Bad remakes

What are some remakes that were worse than the original?
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>literally DEMOLISHED the atmospheric feel of this game


what's wrong with it

Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. What makes it worse is they ruined the reps of the Dreamcast versions which functioned way better.

Are you autistic? You have to be

You just got to be mentally brain damaged

Those are ports, m8.

I was obsessed with Oddworld as a kid. Sonic autist obsessed. You could not have fucked up a remake of Abe's Oddysee for me, or so I thought.
This game is just not what it could have been, and all the pieces to make it as smooth, gritty and unsettling as its predecessor were there and they just put it together wrong.

Yeah I am, what of it?

t. Underage

What's wrong with it?

Stop pretending to be me, retard.

What's right with it?

Abe's Oddysee was a pretty dark game. It was humorous, there were farts, but it didn't ever stop being gruesome. It had a barebones but easy to master control scheme, paired with robust, fast-paced platforming.

New N Tasty has shitty, clunky controls which were unnecessarily reorganized for Console release. they added autorun as the default, the meticulous placement of traps and precise step-taking is gone for brutal, twitchy, unreliable movement. It's a pain in the ass to play if you're expecting it to move from screen-to-screen with as much fluidity.

So is Genesis, but OP is calling it a remake.

SADX is supposed to be a remastered version, but it's worse, and every successive port downgrades it further. It's hardly a simple port.

There's so many things wrong with this game, but i won't go into details out of respect for the people that do like it since i've already complained about it a lot on Ace Combat threads and i don't want to make them go through it again
But in short it's really disappointing that the handhelds Ace Combat started so damn good with X and then got worse and worse with each game, i'd play the original AC2 over this any day

That's not a remake, just a super shit port

No, it is not a port. It was recreated from scratch in a different engine. There is not a single byte of classic Sonic code in Sonic Genesis. It is a remake by every definition.

What's wrong with it?

Bumped up resolution and includes all the content that was on the Japanese version of the original, but the overworld is really shitty and the game itself doesn't feel as good as the GC one

the hit from 60 to 30 FPS leaves it feeling much more clunky, and the PS2 content doesn't amount to very much in the end
>2 seconds more of anime
>couple costumes that aren't as good as were already in the game in the first place
>copypasted bosses from main game in super dungeon
>mystic artes and added boss moves that the game wasn't balanced for

It's an OK port but not the definitive edition.

>not knowing what a port is
literally says GENESIS in the title

>Literally coded from scratch because Sega lost the original source code
>A port

You're nearly as retarded as Sega.


What makes them worse?

So we including ports or not

explain how. no one ever does.

more prone to glitches. SADX has much worse lighting on character models. SA2B is mostly fine, but the "hd" version makes it even more prone to glitches and the audio mixing somehow gets worse from how it started.

No user, recreating the same program for a different platform is called a port. If you make a Windows game for Mac, is it a remake or a port?

It's a port, because at least you have some of the base code and assets to work with, as opposed to making an entirely new engine. This is a port, but it's both a port and a remake due to being made from the ground up. If you're putting something on a new console by tweaking existing assets without any other huge modifications, it's purely a port.

half-life source

Holy shit..
What the fuck did they do..

Speaking of glitches in Sonic Adventure 2 HD, look up the "chao key glitch." It's odd.

This is terrible and actually runs SLOWER and worse than emulated sonic 3 on a gba. What the fuck did they do????

You really have no idea what a port is, do you? By your logic, Street Fighter II on SNES isn't a port.

>Promised 200 more mudokons
>Most of them were just added to areas that had some already

What's wrong with it?
It was my first Ace Combat and I thoroughly enjoyed it

