terms of what audience they were going for. It was simpler, brighter and clearly aimed at younger kids than SA1/2 so it's no wonder a bunch of kids grew up loving it. I'm actually kinda glad it worked? Sort of. But Heroes backlash is kinda the reason we didn't have playable friends for like a decade. Amongst other things.
Isn't that what happens when Sega move from Dreamcast to Gamecube/PS2/Xbox?
>This is literally the only way to get the Time Attack emblem for this stage.
What an ugly Sonic OC.
Doing that kind of shit to get characters into other characters levels was the best. I remember putting in serious work to get E-102 into Casinopolis.
BK has a wonderful artstyle but SA1 is far superior technically. Just look at the lighting engine that was brutally stripped out of SA:DX and all future ports of the game.
it feels like david humphry is too soft and kirk thorton is too gruff
jasons the best shadow imo, sad to see that one go since its the most smooth version of shadman
Fuck off, Jason.