What keeps the Atelier series from getting more popular? Is it thet they're released yearly, hardly go on sale on PSN, that they have less moeblobs, or is it something else?
>What keeps the Atelier series from getting more popular?
>posting the game that killed the Atelier franchise
Why is that? I thought it was fun...second atelier game I've played after Rorona a few years back.
They don't need to get more popular.
They cater to fans of such a genre and sell well so its fine.
>finally a hetero Atelier game
>fans of the franchise hate it
Really activates my almonds
The fact that it hasn't been good since the PS2.
They are super traditional JRPGs almost to a fault. The only people that play these games are about the same audience that plays neptunia games.
Its always been about the girls. If you take them away you get a middling JRPG.
All PS2 games in the franchise had a male MC with a love interest.
Escha and Logy isn't missing any of the female friendship aspects that other games have.
where are all the por
They're not super traditional at all. DQ is an example of super traditional. And I play Atelier for the game as an entire package, whereas I play Nep strictly for the characters and comedy.
No it hasn't.
>All PS2 games in the franchise had a male MC with a love interest.
Lilie, Judie, and Violet say hello.
I've actually been curious about the Atelier series but I don't have a ps3 and I've heard that the only games in the series that are worth checking out are the ps3 games
I hate E&L because the gameplay is shit. They're both good characters so if they want to get together that's their business and I don't care. I care about the game not being fun to play. That's pretty important.
Most people lose their virginity by the age of 20
How can we fix this?
Those are on vita as well.
Hack a PSTV and give Rorona plus a try.
That's because most people instead have fond memories of Mana Khemia, aka the superior Gust game.
Also, Gust needs to fucking stop their yearly releases. Even fucking Compile Heart takes at least a year or two to make their games.
Should I get Atelier Sophie?
pirate it and see what you think. I guess most people in this thread will tell you it's a shit game though.
Mana Khemia was fucking bad. If you want a good Gust PS2 games play Ar tonelico. And maybe the untranslated Ateliers, I don't know if they're good or not. But don't play MK. MK is bad.
Because it is. But that has most to do with how low budget the game is and has barebones content all over the place. As vita game, it's decent I guess but as a console title? Fuck no it isnt and that's the problem with a lot of Gust's games as of late. They feel like shovelware shit you see at comiket
>Even fucking Compile Heart takes at least a year or two to make their games.
Nope. They make quite a few games a year. Genkai Tokki, for example, has yearly releases.
MK is fantastic. Everything about those two games is magical.
Ar Tonelico has fucking shit combat though. Mana Khemia has the hypest, most fast paced turn based combat you'll ever play with sick as hell buttrock. The only good thing about Ar Tonelico was the music and maybe the VN sequences. But the combat itself didnt get remotely decent until 2.
All good
Not true.
A lot of people myself included dont give a fuck about Neptunia but enjoy Atelier games.
shut the fuck up onso
Yeah except like 99% of MK's combat is against useless enemies so the combat system doesn't matter. The boss fights are okay except there are barely any of them, so only a very small amount of the game is actually fun. May as well just play Escha and Logy instead. It has the same combat system, just it lets you summon boss fights on demand so you can have fun with them whenever you want. And then get really overpowered so the actual plot boss fights are pathetic, but, y'know, what can you do?
Also you forgot the absolute best thing about Ar tonelico, which is attacking/defending Luca on image boards. I'm really sad that doesn't happen anymore.
Gust really needs to do something different for a change. Maybe a full on action series? It's obvious their moe slice of life games arent selling anymore.
More action than YnnK you mean?
Yeah, but instead of lesbians, have ambiguously gay pretty boys and make them all hot blooded. We all know fujoshi actually throw money at these things.
They tired.
It was shit.
I think gust needs to bring back the wackiness and action of the Ps2 games they made.
Seams once they got to 3d the games got toned down and are no longer over the top fantasy JRPG but became slice of life games.
While i dont mind some slice of life games having the last 9 Atelier games be slice of life does get somewhat overwhelming.
YnnK had shit game play and was possibly even easier and more mindless than Dynasty warriors.
Even if it was not a oaring boring story the game play alone is what kills it.
Maybe they need to just make a full-on traditional RPG instead of always centering around a game with a hub world thats full of character interaction that you always return to.
I'm a GUSTfag and I haven't played an Atelier game since Sophie's JP release. It does get a tad tiring.
>are no longer over the top fantasy JRPG
That's because when they tried to pull it off, i.e. Ar Tonelico 3, it nearly killed the studio. The success of Atelier Rorona was what saved then and thus have been doing nothing but games like that for the past several years. But now that their sales are taking a huge dip, they just might experiment again with new genres
Logi scored really high in popularity polls though. People didn't dislike E&L because of him.
Iris Series.
And about Mana Khemia games.
>Ar Tonelico 3, it nearly killed the studio.
[citation needed]
>What keeps the Atelier series from getting more popular?
Being shit is one reason I can think of.
Not releasing a good one since the PS2 cant help.
Iris 2 and 3, plus Mana Khemia 1 and 2 were all great
>See /jp/ thread
>They actually tried to shill this thing
The jump from PS2 level tech to HD graphics was a very hard transition for a lot of Japanese devs, which is why 2008-2010 was mired with a whole lot of shitty games.
/jp/ lost all of my respect whey they started raving about kancolle.
It's the first Atelier game in a long time to actually NOT focus on fanservice and lolis. Go figure that the Neptunia-tier fanbase would be pissed.
That's because for a long time /jp/ is where you discuss Gust games last decade ago. If you wanted to talk about Ar Tonelico you went to /jp/, not Sup Forums.
Why not just stay 2D? Nobody gave Disgaea shit for it.
Because Gust games werent primarily 2D? 3D effects were everywhere. It's just that they couldnt get away with the chibi sprites anymore in the PS3 era when everyone expected high poly models .
it was also boring as shit
Isn't this a loli game or something? Does it actually have a plot and game mechanics?
What are you babbling about, it was always exactly the same kind of 2D sprite with 3D background/effect mix Disgaea had. Disgaea didn't change a thing besides resolution on PS3 and nobody minded.
Let's be honest. Gust's games were just 'okay'. Ar Tonelico only stands out because of the godly soundtrack.
>Isn't this a loli game or something?
>Does it actually have a plot
>and game mechanics?
1. The games haven't been good since Ayesha.
2. The games have an anime art style and you usually play as a teenage girl.
3. The games don't have particularly good graphics.
4. The games are actually focused on gameplay and complex mechanics, so they don't appeal to casuals.
5. Koei-Tecmo are a terrible publisher and have never made any attempt to market any of Gust's games since acquiring them.
Atelier was never a yuri series you dumb faggot, and Logy is an incredibly popular character and was always well liked. This is just some "Dante's hair isn't white" deflection of it being a shit game.
>Disgaea didn't change a thing besides resolution on PS3 and nobody minded.
Well, Gust did and Ar Tonelico 3 did pisspoor as a result.
But the Neptunia-tier fanbase didn't exist until Sophie.
I'd love to see what people who make posts like this look like. Especially the first guy.
Game peaked at Ayesha
>have never made any attempt to market any of Gust's games since acquiring them.
Yes they did. But their problem is that they now live in a post-Neptunia/Dangan Ronpa world where normies only buy those titles. Everybody else doesnt give a fuck about other series. Look at how games like Ys and Cold Steel have been promptly ignored.
>super traditional JRPGs
You mean Meruru. Ayesha was good, but you could see the decline.
Even as a long time JRPG fan, the series has like no advertising at all and took forever to catch my eye. It didn't really get shilled hard until this gen on messageboards either.
I'd imagine to non-JRPG fans it's more "weebshit" than their fragile minds can tolerate, and an unfortunate number of people hate crafting which is one of the series main hooks.
And of course for some, it's pretty shitty when there's no retail release of the first game of a series available and your "jump-in" point isn't the beginning. People are real finicky about not being able to play a series in release order sometimes
Female protagonists were a mistake. We need another MC like Lyner again.
>Look at how games like Ys and Cold Steel have been promptly ignored.
Ys and Cole Steel shouldn't rehash themselves over and over again if they want to be top sellers.
>Yes they did.
No they didn't. Reminder that Totori Plus just appeared on the PS Store one day with zero notification going out to anyone at all, while Ayesha PS3 had the Japanese audio stripped out because KT didn't even bother checking to see if it was a feature people wanted. Since then they've only done the bare minimum of a few press releases a year while lavishing attention on other franchises like Warriors and Nioh.
As shit as NISA were they were actually far better than KT, because they at least marketed the game. KT ships all the localisations for Atelier off to acttil, a company made up of former NISA employees, so they're just as badly translated and just as buggy but now with the added problem of zero marketing.
Or maybe they try at actually making GOOD games, not half assed, boring ones like Blue Reflection or Nights of Azure 2. There's no doubt that that new Atelier game next year is going to flop hard too since all the previews theyve shown for far show more of the same again.
You can't fix the anime.
>Ar Tonelico has fucking shit combat though.
AT1 has passable if easy combat, AT2's combat is actually good.
> Mana Khemia has the hypest, most fast paced turn based combat you'll ever play with sick as hell buttrock.
MK's soundtrack fucking sucks and it takes hours for the battle system to start evolving beyond anything more than "enemy attacks, you attack, enemy attacks, you attack" at all.
There was an anime?
Iris was a departure from the formula, not the standard.
In MK1 you get most of the good combat shit 25% into the game. In MK2 you start with the good shit.
But they peaked with Totori, and Meruru was worse than Ayesha.
no, loads of people gave disgaea shit for it
disgaea 3 had uglier sprites than 2 for a majority of characters
Yes. That image is from the first episode, and it was only downhill from there.
>make a few apple pies
>this takes a full week apparently
People didn't give Disgaea shit for staying 2D, they gave it shit for not improving their sprite work or other visuals since the PSX era. Disgaea 4 finally did so and people were then pretty happy with it. No one wanted it to switch to 3D models instead of sprites or some stupid shit like that.
i've had the ps3 collection sealed since it came out but i haven't played it because i haven't played mana khemia yet
Synthesizing apple pies in a cauldron =/= baking apple pies in an oven.
You do realise that they're not direct sequels, right?
if it's in the same universe/lore i might as well play the earlier games but they are just rotting in my backlog
It is not. They operate in entirely independent subseries that are usually trilogies, and each subseries has entirely different settings and largely different gameplay mechanics. Iris has nothing to do with Mana Khemia, and Mana Khemia has nothing to do with Arland.
No and no. Although I do prefer Totori as protagonist.
Why do MKfags like to pretend they're anything more than a vocal minority?
Because Gust killed the closest we've had to a TTGL game. Gunnar was pretty much Kamina, complete with mechs and giga drill breaks.
Whoa there grandpa, nobody cares about your 10 year old anime.
Fuck off. The over the top nature of Mana Khemia was made it so great.
Your comparison was the fucking stupid part, mate.
Quality has been going downhill. I played sophie before meruru and holy shit I couldn't believe how much better meruru was.
Does this series have a play order/infographic?
Yes, it's very straightforward.
Either release order Totori+ -> Meruru+ -> Rorona+ -> Ayesha+ or chrono order Rorona+ -> Totori+ -> Meruru+ -> Ayesha+
The general recommendation is to play the Arland games, which is why the only infographic only talks about them and Dusk. Iris is a typical JRPG series which is rather dull and sidelines the crafting, while MK is sort of in between that and Arland. Don't play Sophie or Firis, they suck.
>Don't play Sophie or Firis
Or Shallie, or Escha.
Because Gust hasn't made a good game in ages
In short. Don't play any new atelier until Gust figures out what the fuck it is that they are doing.
Good advice, but I felt that telling him not to play the shiny new games was of the most importance.
Played only Sophie. Loved it. Fuck off, grandpas
The anime was fucking awful, it was basically "Remember how EschaLogy had little fanservice and yuri pandering and a male protagonist? Let's fix that". So the bad ending happens where Logy leaves forever and Escha gets groped in the hot springs.