About to start a new colony. Gonna autistically reroll my starting colonists, what are the essentials I should look for?
About to start a new colony. Gonna autistically reroll my starting colonists, what are the essentials I should look for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just get the prepare carefully mod tbqh
Also trying to play solo colonist beast master but randy keep giving me escape pods. What do?
0-1 Extreme Desert
2-3 Desert
4-6 Forests
7-8 Tundra
9-10 Ice Sheet
Randy Random on Rough
come on sea ice
Yeah but what are the ESSENTIAL skills I must have high on at least 1 colonist?
also rolling for my biome
is the difference between A18 and A17 worth taking the time to see if your current modlist has all been updated for the latest build
Medicine i guess
You don't want your colony to end with just some dumb infection from turtle bite do you?
Fuck off to /vg/ with your general
How do I speed up the research? That shit is taking up forever.
Here's your threadly (You)
You really need them all decently high to survive on solo. I'd also reccomend having a psychopath trait; something that allows you to harvest prisoners without mood debuffs.
Fucking hell Coleman, I hope you die of infection later.
>Every colonist is at the extreme break threshold
>No one has broke for the past couple days
Unless you want your first few hours to be a grueling slog
Shooting or medicine next.
Just started a tribe colony. God damn needing to research the basics really bloats the first couple years of the colony. Took forever for my fucker to finally research beds and electronics
At least by the time I got a comms console I had a hefty drug farm with a good volume of stock to sell off
>the final straw was: naked
Get the Fallout trait mod
>Gun Nut
For skills:
what are some good mods to use with Humanoid Alien Races 2.0?
so far the only thing I found are just the Elder chutulu one
I have used this quite a bit, it's alright. The designs are nice but the mod pretty much "takes over" whatever planet you form, making sure most visitors and traders are from the beast man tribes. I'm guessing it's because there are so many different races that the planet just gets full of their camps and when the game rolls for visitors, it's more likely to take some from beast man tribes.
It can get a bit tiring when only those pemmican munching sons of bitches come to visit instead of the high tech guys closer to you, but apart from that its a decent mod.
you can arrest her
So I've been playing Rimworld for a bit off and on, but today I had a group of traders attacked by a bunch of dark youngs and one of the traders dropped a chair made of "beta poly" and it worth over almost 5k silver. I always see beta poly in the inventory preview on the top left but i have no clue wtf it is or what it's for. I assume it has something to do with the rocket but I've never actually built one.
I have never seen that myself, it might be from a mod. It has nothing to do with the ship.
>in the mod they just smash furniture
>here they smash your valuable stuff
gee Timmy
>play Rim of madness mod pack
>too much trees around
>thinking I can just use incendiary nade launcher to burn those tree out
>just start shooting few shot
>it start raining right away
ov vey
One of my guys started burning shit and then went berserk. I restrained them, but everybody got burns, that got infected, and I have absolutely zero medicine. Welp, here goes my first colony.
By the way, is it me or does the research go a little too fast? I have researched everything up to multi analyzer, but I barely got to use any of that stuff.
>jungle playthrough
>make a living selling space crack and weapons
>been a pretty smooth game so far, only 3 or so deaths 4 years in (only one combat death, one fag got cirrhosis then got malaria and died because of the shit liver and one dumb cunt got killed by a deadfall trap, not even sure how since they were placed properly)
>get infestation no 3. second was rough but no deaths, this one is in a perfect position, the wood storage room. 1 molotov and problem solved
>enter this fag
>wait til bugs are away from the door, then have him throw
>somehow throws it diagonally through the wall into the other storage room
>gets hit by bug once and drops (forgot he was a wimp)
>drops molotovs in the doorway, propping it open
>send in backup for attempt number two once the bugs leave the room
>molotov lands, but the fuckers start pouring out (on fire)
>chain reaction sets off, got colonists in the doorways trying to pick them off but they eventually start pushing through
>folks dropping left and right, huskies storm in and get rekt as well
>room is now over 1000 degrees F
>desperately trying to ventilate and fight
>eventually kill bugs, but one colonist died by friendly fire and everyone else is completely fucked from scratches and burns
>infections left and right, only one doc standing
>doc goes berserk and the only other colonist left standing takes him down
>now this guy with 0 med is the doc
>eventually get 3 deaths from blood loss/infections
>tribal raid
>have killbox set up so its whatever
>plasteel meteorite plugs up the fucking entrance
>got a backup thankfully, pushes their shit in
>pirate raid immediately following (sappers)
>send him out with a sniper rifle and a deathwish
>motherfucker baits the assholes towards the backup turret firing line and routs them
It was a total shitshow thanks to this one faggot, but the place still stands, for now
If you got a decent intellectual pawn to do it 24/7 it goes fast, if not it's suffering.
Also, pic related is the plasteel meteorite
Ah okay it probably has something to do with glitter tech then, since it's one of the mods I've been using the longest, I guess i just never played enough to create it.
Hot damn the chair adds 720 beauty points I might just hang onto it.
Forgot pic
>Hit points: 170000
That chair could survive a nuclear blast.
prepare for some super raids because of that chair
I believe beta poly if part of the glittertech mod which adds a bunch of materials and other super expensive end-game stuff as well as the orion corporation which will come after your ass for it.
lets go
what a fucking hassle finding mods inside the steam workshop folder when they're all named a bunch of numbers
who thought this was a good idea?
Any mod fixing stacking issues? Each and every time when I get skins of animals, colonists don't stack them (unless there is no more place left), but instead just toss them each time on separate stacks, even if it's skin from the same animals.
Or maybe just making stack bigger, so other things will be stacked higher, making the lack of proper stacking for skins a non-issue?
I use Stack Merger and StackXXL
>especially brutal raid kills 4 of my colonist leaving me with only two
>suddenly toxic fallout and I have to lock one of my two remaining colonists in the same room as her dead husband and two dead friends with no food
RIP colony
it's how it is with all steamworkshop mods for all games
Thanks a bunch, this looks fantastic
I am bored and want to weeb my shit up. Any mod suggestions?
Where are the StackXXL settings? It doesn't show under mod settings menu.
make sure you download the full mod
I had an issue where I only found language updates but not the full thing and it took me forever to set up
any way to get steamworkshop mods without the game on steam ?
>3 corpses
>No food
You need to be a little more open minded, my friend.
>not calling your thread Rimworld thread
you are that retard, hope you get Space AIDS in your colony OP
Just got electricity, now my food will no longer spoil.
you ask nicely in this thread and I will download it and dropbox it for you because valve is a bunch of fucking DRM jews
Im mainly interested in the Rim of Madness stuff, which is only on the workshop. Id appreciate that,user.
give me the steam workshop links
Rimworld is such an awful name
And a loli mod for it.
Does Sensory Mechanites disease ever get fully cured?
Eventually, yes.
what a slut
Thanks to advice a few threads ago, I was able to grow grass in a baren landscape again!
That's fucking hot.
> incapable of: violence, dumb labor, smart labor, firefighting, cooking, cleaning, growing
> visitors show up, one of them has dementia and other health problems, is moving really slow
> another visitor from a different faction shows up
> he's apparently a spy or something
> the fucking spy steals the visitor with dementia and runs off
Funniest thing I've seen on this game in a long time.
Beta poly is a mod material that makes anything made out of it indestructable, deadly, beautiful or all three of these things. It's stupidly expensive to make and buy though.
is there a way to build on water in this game? are there bridges or something?
Wait for work inspiration, administer wakeup
>implying being a cum thermos teaches you how to cook
1. Make more research benches and get multiple people to work on researching at once.
2. Improve the moods of your researcher (Better mood = Faster work speed, one easy way is to give them an arm chair to sit on while researching, or at least a high quality stool)
3. Give the research table its own room and fill it with sanitized tiles, also keep it clean.
please no ice sheet I don't know how to manage that
>deconstruct a wall that was generated on map
>no one is hauling the bricks
>mark medicine plants to harvest
>no one is hauling the medicine
When will this be fixed?
When did you realize concrete is best flooring and making floors pretty is a meme?
Assault Rifles are the best all-around weapon, right?
good news, tynan is changing it to Raiders of Uranus
Set hauling to top priority you gooblord
Just like my ex
What's this from?
How do I choose which weapons to smelt? Don't want to smelt everything in my stockpile.
eh, why not. My current playthrough is starting to bore me and i forgot to set it to permadeath. I catch myself loading more often than i like to admit.
Not exactly sure, try going into the detail menu of the workshop and choosing what is allowed to be smelted. Alternatively forbidding them in the stockpile.
Click on "Details" on the smelt weapon bill. Then you can limit which weapons to smelt. You will probably want to make multiple bills with different settings. (Ex. One bill to smelt all weapons with less than 40% durability, then another bill to smelt all weapons with quality under normal).
Thanks, based user
Oh for fuck's sake. Seriously, is there code in the game somewhere that delibertly makes the ground barren over time?
Does this mean I'll be getting fucked by bugs?
It means you have a chance to encounter dormant insect hives. They don't reproduce besides the initial insect swarm around it and you have a good chance of finding more rare ores in caves.
How do I stuff those faggots into living batteries? I know I did it once but I dont see the option anymore.
Can Boomalopes carry stuff in a caravan? I don't see the carry weight increasing when I add them to the caravan.
Any good seed with shitload of enemy factions?
My whole colony just failed because during a raid a turret blew up and knocked down three of my colonists who were standing too close to it, who later died of their wounds. Then the last two colonists get kidnapped in the next raid which was like two days later. That was my most successful colony too
It's not exactly deliberate. It's an unintended side effect of a flawed seed propagation mechanic.
people don't actually play on permadeath, do they?
>Okay, thanks everyone. The plant reproduction algorithm has been reworked for the next release.
Well this is better but I still think it is suspicious that the game suddenly decides to generate a herd of Thrumbos that make straight for the patch of grass I just freed up to grow.
Maybe the game tries to maintain a fixed ratio of plants to herbivores.
why don't you just plant the grass yourself with a growing zone, delete it and then let it grow on its own?
> have dormant insect hive in map
> visitors will never visit
> still steal their insect jelly whenever they're asleep