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Battleborn is a bigot I guess
Kek, he had one job and he fucked it up
How can I just let you walk away?
Just let you leave without a trace?
When I stand here taking every breath
with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me
when all I can do is watch you leave?
'Cause we shared the laughter and the pain
And even shed the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
There's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here
to remind me
Just a memory of your face
Ooh, take a look at me now
Well there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me
is against the odds
And that's what I've got to face
I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all
So take a look at me now
Well, there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here
to remind me
Just a memory of your face
Now take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you
is all I can do
And that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now
'Cause I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me
is against all odds
It's the chance I've got to take
Let me get this straight... #GamerGate is still considered to have been a hate movement despite all the evidence to the contrary due to nobody looking at the evidence and simply listening and believing a literal organized harrassment conspiracy formed by those corrupt individuals who the movement was exposing as corrupt?
Nicholas Cage was right. Evil doesn't prevail when good men do nothing. Evil just prevails.
gamergate was seriously one of the scariest coverups i've seen
it's the only time i've witnessed the truth of a matter, seen it utterly concealed by the media, and now apparently no one knows what actually happened. it's as if they actually successfully altered history
It didn't help that retards on infinitechan and reddit conflated the simultaneous posting of several articles decrying the gamer identity with the Five Guys business and Anita Sarkeesian.
It's fundamentally Orwellian as well, considering that at the core there war an actual hate group who used their influence to label their opposition as a hate group. Crash Override Network was the Ministry of Truth.
A coverup implies they knew they did something wrong and were attempting to conceal it from the public. That is not what happened in gamergate. Both sides genuinely believed what they claimed about the other side to be true. The press spent five minutes running with the more publicly palatable story, i.e. bigotry on the rise in gaming as opposed to marxism on the rise in gaming, and then almost everyone forgot all about it because it's not even remotely important and got on with their lives. The end.
Do you really think that every major news outlet who cared managed to accidentally report the unsubstantiated propaganda as actual fact and ignore all the evidence that proves the opposite to be true? That's an organized coverup, no matter how insignificant the subject matter is.
No outlet is going to send an investigative journalist to uncover the "truth" about gamergate. They don't care, it's not important. They reprinted what the gaming press was saying and moved on. Ever heard the phrase "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."? It's something worth remembering. It was not a coverup, it was just a political argument.
Mostly this. Some people sperged out over some roastie who was tangentially-related to bideo james, journalists label everyone talking about it as mysogolord harassers(of which there were are a good number of ), everybody loses in the end
Sure the mainstream media probably were just lazy and didn't do their job. But the gaming press very likely did actively participate in the coverup because it's them who were losing. Instead of letting a consumer revolt try to take away their false credibility, they participated in trying to shut down the conversation by putting derogatory labels on their opposition.
>Both sides genuinely believed what they claimed about the other side to be true.
of course dude, this is the very basis of how these things work. it's all on a 'need to know' basis, as to the reality of what they're doing. to them the gamers really were evil misogynists
only the people who originated the politics understand the actual reasons
It's always been like that, take Jesus Christ for example, several historians have gotten serious doubts about his existence, but the church has managed, with very little evidence, to convince most historians to agree with his existence.
Many historians and people who work with the history of religions have complained that when they have to present their cases, more evidence and of much higher quality is requested of them, but when it comes to Jesus, almost no evidence is necessary for him to be accepted to have existed.
i think this kind of thing is how AI will take over
it will be so smart that it can do religion-scale historical alterations in a matter of a month or two
rather than skynet-style robotic exterminatus, we will probably be snuffed out by an AI-backed death cult of humans who consider the AI god
gamers btfo
But there IS evidence for Jesus. Maybe not much but there's not much evidence for a lot of things when you are talking about that far back in history. If there was absolutely zero evidence you might have a point but most historians will agree it's plausible that Jesus existed because it actually is.
>But there IS evidence for Jesus
Actually, no.
There are no artifacts.
No contemporary accounts.
No artifacts of people close to him, including apostles and disciples.
No contemporary accounts of people close to him, including apostles and disciples.
Nothing, you have to wait several years after his alleged death to start finding reports of people who believed he existed
Except you have multiple articles from multiple news groups using the exact same wording and phrases being released within hours of each other, as though the entirety of the industry had colluded together to push a single message. "Gamer's are dead," was a perfect example. Go back and look at the article releases and you will see the exact same phrasing, almost word for word, in their article titles. You might try to alter history, but Sup Forums remembers.
>laws different from the ones I like make a land lawless
mental gymnastics
Sup Forums was pretty passive regarding the issue, they chose not to intervene because of the notion that it would all go away if they ignored it, the cancer has multplied instead of going away, of course
>the cancer has multplied instead of going away, of course
Because you (gamergate movement) chose to pursue the retards.
That's factually incorrect. Gamergate threads got banned by the mods, which is what caused the rise of infinitychan. The exact same situation happened with the mods banning threads about neogaf, but gookmoot told them to fuck off. The mods are part of the problem.
While I care about shit, I'm not part of the gamergate movement.
Yes, there is moron
If Jesus was a secular figure there would be absolutely nobody claiming he didn't exist, but no, keep on believing that a bunch of uneducated fishermen invented one of the most influential people in history for literally no reason and everyone just went along with it
Yeah, there's a lot of that lack of evidence problem when talking about ancient history. It just goes with the territory. But there's enough independent sources talking about the existence of Jesus in a non-religious context for historians to say it's possible he existed. Also, Jesus is a simpler explanation for Christianity than Christianity is for Jesus. In the later, you are still stuck explaining Christianity.
>gamergate was seriously one of the scariest coverups i've seen
fucking millenials
not one of the countless times something important in the real world was covered up
no, gay liberal gaming journalists was the scariest coverup you've ever seen
>mfw Battleborn is at the Dollar General for $10
This may be the closest they've come to personally being involved and thus they have uncovered the truth that they were trying to cover up. There may be dozens of important irl conspiracies going on but they work in such a high level that they barely touch the life of a vidya playing millenial. So it may well be the scariest coverup they've personally witnessed. Not to mention that this coverup is so sloppy that finding the evidence to confirm it's a coverup is trivial. It's not a conspiracy of manufactured global conflicts to inflate weapons sales, it's fucking video games. You don't get suicided with two bullets to the back of the head for finding evidence about it.
what exactly was covered up? all I see is run-of-the-mill neopitism and corruption, even if you're a sheltered neet who's never had a job you should learn plenty about that just going through the public education system
>also he blew up
My friend linked me a 3 hour documentary that goes over many connections that led to the true reasons for the Gamergate actions (something about Zionists trying to force Common Core into the mainstream).
The guy who created that video ended up killing his father over having differing political values however, so many people will probably discredit the video despite having many sources unfortunately.
The Silverstring/DiGRA connection maybe?
Just off the top of my head
>, keep on believing that a bunch of uneducated fishermen
There's no evidence for the fishermen either, we only have the creators of the gospels, whom were quite literate
>the true reasons for the Gamergate actions (something about Zionists trying to force Common Core into the mainstream).
how do people this impressionable manage to exist
I'm not saying I believe everything he has to say, but I do believe that there may have been people who tried to take the situation involving exposing journalism corruption to their favor.
Even singular figures took it as an opportunity to make their splash (such as Milo Yyiannopoulos and Internet Aristocrat).
It's usually like this desu.
>"Come on, sing it with me!"
>nobody joins in
>despite having many sources
This is meaningless. Merely saying "Someone else said..." does not mean it's irrefutable. WHAT you are citing matters a lot more than how many citations you make, e.g. citing a national census is a lot more meaningful than citing 100 surveys of 25 college kids.
I never personally bought into that whole secret marxist illuminati-type thing infinitychan was shilling. All the big game journos were definitely colluding with each other to produce similar "Gamers are dead" articles, but I think when you get into a profession that clique-y, everyone is already acquaintances with everyone else
>the true reasons for the Gamergate actions (something about Zionists trying to force Common Core into the mainstream).
Okay, we have to stop. It's not funny any more, I can no longer tell if this is a goof or if there are people out there who genuinely, truly believe this.
This is some flat-Earther level of delusion
No need for aliens in the basement, the industry protecting itself from the consumers, as usual.
He doesn't just say "Someone else said" though.
He analyzes sources of sources and how they connect to one another.
It's almost exhausting how he jumps from one source to another.
The fact that an e-mail group that follows in line with Academia is already suspicious enough as it is though.
I wouldn't completely discredit any potential discrepancies and be open to all interpretations and potential outcomes of any scenario personally.
But you're free to believe what you want.
I don't believe in Flat Earth however just so you know.
ironically the biggest manipulation involving gamergate was conservative demagogues finding a way to reach a whole new generation of kids and fill their minds full of shit
the reasons for gamergate are pretty clear to see, people were sick of the attitude of stuck up 'gaming journalist' liberals
>The fact that an e-mail group that follows in line with Academia is already suspicious enough as it is though.
no it's really not. If you have a job in any fucking profession, there's email groups, cliques, guilds, unions, any kind of closed doors circlejerk you can think of. "links to academia" sounds paranoid as fuck as well
>fill their minds full of shit
I wouldn't go that far.
Sure it was shilling, but there's truth and lies on all sides of politics.
One side is not more innocent than the other.
However, the liberals of today tend to be much more barbaric than the conservatives of today.
>he doesn't believe what former KGB member Yuri Besminov has to say about the merchants invading Academia following WWII and causing the downfall of Western civilization with their education of Marxism in the Academia to future professors we now see teaching today
Absolutely Subversive I tell you!
>The fact that an e-mail group that follows in line with Academia is already suspicious enough as it is though.
IIRC, those ties were examined and all they found was some workshop/camp for game devs and journos about using games to spread cultural marxism (well, to create a more "tolerant society and teach gamers empathy", but same shit). It's nothing as insidious as you'd be led to believe
turning people into nazis or even monarchists is no less than filling peoples minds with shit, people will literally believe any retarded conspiracy theory now if it makes them feel good (gamergate is a xionist conspiracy, lol)
>spreading cultural marxism
>not insidious
Comme pls go and stay go.
not disagreeing with that, don't see what it has to do with a clique mailing list
>write a book about how nazis were bad but still human beings
>get fired and go to jail
i love myself some historic "truths"
>turning people into nazis or even monarchists is no less than filling peoples minds with shit,
Now that is actually taking to an extremity for a comparison.
Political knowledge from one party is not the same as teaching them to become soldiers of a fascist government regime.
I mean "nothing as insidious" in terms of scale. This wasn't some secret MKULTRA-type deal to reprogram minds using video games, it was more like a bunch of dykey SJWs going to a seminar about making better walking simulators
the first step to getting people to take up arms and fight each other is to fill their heads with ideas that promote conflict
not that I think it'll happen in this case, I don't people seriously believe half the shit they spew
>turning people into nazis or even monarchists is no less than filling peoples minds with shit
He says as he slurps on a can of jizz and plays the newest FNaf.
>with ideas that promote conflict
But all of politics is conflicting ideals and seeing how one side compares to another.
There is no right and wrong in politics, just whoever gets their opinion out to an empty shell first and it's up to the people taking in the knowledge to keep an open mind.
All sides "spew shit" so to speak to convince people to their side.
You guys are actual fucking retards and victims of intentional propaganda.
It's not coincidence GG is an conservative "movement".
It actually is quite tiresome when you purchase a videogame and they are trying constantly for you to accept liberal views.
Videogames should be about fun, would you like it if videogames were programmed only by catholic monks?
Games have been politicized ages before gamergate. Fuck off.
>But all of politics is conflicting ideals
that's not the same thing as ideas that promote conflict. There's constructive, peaceful conflict and theres ideas that exist merely to get people to fight each other like facism or marxism. There can be right and wrong answers to important questions, don't blind yourself with bullshit american party politics where you have only two sides who are both wrong
>It's not coincidence GG is an conservative "movement".
Only if you see it that way.
Opportunists don't make the whole movement (but apparently they do to those who can only see one side of a coin).
Is it "conservative" to have standards in the content you're being fed in regards to video games news and reviews?
A few bad eggs doesn't make the movement political.
It has and always will be about people fighting for integrity of the press and gamers not putting up with the corruption.
Well that's funny but the message is garbage
That's part of the reason why I mainly just play Jap games. This year I've only enjoyed 1 western game and that was Prey. Not only do western games have bullshit agendas but the games themselves are shit desu.
>marxism on the rise in gaming
Love people who don't know what marxism using the term.
Video games should be about whatever the fuck the people make them want them to be about, turns out most creative types are liberals and have been for over a century.
>turns out most creative types are liberals
>Mass Effect: Shepard, I believe in God
>Mass Effect 2: I might be gay Shepard
>Mass Effect 3: Aaay fuccboi, give me your boipucci
>American politcs is only 2 parties
Also, quit thinking you're above people because you aren't in a mainstream party.
I generally lean towards right-leaning politics but I don't identify myself by a group or consider myself superior to others because I can only see them as one side thinking the other are out to get them and vice versa.
>that led to the true reasons for the Gamergate actions (something about Zionists trying to force Common Core into the mainstream).
Oh man
If the result is fun(remember fun, Sup Forums?), does that really matter in the end? Also, what would you consider "liberal views"? Society as a whole usually becomes more liberal with time
See the example here And notice the drop in quality of the games generation after generation the more political views are introduced into the game series
>t. I don't know what Cultural Marxism is
>turns out most creative types are liberals and have been for over a century.
>He says while playing Nip games
Don't equate yourself with classical liberals. They'd have shot you ages ago.
If you can see beyond black-and-white two sided thinking then yeah, you are above the retards who think you have to be either a nazi or a sjw
gg was just an explosion of manufactured drama that started cuz one guy wanted to get back at his ex.That's it, that's what it was, end of fucking story. Breitbart seized the opportunity to harness the pre-existing ignorance and anger among disaffected young white dudes.
>I don't know what cultural marxism is.
I have my rifle in one hand and an esoteric tract about why Jazz is fascism in the other.
If you don't get that reference I think it's YOU who doesn't know the first thing about the frankfurt school.
This is just dumb paranoia. The notion that nobody who played video games ever cared about politics or had an opinion on it before gamergate is as stupid as the notion that since gamergate all gamers are now card carrying members of the alt-right.
Most people are centrists and that includes people who play video games too. All this agenda pushing just rolled off their backs. Politics are just not as much a part of their daily life as it is for these activists and, frankly, I'm tired of them pontificating on the ways to capture the souls of the "stupid masses".
It's not fun to play as a nigger mafioso, it's not fun to have fag shit forced on you in every western games.
>>t. I don't know what Cultural Marxism is
a buzzword conspiracy theory used by people who don't have a clue what marxism is
Conspiracy theorists should be killed.
Yeah because Mafia 3 would've been great if the character was white.
Fuck off retard.
>Yeah because Mafia 3 would've been great if the character was white.
I bet there wouldn't have been nearly as much crying if it was the exact same story, but he was Irish or some shit. Cuz most people bitching were disingenuous as fuck.
Of course they are. People actually bitching about this shit are legitimate racists. They don't give a fuck about the game. They're here to cling to their race.
You breeders have like 100s of games with straight romances, a few with "fag shit" won't suddenly turn you gay
>it's not real Marxism
oh my god
>Cuz most people bitching were disingenuous as fuck.
Sort of. They believed the people who made the game were being disingenuous by having the character in the first place.
This is what state of things now, having a minority character means your motives are immediately called into question by certain groups. The two extremes are so fucking paranoid about everything now. They see political conspiracies everywhere.
Yes very good meme, do continue
m8, if you knew the first thing about marxism you'd know what what you're saying sounds fucking retarded.
Also you didn't get the reference which is kinda proof that you have no business talking about the frankfurt school.
Nothing wrong with being racist.
Yeah, it would have if it didn't have a bunch of retards who only care about inserting minorities and pandering to queers everywhere making it. See Mass effect.
>They see political conspiracies everywhere.
Most of the "SJW" side tend to think of it in terms of systemic problems rather than conspiracy. some even go full Foucault, but you should never go full Foucault. Biopolitics is a based theoretical framework tho
>You breeders have like 100s of games with straight romances, a few with "fag shit" won't suddenly turn you gay
I don't care that there's games with fags in them. I care about a game being marketed as something it's not to me. Imagine being a fag and buying fag life 3 only to find that every character in it is straight and wants to gas you for being a fag.