>it's a "girl joins guild and eventually drives everyone apart" episode
It's a "girl joins guild and eventually drives everyone apart" episode
>had several girls in the guild
>everyone stopped playing because we got older and lost interest in the game
> Guild is full of betas, should find a new one episode.
>xbox controller
>Guild has people in it
>Leave to play single player games.
>it's a "girl joins your life then rips your heart in two and now you're miserable and alone" episode
Alright story time fuckers
>be me
>playing PSO
>girl join guild
>starts falling apart within a week
>guild leader head over heels for her
>won't kick her out
>guild leader lives down the street from me
>about a month later 1/3 of the original members are gone
>break into his house (he has no locks)
>wait for him to go to shitter
>forger later he goes
>quickly kick and block the bitch from the guild
>guild in uproar
>run home and login
>kek to myself thinking guild is save
>people start leaving in mass
>only 3 people left in guild, me leader and someone who's offline but left when they found out everyone else is gone
>week later get message from another guy from guild (we'll call him Dan)
"Can you believe everyone left over a fake girl?"
>tells me how he made a second account pretending to be a girl just to fuck with leader
>laugh about it and start playing other games everyday with DAn for next few years
>eventually we join master race, have ts server with group of about 18 people
>life's good
Until last week...Dan was hit by a drunk walking home from work. I got to see him just before he passed. We talked about the good ole days playing PSO. I told him how I was the one that kicked him. We laughed about it, and he was gone.
rip you glorious bastard
things that never happened
>girl joins the guild
>brace for the worst
>1 month later she's a successful raidleader
If girl can ruin everything, then that's you who are weak and that's your fault.
This never actually happens. Go outside, virgin.
then you became range buddies with the cop, right?
>it's a reposted thread
even if by some chance you arent just reposting the same fucking thread over and over
>it's a "user had a bad experience with the one woman he's ever encountered online and now he assumes every situation turns out this way"
>it's a "user is surprised his whiteknight friends whiteknight a girl to try to get some pussy for once"
honestly dont blame girls, make better friends and join better groups that wont be complete retarded faggots around women
hello tumblr
>Be ERPing tank player
>Have thirsty ass people wanting me to tank for them in pugs
>Have thirsty ass people wanting my Draenei to femdom them
I don't know how you can stand the attention. I'm good at what I do but I hate being even remotely popular. Especially when PVE and the ERP crowd begin to cross-post.
I'm not fucking your twink when I'm trying to carry my guild through heroic Blackhand.
Likewise I don't want to tank when I'm milking a futas prostate.
Speaking of futas, why is every god damned 'girl' in WoW these days holstering a dick? And the amount of literal faggots is extremely annoying.
I just want some good old fashioned yuri.
>i cant except that i hang out with shitty permavirgin nerds that go into full panic mode when confronted by an egirl
if your friends arent smart enough to ignore an egirl, that doesnt bode well for you
Who are you quoting?
B-b-b-but it's really guys fault if you think about it! Girls have no agency or culpability of their own. It's always someone else who's the problem!
>dont blame girls
why not?
you talk like a giant faggot
>i'm so stupid i cant comprehend simply worded english replies
enjoy your (you) you troglodyte redditor
>futa fetishist thinks he has an opinion
>it's a "faggots can't stop thinking with their dicks for five minutes and then continue to ruin everything" episode
not every egirl is maliciously trying to tear your friend groups apart. if your friends are so fucking stupid they cant comprehend interacting with one girl, then your clan/guild is full of idiots. in some cases you can blame the girl, but when the girl just existing tore your group apart then it becomes a you problem
>simply worded
Your post isn't english. Read it again, sweetie :)
>girls have no agency so they can never be blamed for anything
>oh but they're also equals
You should never give a women that power even if she is the love of your life you need to be ready for the worse 100% of times that way it would only hurt a little.
>t. Guy who found out gf was cheating him with a coworker and simply dumb the woman and continue his life like always
yes, that's exactly what he said, you melodramatic fuck
It's because there's no cute boys and people don't know wtf a vagina feels like so futa is more familiar. Same reason lesbian porn isn't super popular.
Horde fucking is generally more vanilla although even Silvermoon is basically a catholic church in comparison.
It only takes one beta in higher up position to cause enough drama to destroy a community.
actually here his opinion is worth more than yours
now fuck off
>be quiet but subtly help players in guild and just generally helping players around the world
>dont care about currency since i mainly pvp so just give gold away
>dick ass rogue who never said a word in the guild helped me one day with a quest
>claimed I was talking shit about guild leader behind his back
>get kicked and blacklisted by everyone
I didnt really care but it still makes me wonder what I did to that rogue to trigger that reaction out of him.
I also had a main on opposite faction so I camped the shit out of the rogue as revenge
>New WoW guild
>Raid position
>Don't mic
>Say I'm just introverted
>Male character
They literally start harboring potential of me being a girl within 2 weeks
namefags always ruin everything
post tits
>it's a "another group you don't like merges with your group and drives a wedge between you and the rest" episode
>it's another I'll be alone for my entire life realization episode
Jog on you poofter. You freaks belong on /r9k/
>girl joins skype gaming group
>the poo in loo of the group ends up going full white knight for that underage bob
life imitates memes
bs, everyone is shy as fuck in this game and female status is something that has to be proved, not assumed
tell her to send bobs and vagene.
Cool fake story.
>Allowing a female in the guild in the first place
Learned my lesson the first time, never happened again and everyone is happier for it.
>guild starts suspecting you of being a girl
>become the biggest insufferable cunt to compensate
>end up feeling awkward and leaving anyway
>it's a "everyone of your friends who started playing FF14 in 2013/2014 subsequently quit one after another and now you're the only one left to carry on the FC" episode
>join guild in vanilla
>has a few girls in it
>one of them has a high guild rank so people naturally hate her
>people leave the guild saying she's the reason, when she just behaves the same exact way all the other officers do
>eventually she quits the game due to irl
>"finally she's gone"
>literally nothing changes
>still playing games with the same core group of people 12 years later
>4 years of which she was a member
I don't legitimately understand. I see posts like OP's and my first impression is that it stems from some "girls are icky" mentality like I saw back then.
>get kicked from guild
>come back later on a few alts and royally fuck them up
Gen Y.5 and Gen Z are a bunch of ADD motherfucks who can't stick with any franchise longer than it takes for another fad to pop up.
Why care, everyone is nice to girls.
should women be to blame for wanting to play a video game? it's the whiteknight autists who destroy themselves over tiny scraps of female attention who should be embarrassed with themselves
I met a girl in my WoW guild years ago. She was a mediocre player for our guild (we were pushing US top 5 kills at the time), but she got in because the other officers and GM thought they were gonna get some pussy out of it. She basically ignored them and talked to me 24/7 for some fucking reason any time I was on, healed me in every dungeon I did and leveled alts with me. Eventually she says she wants to meet IRL and we exchanged phone numbers and stuff, she lived a state away from me, about a 4 hour drive. She was pretty good looking, had that ebin gaymer grilllll dyed blue hair but she had pretty eyes, and a great ass. We exchanged nudes and shit for a few months before I drove up and met her at a hotel. She was absolutely nuts in bed, we fucked for most of the weekend and talked and shit. Then I went home. Then apparently she'd told someone else in the guild she was going to see me over the weekend, and it turned into some huge drama shit, two of the other officers had blue balls for her and were pissed at me. After that the guild fell apart due to the leadership kicking me, my friends leaving with me, she quit, other guilds poached everyone good left. I haven't spoken to her since.
I miss killing internet dragons with my boys 25/8, sorry Rizzen ;_;
Yeah right, totally not because bunch of betas sperged out over a illusory pussy and broke their toys in a shitfit.
At least admit your weaknesses man.
>They literally start harboring potential of me being a girl within 2 weeks
Actual male here, same for me. After all these years I just stopped correcting people who say "she"
>the girl is actually a guy
Fucking dumb horny kids ruined the guild them self
>that guy that constantly give you banter or gives you loads of shit if you make a mistake in a game
>banter him back or point out his fuck ups
>he gets mad as fuck and confrontational with you
>the guy that gets tilted in your group almost right away when the slightest thing goes wrong
>then plays worse
>It's a multiple girls join the guild and it all turn fine because they all got a sense of humor
>The one that dont get weeded out anyway by the constant banter
Now they're all sub-par players, but atleast they're not absolute cunt
Honestly its just human nature's fault. There are occasional girls that don't capitalize on it and guys who aren't thirsty but the majority of the time men will do anything for a chance at fantasy puss and women will use their wiles to their advantage because they can.
The real villain here is systemic and can only be countered with politically incorrect understanding of gender differences and why its probably a good idea for male interests to be hostile towards invading females.
wow this pasta is super old
>pretend to be older than I am
>erp with some chick
>find out after the fact that she's middle aged
>one day find out she has a daughter
>my age
>made an alt and told nobody about it
>pretended to be a noob
>pass her up by a zone and wait by some elite quests
>wait for her to get to that zone then group together for some elite quests when she gets to them
>quest together for a couple weeks
>realize that what I'm doing is kinda fucked up and delete the character
>find out from her mom that she quit because the friend she made disappeared without saying anything
Why is this a running theme
>playing with friends
>find out one of them is a girl
>at least one spergs and everything goes to shit
What is this autism? Why is it only now that they spaghetti? Do girl players do the same thing when they find out one of them was actually a guy the entire time?
give her the dick
It's cringey to get mad at games even during tournaments, those people need to be shown a recording of themselves or something.
>That virgin who comes into these threads desperately trying to defend women
I'm sure they'll sleep with you one day dude.
It depends really. I've been in a guild where two girls almost single-handily destroyed the entire guild because they despised each other and tore the rest of the guild apart because they just couldn't stop throwing shit at each other and would drag major members to their "side" just so they could have someone else to complain about the other one to.
I've also been in a couple that imploded because a bunch of turbo-virgins and white knights in the guild wanted to kiss up to some chick that joined.
>Do girl players do the same thing when they find out one of them was actually a guy the entire time?
In a small group of grills, yeah. In a big group like a guild, no
>Tfw middle aged house wife is GM
>Girl joins
>Nothing changes
Doing fucked up shit is part of romance user
>house wife is female tauren resto druid who calms down tempers in the guild
women are destructive. stay away.
I'm in a guild with more girls than guys...
I'm in my 30s and have always gone through the same problem.
>friends invite me to play a game they've been playing
>looks fun
>buy it
>they stop playing
>repeat for half a decade
Eventually I just stopped buying games unless they invited me from the get-go.
holy hell that image
Older or more powerful women are really the only force that can temper the destructive forces of younger girls. The meme of older women being cunts to younger ones out of jealousy is half right, but the reality is that since they are women, they know the kind of maniacal havoc an unchecked attractive female is capable of just to prove her power.
>muh secret club
Do you have a gamer girlfriend?
>Girl joins raiding party
>All the thirsty dudes fuck up constantly trying to impress her
I have nothing against women or virgins, I just hate thirsty desperate dudes
there was a trans MTF in the Sup Forums WoW guild Brogall a few years back. We asked him shit about it all the time and i think he got fed up and left to grind Aion. He told us he would essentially be a trap to guys at bars
plus i refused to call him a girl
Where? What game?
>it's a gm's wife is shit at the game but always has to play a key class (tank or healer) and always gets a raid spot
>I'm really good at being really honest
Who has this kind of gross ego seriously
>plus i refused to call him a girl
godspeed user.
normal, well-adjusted males are capable of playing games with females without tripping over their dicks for them without even knowing what they look like. If you're a guy and you feel that way you should be ashamed of yourself instead of hostile towards women
I don't understand what this image is attempting to convey.
>cute mormon girl in a clan gains interest in me
>we were e-dating on MSN
>she sent me $60 on my birthday as a present
We were 14, fun times. It was a BF 2142 clan.
>He told us he would essentially be a trap to guys at bars
I guess the thing about them being suicidal is true
>met girl in WoW back in BC
>in the same guild
>we both played in the early morning when nobody else was on
>eventually webcam chatted, added each other to Steam, and started exchanging emails
>"Hey we should meet up"
>"Yeah sounds good"
>says we'll set it up the next day
>never logs onto WoW or Steam again
>all emails I send get returned with a "failed delivery" message
Where did you go? I know it has been over 5 years but I still worry about you sometimes you know. I'm not mad or anything just come back so we can be friends again.
I play with 2 different people that fit both these bills
its interesting to watch them go at each other
but when we play a game and I see some faggot that constantly uses this "..." bullshit it drives me fucking nuts
god damn these people need to get off this fucking gay ass meme already and probably kill themselves as well
you sound like a delusional faggot or a woman. there is nothing "normal" or well-adjusted about the social order young men and women are living in these days. especially the kinds of men that would be committing lots of time to an online guild.
Even in normal scenarios men always act stupid around women since fucking Helen of Troy or earlier. Its one of history's greatest lessons.
All online communities are filled with drama and cancer even without women in them. Women just mulitply it
Ya'll motherfuckers need jesus
she found out you use anime reaction images you faggot.
>its the 25 year old virgin befriends the mentally ill nympho and finally breaks it episode
holy fuck bros ive never been more happy in my life sticking my dick in crazy was the best thing i ever did shes sucha fucking freak in bed and is way out of my league too
god bless mental illness
>always thought her boyfriend was an asshole anyway
>he has a huge inferiority complex
>acts superior despite being under leveled as shit
>he and girlfriend get into spat
>everyone takes her side because she's actually a nice person
>he deletes his account
>tries to get pity from guild members but we ignore him
>kills himself
>discord becomes a thing
>information resources migrate to discord
>guild forum closes down and switches to discord
>everything becomes a shitty mix of passive aggression, circle jerking, dead memes and that one guy who thinks he's edgy because he browses Sup Forums in 2017
>finally call it day
I just got too old for this shit, MMOs are dead to me.
She's probably dead. It's time to move on
share her with Sup Forums, pass her around, she'll love it
by normal I mean what should be normal, but acting like every guy is a desperate virgin is fairly biased, even ones who commit alot of time to MMOs
She wanted a friend from you, not a chad
Chad doesn't play video games at 4am