How is your game coming along?

How is your game coming along?
Please tell me, you are working on your games on the weekend.

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I honestly don't think I've ever heard of Godot outside of Sup Forums and /vg/. How is it?

>around 2010 or 2009
>had been putting hundreds if not over a thousand hours in an RPG Maker project
>this was when it was purely a hobby and nobody ever made money off of it
>saw that RPG Maker had the potential to make an open world RPG like Elder Scrolls or Gothic, except as a top-down JRPG (obviously)
>computer got fucking wrecked during the move
>was also depressed at the time and ultimately I didn't bother to even see if the hard drive was ok and salvage my project
>fast forward to today
>you can sell RPG Maker games on Steam
>They're all still just linear titles because they're piss-easy to make and nobody has the time and patience to solve the RPG-systems (such as XP distribution and monster encounter balancing) for an open-world design.

Fuck, man.... should I get back into RPG Maker? It'd be such a massive time sink...

This dumb MS Paint picture of the game world is the only thing I have saved from the project.

I give up

If you're willing to give the game enough polish in order to stand out compared to other RPG Maker games, I'd say go for it. Though I'll be honest, it will take a lot of polish.

>dark elves
>living side to side

>was making an advance wars style game
>windows update ruined my install
>reinstall it without thinking, format my solid state C; cause I always back up my C to my D
>windows installed fine
>everythings gravy baby
>D isn't showing up
>find out that it failed
>lost -everything-

That was a couple months ago. I finally have the nerve to start back up again.

Remember to have multiple backups and redundancy. That shit is soul crushing.

learn to cloud storage or use bitbucket

Not him but I think if you spend some petty cash on an asset pack you've already set yourself apart just by not using the hideous default tiles

>he doesn't use version control


Can I develop a 2D game in Godot using only C++?

If you know C++ you don't need an engine for 2D.

Well I'm still practicing basic shit, wondered how far would that take me to make a classicvania inspired game

The story there is that the forest has been corrupted over the years. About a hundred or so years prior, there was a huge magical war taking place in the land to the north (Neverlands on the map), which left the area desolate and inhospitable for regular races. Unbeknownst to them, it resulted in a hotbed for dark and chaotic energies and creatures. This all seeped into the huge forested land the elves inhabit, which corrupted their race and ultimately split them into two factions. The "normal" elves have built a massive wall with a huge castle in the middle, in order to landlock the corrupted elves from the rest of the continent and there's some other politics involved.

True. I wish they had some fucking consistency like the older versions did. The pixel art/vector art/painted art mish mash they have by default is awful.

Godot uses GDscript which is kind of like Python.

wud u play a game that looked like this?

Nope, but I'm sure you'd find an audience for it.

The game's art is really the selling point to rope you in and get you interested. If I see a game like that: first instinct is taht it's a shit game.

If the game's good, I'll put up with subpar, programmer tier art, but I would definitely prefer something else.

I like the simplicity, but you need more colors. Even if it's 1 or 2 more colors, it'll go a long way in communicating basic things to the player.

>wud u play a game that looked like this?
Did Undertale sell a million copies?

Undertale had some shit art, but it didn't rely on a single color on a plain black backdrop.

Threadly reminder that if you are writing your game in C/C++ and you're not using a premade engine then you have absolutely no excuse to not be able to compile it N64 hardware unless your code is an unoptimized piece of shit.

why would I want to compile it in old hardware

why did she start speakin english


Looking to make a shitty Nuclear throne/Enter the gungeon rip off, whats a good engine to work with?


And one for you, as well, friend.

>Make a game with 3 friends. Supposed to split revenues 25% each
>All the guys are procrastinating as fuck
>I work full time on the game, even during weekends
>They still work once in a while, so it's not like they are doing NOTHING, and I'd rather have a finished game than no game at all, so I don't want to cancel it
>I'm really getting fucked over with this 4 ways split least the game will be finished one day.... maybe

Would different shades of the same colour work? Was planning to have each "level" a different colour. Might change the characters to be a 2nd colour tho if its too hard to see whats going on

gives me downwell vibes, but you should probably add another color for clarity. I think it's a nice aesthetic look otherwise.

>cucking yourself this bad

Make the sacrifice. Start over with what you've learned. Don't cuck yourself.

If you want to make an RPG Maker game then you gotta make it look and feel like it's not an RPG Maker game. Oh and graphics need to be good enough to sell it.

Any developer worth their salt has ported their game to retro hardware at least once.

don't worry about the profit split
you wont finish the game anyway

so this is the power of VR

I dunno man, seems tiring to work extra hard on outdated hardware that few people will actually use.

Literally any. If you don't know what to use then chances are you're not going to be able to make a game like them. Start small.

Fuck! I don't want to start over. I literally invested way too much.

My dream is to make money with the game somehow and next time hire people to work for me and never have to deal with this bullshit again.

And this is why you don't team up with friends. Or if you do then you gotta really set up some ground rules and be on the same level on the seriousness of the project.

Knowing what the gameplay is like would be pretty helpful for this discussion, but personally if I were using this visual style, I'd make sure that things like enemies/projectiles are all a contrasting color to the rest of the environment for easier readability. Same with NPC's, health items, etc. You want to make a visual 'language' of sorts so that when a player learns this language, they can intuitively understand what does what in the heat of the moment without having to think about it.

It's the sort of thing that's ultimately pointless but if leveraged properly can get you some press attention and if the game is good enough that might help make or break it.

No, man. Riding on hopes that the game succeed will end you. It also doesn't help that you'd split your revenue with your "friends". Just focus on something else

with your level of intelligence, i bet it wasn't even a good game.

Sunken cost here folks, don't be this guy.

Don't think of it as a waste. It's experience towards your next project. But if you're just in it for the cheese, you might as well stop altogether and do something else like getting a degree in law or economics or some shit. There's better ways to make money if that's what matters to you.

To make a good game, you have to want to make a good game. The money is secondary. If you are sidetracked by money, you'll be distracted by "hmm, what will sell well" and contrary to what this industry may look like from a brief inspection, greedy cunts don't actually get rewarded. Ubisoft, EA, etc. etc. - these people didn't get to be giants because they've done what they do these days.

I'd probably give it a go if I saw a neat enough looking trailer and it was free. But assuming this is one of your first games, don't try to sell it. There's no shame in releasing early work for free. It might help you build a fanbase for you and it will be much easier to get people to try out and give feedback on a free game. You can also be part of the change that needs to happen so that less games get put on to Steam that don't need to be there.

Also if you're dedicated to the limited palette then

>these people didn't get to be giants because they've done what they do these days.
are you implying EA cared about games at some point? They're businessmen, publishers, not game developers. They move money around, they don't care where it comes from so long as it comes from somewhere. You can be greedy or you can be creative, being both at once is counter-productive

I second this, downwell excels at visual clarity with clever use of color.

Yeah, man.

You're objectively wrong. EA used to be capable of letting their developers work without mixing business with the art. Their studios used to make very good games because they were JUST a publisher.

These days, their game development has become part of that business mentality and everything is designed around money - not fun.

>what is korea

If you knew anything about the history of EA you'd know they were an oppressive business from the get-go. They bought Origin and worked them to the bone, crunching 14 hour work days making a shitty new Ultima game in half the time it needed with good graphics but none of the game features people liked about the series to make a quick buck off the name

Is this better?

Don't even joke about that shit unless you're ready to throw down.

>his game doesn't have waifu

yes, can you stop using purple on fonts too?

MUCH better, everything pops now. I'd change the text to white and maybe fiddle with the tones of the colors a bit, but that tiny change raises my interest in this a lot.

Is anyone going to make a Mischief Makers rip-off

I'll take 10 copies of any game that manages to forgo this degenerate shit while also not cucking themselves to the progressives in Shillicon Valley.

today I added wooden barricades


I wish Treasure made more games... What are they even doing lately?

if you're writing a game that's so low-tech it runs on N64, you shouldn't bother writing it in C


The font is just a placeholder, its going to be changed to symbols to represent the weapon effects soon enough. It doesn't play nice with my shader so changing the colour is a pain

Hows this? The colour changes for each level

The N64 Borland compilers were leaked online recently, it can run C code just fine.

Nigga some of us have actual things to do. It's fine if you do something like that as a pet project, but why should anyone else reasonably be bothered doing that shit?

I really hate the purple color personally but i dig the simple pixel art.

The color change seems fine imo.

>Implying anyone in these threads will ever successfully make, let alone finish, a professional quality product that will actually be sold on the market.

like tears in the rain desu. after a couple of years of hard work, i think i was at 70-80% (sans the soundtrack) when i lost everything. i aint even mad tho

why does this happen to so many people


No Backup

even so hard drive crashes are pretty rare but I've heard hundreds of stories of people losing their nearly finished games to it

shit luck i guess. one man team games are hell

Looks pretty good.
It's been a while since i've seen a good horde

There are a few. But just because a project may not be near pro levels, or even not be for profit, doesn't mean people should just stop and make a fucking N64 game.

nice hotline miami clone user

Those colors seem pretty solid, I personally wasn't a fan of the purple though and this is what I came up with. Also started playing with the character sprite to see if making the hat more solid might solidify it more, I feel like the solid face was probably enough though, hat looks like overkill if nothing else is stylized that way. Just my 2 cents though, take what you will from what I said, you're doing good!

Not much. They have some games on Xbox and Wii arcade and they have a Twitter.

I'm two weeks into learning Python
How am i doing

depends on what are you trying to accomplish. I have never learned python though i took c and assembly in college and learning object-oriented language is "fun" eye-opener experience.

Learning C# because it's popular and i can always transition to c++ or stick with unity

hammer to break wall

You have a blog or something? I'm very intrigued by this.

The hat looks good, I feel like if its coloured the robes need to be too tho. Might try changing the sprites up
Haven't posted about the game in a while, was going to be completely different originally (you could draw stuff to cast spells) but it wasn't really fun

how is godot on a 13" screen? I am getting a new laptop and when I chill I wanna do some shit.

For now I'm experimenting on stuff.
Not sure if Unity is the best for SRPGs.
I know most basic languages and can easily learn a new one if needed.

yeah its rite here cezch it out

This game is meant to be finished before Christmas, but I've been faffing about so much that's still essentially a tech demo.
Getting ready to die over this next week.

Yeah, I initially tried coloring in the robes as well, but I didn't like the body and head merging together, and when I left a line of black under the head to separate the two, it looked like a dumb mouth, so I just kept the hat. I'm sure there's ways to make it look better but I was getting frustrated editing upscaled sprites anyway so I gave up after that.
Also small thing, and again this is personal preference, take what you will from it, but I think I'd raise the contrast on the 2 color shades like pic related. Very minor change, but I feel like it gives everything a slightly bolder presence.

i dont own an n64 anymore

This is the most disgusting shit I've ever seen in my life.

now THIS is a game!

delet this

looks like a fucking mode 7 game lmao

quit while youre behind kid :^)

Thread ruined