So 2018 is starting off with fucking MONSTER HUNTER WORLD just think of how lucky we are to get the GOTY so early in the year.
Also Monster Hunter thread.
So 2018 is starting off with fucking MONSTER HUNTER WORLD just think of how lucky we are to get the GOTY so early in the year.
Also Monster Hunter thread.
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This looks so fucking fun dude
Does the games difficulty scale with the more people that join your hunt? Never played MH before
Damn right
Never played monster hunter before but monster hunter world went from nothing to Souls level of hype for me.
Previous games had an easier singleplayer exclusive "campaign" that runs for about the first half of the game's content, and then a larger set of single/multiplayer missions that's about 2x harder than the singleplayer mode and spans the entire game's content
>tfw waiting for PC release because I'm not only poor but know a PS4 isnt the right investment for me because I dont like its library
Just hope we hear about the PC release sometime soon. Have fun PS4 anons. In the mean time, what weapon are you most looking forward to? The HBG has been my weaponfu since MH1 so I'm eager to see how the new mechanics work for it
MH is legitimately the one series I enjoy more than Souls. You're in for a treat user.
id like that hunter to put that sausage to better use
not sure how it's gonna work in world with the new drop in multiplayer flare signal, but in previous installations single player hunts and the hunters guild (multiplayer) had differing monster hp. guild monsters took considerably longer to kill.
As a Greatsword main I'm most excited for the Bow, weirdly enough.
apparently hp can scale up mid-bunt, but not down.
so if a player drops youre kinda boned
Any word on pc release date ?
>see this sausage? it was in my bum last night
Man, the industry must be in a sorry state if one of the weakest games in the series is GOTY.
Buy a PS4.
same boat as other anons, I never touched MH before and want to know how this games skill ceiling is. like DaS where you can fight an end game boss like the dancer of the boreal dancer at level 1 and kill her so long as you are good enough
Shoo shoo Nintengoy
>he never played the PSP games
Was really excited to finally play MH with a controller again.
Tried the demo, now I'm even more excited than I previously was.
Fucking hell I missed having a comfortable control scheme with a good camera.
Later. Still in development.
There's a very high skill gap, there's always gonna be a jap that clears hunts in half the time you do, and now that challenge hunt times are gonna be leader board recorded its gonna be a struggle to the top.
Naked hunts have always been a thing and there are a few quests that require it, so yes. You probably won't beat the most HP bloated monsters with an unupgraded SnS naked unless you're free hunting, though.
Nintendo fucked up.
Weapon is everything. Having a strong enough weapon is necessary to damage the monster at all.
Beyond that, it should be possible to kill every monster without any armour. Feasible is a different story.
How does it look on the regular PS4?
HBG and Gunlance
>souls level hype
>Controlling the Gunner weapons and easy aiming with the kinsect
Feels great
>In the mean time, what weapon are you most looking forward to?
Using gunner weapons now since we have an actual controller. And relearning SnS cause slinger+items for shenanigans
Back in 4U there were absolute endgame quests that felt like suicide to bring any less than four veteran, geared-to-the-teeth players. Quests outright failed a good half the time, and if victory could be secured within 15 minutes I felt happy with the group.
The Gods among us soloed these quests in under 5 minutes.
There's no levels
You at least need a decent weapon so you don't bounce off of 95% of the monster's body and run out the entire 50 minute quest time limit
But besodes that yeah people beat the game naked, everything one-shots you past the first quarter of the game if you try that though, and you won't benefit from armor skills.
>flashbacks to watching naked hammer mhfu runs on yt in low quality
>Having a strong enough weapon is necessary to damage the monster at all
You will never deal 0 damage, but the time it'll take is the real issue.
How 2 fight Rathalos with CB?
>because I'm poor
I hope it doesn't have lan and required internet access all the time so poorfag like you won't be able to pirate it.
1) Flash bombs
You should be able to figure out the rest
spam ultra bursts, thats literally it
They're reopening the beta due to the huge amount on interest starting on the 22nd.
Will do,
I only played a tiny amount of MH on psp, so I'm mostly new to all this, willing to learn though, had a blast in the beta.
wait until the full game so you can actually bring flash bombs and multiple traps so he stays grounded or use the map hazards (flashbugs, vinetraps, vineswinging to mount)
>he doesn't know how to pirate multiplayer games
>Souls level of hype
So the village hunter is now spider man?
This is dumb.
best theme coming through
I can already see the waifufags ruining the threads. "Post your hunterfus!!"
The demo has flash bombs, they're just called something else now. They're slinger ammo, you can pick them up in the tent.
I still haven't managed to clear Bombs Over Gogmazios even with a full group
Question about sAeD.
If you do a normal one the charges stick to the monster, right?
You can essentially hit something slightly behind and above you.
Is the super version the same in that regard?
Or would you only get the axe hit and the charges explode where the axe head lands?
Monsterfus > Hunterfus
>you can pick them up in the tent.
I have never played or really even heard of the Monster Hunter series.
Is it like a giant realistic pokemon affair; where you catch them or kill them for trophies? Does it support local co-op?
Is it an ARPG or more of an action-adventure game?
just watch This will give you a good enough idea of the gameplay and what the game is about.
Made simple you kill monsters to loot their corpses which give you resources to make new armor and weapons to kill even bigger monsters. It's really fun but has had a really hard learning curve.
I've had money set aside for MHWorld since it was announced so your moralfagging doesn't really register on me. Besides, who pirates an online game?
Action game with very minimal story. The draw is almost entirely in the combat and the core gameplay loop of kill boss -> get loot -> make new gear ->kill new boss.
Really? Will I be able to do another 2 day trial of ps plus to play it?
Make a new account and yes.
Post more MHW webms please
Pretty sure its not needed this time around
I've been an IGfag since they were released, and they've just gotten better and better with each game released. MHW is no different, but everything looks so fucking fun I can't decide if I want to stick with Ol' Reliable or try something new like Charge Blade or what. I'm so fucking excited.
This time it doesn't require PS+
Alright thanks, hopefully I'll kill some monsters I missed the first time around.
That's kinda how it always was in MP hunts.
>That one faggot that joins a hunt, carts twice, and then drops out
Sup Forums was so wrong about this game that its embarrassing as fuck
Is there any difference between mainline and Frontier anymore?
>No red buff and not on a monster
Get out of here thot
No. Just no, you're embarrassing yourself by having that opinion on a series you never even touched until this game.
It wasn't just Sup Forums. Plenty of people were worried back when the trailer was released. Lots of doomsaying, "MH is dead! This isn't my MH!" stuff.
I Can't tell the difference among all those frontier, xx, tri, generations bullshit. japs are so terrible at naming things.
What the fuck is the difference between these and mainline games?
For what faults it may have, I'm just glad World has finally made this an in-game thing.
Mainline are numbered.
Non numbered are spin offs.
Frontier and Online are MMOs
Tried it out on the beta, is still pretty fun but I'd like the handler to at least not look like femryder. Hopefully we can switch it like in gen
Frontier is the MMORPG one. Tri, XX and Generations are all mainline.
How has the MHW beta been received in Japan?
Frontier is an MMO on the 2nd gen engine
Tri is mainline
Generations is made by B-team and favors style over substance
how the hell do you do that? I thought the slinger just slings shit. I've seen people grapplehook back onto a monster after what I assume them falling off a je suis monte but I have no idea how they did that.
Thank God we moved away from the edgy anime moves from generation and have finally returned to the true roots of monster hunter
Aim with the slinger at these beetle things and you'll latch on if you hit O.
>XX and Generations are mainline
>"playing with overseas super fun"
>"no idea what they were saying though"
Healing confirmed for more difficult.
>I really want a healthbar for enemies
Glad to see japs also have casuals on their side.
>MH: casual numale edition
no thank you. Also stop making threads about this """game""", it's embarassing.
>The bucket outfit
>bucket outfit for the handler
I hope this exists. Then again, the character should not even exist, but this would be close enough
>I want to see the hunter eat food but the close up of handlers face makes me skip it every time
I feel you bro
>I wanna see my Hunter eat food but the close up of the handlers face makes me skip it every time
This to be quite honest with you my lads
I made a lot of good hunting buddies in XX and I don't speak a lick of japanese
>hit bullet sponge for 5 minutes
>it runs away
>find and hit it again watching out for wild flailing
how you guys can clock thousands of hours in this