Thank you based Denuvo. Piratecucks and poorcucks have no business playing videogames.
inb4 "w-we dont actually want origins"
Well, someone gotta capitalize on the studio's stupidity.
Waiting they crack it, so ubisoft removes the DRM from the original and the game stop to run like shit.
>Waiting they crack it
Good luck. Total Warhammer - a game with a much weaker version was uncracked for a year. Piratecucks are pathetic, this will probabyl won't get cracked for some 20 years.
Not gonna happen.
I refuse to pay for digitally distributed games so I wouldn't be paying for denuvo games even if it didn't have denuvo.
I pay for properly released games and either pirate or don't play everything else.
>reminder that its just a single game
>reminder it took 423 days to crack Fernbus-Simulator
>reminder that the time it takes to crack a game is very random due to the nature of the obfuscation.
>reminder that up to this point every Denuvo game has been cracked without exception.
>reminder its just a matter of time until it falls once more
what game, though
Then i guess i can't buy the game, because it is running like shit.
so? I can wait.
I'm honestly curious as to who makes these threads
I mean, this is Sup Forums so nobody actually thinks supporting Ubisoft is a good idea
Are people just trying to rile up pirates?
This is the same rhetoric that people were spouting when denuvo was introduced.
Remember how well that went last time? It's just a matter of time before denuvo is back in the dumpster where it belongs.
>It's just a matter of time before denuvo is back in the dumpster where it belongs.
Keep telling yopurself this as the list of uncracked newest Denuvo version games gets longer and longer without even ONE of them getting cracked.
Judging from the OP pic, some resident kekistani.
Thank you for keeping these games nobody wants protected :^)
Envious consolebabies that have to save their allowance for a month to buy the sort of trash games that ubisoft make.
>Are people just trying to rile up pirates?
> It's just a matter of time before denuvo is back in the dumpster
I doubt it. With the cash they get from AAA Devs they can sustain themselves. Denuvo and Warez groups are just gonna battle each other until the end of days.
That is the weakesst bait I have read all week.
Every fucking game from the last denuvo version had a Day one crack. Crack times get lower if anything.
>I-it's OK, we didn't want them anyway!
Also, you're delusional if you think nobody wants Football Manager 2018.
> last denuvo version
>piratecuck is so retarded he can't even read
Once again. That's the exact same thing people said before. DRM and Piracy work in cycles. Denuvo will get it's shit cracked over and over again until they ship a new release that actually changes things which will take a few while to break into.
It's happened before and it will happen again.
How pathetic does one have to be that you have nothing else to do, but stroke your little ego by making random neckbeards angry? Got a bit of a complex going there buddy
You can buy this game for $2 - $4 from a Pajeet or an Igor (steam offline family share activation via remote PC control)
>let pajeet or Igor fuck with your computer
>DRM and Piracy work in cycles.
No, they don't. Uncrackable DRM has existed for years (how's that Diablo 3 crack coming along, piratecucks?), the issue is getting the general public to accept it.. Sadly, not every developer is Blizzard, who have a very dedicated and loyal playerbase.
>Denuvo will get it's shit cracked over and over again
Denuvo will continue to get cracked until it is but a half-measure DRM that has to be watered down so that the average player would not chimp out about Draconian DRM. With the widespread acceptance of more and more serious DRM measures increasing (AssCreed with Denuvo+VMProtect sold really well) among the general playerbase, it's only a matter of time until publishers will be able to sneak in uncrackable DRM into their games just like Blizzard has. Tick-tock, piratecucks, tick-tock.
Denuvo might be onto somthing. their motto from day 1 was to protect game for 2 weeks only and to constant upgrade drm
this kind of thinking might make them immortal
Do you know what will happen to Diablo III as soon blizzard decides that running the DRM servers is too expensive?
Tick-tock originalfag, tick-tock.
I only play games with at least 10 hours of gameplay.
Do you know what will happen to your physical games once the disks degrade physically to a point of failure? Do you know what will happen to your Steam games once the Sun goes supernova and all life on Earth dies?
I know what will happen with the games i can copy around between my several harddrives.
>comparing things fixed by personal maintenance, and actual fucking acts of god to a corporation flicking the off switch
lmaoing at your life
programmers are egoistical and tend to have god complexes. A world wide contest of who has the biggest coding penis. It's a tough cookie to crack, but eventually someone is going to pop up waving their dick around.
Prove that Blizzard will flip the switch sooner than life stops existing on Earth.
>an online game that requires online verification
nigga what, who the fuck wants to pirate that? not even worth putting the effort into to try and crack
if you wanna play any diablo single player and it's not diablo 1, you might not be human
POE, Diablo 3 fandom lasted what? All of 6 months?
I don't trust on companies staying alive.
One mistake and game over, EA buys em, or they bankrupt, or disney buys em and their moms.
>I-it's OK, we didn't want the game a-anyway!
>someone buys Blizzard
lots of games to play, not gonna wait for one especially
>Denuvo pretty much kills mods (main appeal of PC gaming for many people, myself included)
>Denuvo is not supported by Linux or Os X, so it kills ports outside of Windows
>alternative methods of purchasing and playing Windows games on Linux and OS X (like Wine) are also disabled by Denuvo
>if you have any payment problem while purchasing a Denuvo game, ALL YOUR DENUVO GAMES WILL STOP WORKING
>online re-activation of your game is needed if you stay offline too much
>If your internet drops you can't play anymore
>If Denvo ever faces some hacker attack, or goes bankrupt, NOBODY will ever be able to play Denuvo games anymore -except pirates
>multiplayer games with Denuvo can't be revived by fan communities once the publisher shut off their servers
>some save files made when connected to the internet are not compatible with offline game saves, so you can't play at all if you have connection problems
Homos enjoy getting fucked in the ass, who am I to judge
Just try to understand that not everybody is into beinding over
Activision-Blizzard, yes.
I bet on tencent pulling that off.
Reminder that CPY posted this photo on one of their twitters 2 days ago. They said they have a crack, its just unstable as shit. I give it another week until we see one
videogames are a commercially obtainable good right now, but in roughly 10 years they will become a good only for the 1% elites to enjoy and the cocksuckers who are like "get rekt poorfags" will only then realize that they are not part of the 1%.
>piratecucks are getting so desperate they start posting FUD
Best indicator that Denuvo is working and doing everything right. Keep crying, nigger-tvhieves!
Doom, Ass creed? Maybe something else from ubisoft?
>being able to shill out 60 bux a month makes you a part of the 1%
And here comes the dick waving I was talking about
---programmers can't help themselves
>once the disks degrade physically to a point of failure
My physical copies are proper releases on PC so I can easily back them up so that won't be a problem, I can sell them before that happens and continue playing them either way.
I don't use Steam or any other form of paid digital distribution and never will so that doesn't matter to me. In fact, I do hope they go bankrupt or something happens to them that forces them to close.
>Denuvo is working
You mean you feel that dick?
>I don't use Steam
So you actually don't play games? Wait a minute, it all makes perfect sense now, we're on Sup Forums after all.
its just a waste of money similar to buying $60 cigars.
its even worse now coz its all digital. so basically you pay $60 to download a bloated torrent
Name ONE (1) good video game that uses Denuvo.
>piratecuck trying to act tough when not a single 4.7 version game is cracked
>supporting your hobby with money so that more products pertaining to your hobby would get made is a waste of money
And this is why you will get cucked out of vidya soon, piratecuck. YOu don't deserve good games. Fuck, you don't deserve ANY games, you fucking nigger.
Dooms cracked tho, beat it earlier this year
Well he said he only buy physical, also. Maybe he's using GoG or something. Plenty of those services out there. Some indie dev's also have downloads on their sites. Only really be missing out on AAA shit, and we know how that is nowadays.
Like Denuvo?
Like the way they spent years pirating VMProtect and profiting from it?
kek, they don't like it when you bring that up.
Security is an industry like any other, and there are ways to cheat, like with anything.
Yeah, didn't realize. Been awhile since I pirated anything newish.
>thinks because the costs per game being 40 to 70$ right now means it will stay this way
Have you been living in a cave the past decade while corporations have all jumped on the Early Access, DLC and mobile crapware bandwagon?
The next logical step is for shovelware to be mass produced on consoles, see e.g. indiegames being ported over from Vita to other platforms.
After that it's just a matter of time for VR games to become a porn hub and then you literally have nothing but low quality garbageware games and every game that would have been considered standard a few years back from now be sold at triple the price they're at now, because every game's base content, not just the extra content, is gonna be split into chunks that you have to buy separately.
>defending denuvo even ironically
Who's the cuck here?
>people are mad im playing for free
get fucked i wasnt going to buy it anyways
because i literally havent had disposable income in 4 years
I play plenty of games, I pay for the few that get a proper release and pirate all my other games that I play.
>Maybe he's using GoG or something
>Said I only buy proper physical releases
Not surprised by the digital cuck's lack of reading comprehension, eating a bunch of Gabe Newell's shit must have given you brain damage.
Fuck GOG and all other paid digital distribution "services" too.
I only pay for proper physical releases like I said, if it doesn't have a proper release pirate or just don't play everything else.
>have all jumped on the Early Access, DLC
All thanks to digital distribution and their popularization by Valve and Valve cocksuckers, but they get a pass on Sup Forums
Not judging you bro, enjoy Denuvo I guess
No homo
okay... I guess. I am curious what you even play.
>Piratecucks and poorcucks have no business playing videogames.
I guess you never met russians or chinese online
Lets be honest here, is origins even worth the actual download or is it just another steaming pile of garbage like that Syndicate one was?
I spent like 2 hours downloading syndicate only to delete it within 20 minutes of playing it.
Fuck origins, I want Injustice.
I'm now reading the Injustice comics, and I own Gods among Us.
If I finish reading/playing both after Injustice 2 removes denuvo (or gets cracked), then I'll buy it
The only reason I have yet to buy it is legitimately Denuvo
>only to delete it within 20 minutes of playing it.
Know that feeling all to well.
>Looking at you Deathwing
serious question, why hasn't handball 17 been cracked yet?
nobody could bypass it or nobody gave enough fucks to even try?
>kills ports outside of windows
I still remember when DE:MD was ported to linux without denuvo and got cracked faster than on windows
>Total Warhammer - a game with a much weaker version was uncracked for a year.
And then Total War Warhammer 2 -a game with a much stronger version than TWW, was uncracked for days.
>I refuse to pay for digitally distributed games
I got a physical Resident Evil 7 and it still had denuvo.
It was then cracked in 5 days.
At least it was the collector's edition
>Straw man the post
I said I only pay for properly released physical copies, and what you described is not a proper physical release.
Denuvo won
piratkeks on suicide watch
I remember you from a warband thread
They didn't want to pay for them anyway, so the stealing niggers don't lose out on anything.
If you can find a way to work with warez groups without getting caught, it's literally an infinite pot of money. Shit gets my dick hard just thinking about. (I'm a bit greedy)
>I pay
No, you don't. Nigger.
Yep, I will be happily pirating Bannerlord just like I did Warband since it's pretty much guaranteed to not get a proper release.
>not a proper physical release.
The fuck you're talking about?
It's beautiful. Last time I actually got a phyisical game, it was Bloodborne.
What's wrong with RE7 retail?
they lost what again ?
Yes I do Gabe cum guzzler. As a matter of fact, I got 2 properly released games in the mail last week.
>What's wrong with RE7 retail?
As you said it still required Denuvo, so I assume it didn't actually have the game on the discs and it probably required Steam.
>>Denuvo is not supported by Linux or Os X, so it kills ports outside of Windows
Yeah, I remember those 3 people getting really fed up by this.
what games?
remember when 50 days meant something? me neither
>so I assume it didn't actually have the game on the discs and it probably required Steam
It had the disc but it also needed additional download and steam, yeah.
I know it's not ideal, but what can you do about it? It's currently the standard. The only ways to actually own an "indipendent" PC library is going full digital with either gog or piracy
Wasteland 2 and Halcyon 6.
>Ubisoft publicly showing their customers their games runs much better now that pirates also have it
Of corse it's not going to happen dummy
They're either made to troll pirates or make people think denuvo is cancer.
It's unlikely they're actually paid to shill denuvo, considering the atrocious job OP is doing
Do honestly believe there's a high demand for assassins creed? there's literally not one fucking thread on this website all day about the new game, that literally says it all and I probably avoided a shitty triple A game thats riddled with a crappy boring grind and singleplayer microtransactions.
>I know it's not ideal, but what can you do about it?
Pirate and buy the few games that get a proper release, it's the only thing you can do.
With all the content available that is avaible for free, you have no excuse to be giving money to these cocksuckers.
>It's currently the standard.
Because when Valve first started cucking people by having physical releases require Steam people just accepted it.
>The only ways to actually own an "indipendent" PC library is going full digital with either gog or piracy
Fuck GOG too, just pirate. GOG acts like they're better but they aren't so that makes them worse than they actually are. In one of their videos on youtube the guy says something like "you may feel like you don't own the games you pay for these days"
Yeah I do, and GOG doesn't fix that at all, if anything they just reinforce it by adding another "service" to sell games that I feel like I won't own if I pay for them.
Not only does digital distribution make it so you can't sell your copy, but digital distribution, specifically Steam and their fanboys, are the reason that DLC, micro transactions, games being unfinished/buggy to the point of being unplayable is the standard. Gabe even advocated devs to release unfinished games with digital distribution since they can just be fixed with an update. He even acted like devs having no other option but to release their games finished in the pre-digital distribution days was a bad thing.
Way to prove his point.
>months of GLORIOUS DENUVO threads
>knight and princess used as avatar
>Denuvo got BTFO
>fanarts of knight killed and pirates raping the princess
>months of GLORIOUS DENUVO thread
>Hitler and nazism used as avatar
aw shit, I think I just realized where this is going
>buy the few games that get a proper release
I feel you, but what you consider "proper release" is dying fast. I also hate it, but I still want to support the development of the few games I still care about. If they keep making games there's always a chance of an unfucked release, or a proper pirated copy you'll be able to enjoy in 20 years; if I refuse to buy and they die, I'll just get no good games at all.
China owns the biggest share of the videogame industry and chinese are now the majority of steam users.
Welcome to your awful cyberpunk future
I think some people are benchmarking and shit, my ex roommate was telling me the optimization was jank so that might factor into the word of mouth. However I haven't seen that mentioned in reviews. Then again, I only skim read. The game takes place in Egypt as well. Depending on where you're, your community, people will have very opinionated thoughts on that region of the planet. This influences what media the choose to consume, their likes and dislikes. The next game I believe takes place in Japan. The success of that game will answer this question for me.