Has anyone ever got a platinum trophy in Yakuza?
Has anyone ever got a platinum trophy in Yakuza?
I did with Kiwami
Yakuza 0, wasn't too difficult outside of learning how to play Jap games like mahjong
>Learning to play Mahjong
4 sets and a pair senpai
How did you not kill yourself while grinding out the fucking catfight club, it's fucking bullshit, every fucking guide says the opponents will just use their strongest moves, no they fucking won't they fuck you over
Got the plat for 4 and 0. 4 was pretty time consuming with stuff like Mahjong and pachinko, but it wasn't too bad. 0 was a nightmare with full 100% and Cat Scratch Fever. Thought about doing 5, but then I remembered pachinko, and said fuck it.
My casualfag bro had an insane knack for it and won me a billion dollars. Then I just followed his example and it was pretty easy honestly. Just pick the strongest char and look at the matchup. If they have for example, a strong Scissors and a strong Paper, it's better to put your Scissors up against it as opposed to something like Rock, because Rock you can actually lose whereas with Scissors and Paper you'll draw or have a clash even if your Scissors is a bit weak.
Initiative also helps, but you can't do anything about Comeback
But the draws suck even more dick because 8 times out of ten the game just decides to make you lose no matter how fast you mash.
Better than straight up losing. The little heat bar counts too if I recall. Just play 2 or 3 a day or something, that's kind of what I did with Mahjong since I didn't understand it at all. Leisurely grinded away until one day, I took 6 million in one go.
That's probably what I'll do, thanks. I still have the climax battles too, and I'd rather do those anyway.
I have on 3, 0 and Kiwami.
I'll probably finish 4 and 5 with platinum since they still need an ex hard run
i hate that you need to play through those games 3 times in order to plat it. locking a trophy behind beating it on normal mode was bullshit.
Usually they let you carry over stuff from premium adventure to NG+ Ex hard so you have your max buff Kiryu destroys everything in under 10 hours, they didn't do that with 0 because idunno.
>yakuza 5
>english trophies
what? I thought they were japanese
At least you guys learned how to play a fantastic game
you have to have certain sets and a certain pair to have a qualifying hand
it's more complicated than that and IT'S BULLSHIT
I did 0, Kiwami, 3 & 4. Tried to do 5 but Patchinko and slots rng killed me.
Mahjong is piss easy to learn, you just have to learn the tiles and the hands. Even without hands reading skill you can reach rank 1 on Kamurocho ladder.
Just never reveal your hand with kangs and pons if you just want to clear mahjong the fastest with a bare minimum hand, you already lose the hidden hand points for doing so.
Good luck user, if you're really going for the Plat you can do it. Catfighting is a pain, but just get the hang of it, pick a character with at least two good stats (though you can win otherwise) and hope for the best. Mash well, and pick the smart options
I did sort of start enjoying Mahjong honestly, even went to try and play it online but I found no one at all. I can play against the AI but it's pretty infuriating when you get shitty cards and you feel cheated, so I didn't bother.
Do what I did and only go for Riichi, never take the Pon or Kan and keep everything concealed. It takes a bit but if you don't want to learn the full way of playing mahjong including the different sets, it works. To Riichi you need to press Square, I generally mashed it on every turn and sometimes had one when I didn't realise it. After you Riichi you can obviously Ron because then you win.
Trust me, I had no idea how to play Mahjong and I got it done sticking to 4 sets and a pair. Turn Red Dora on too, earns you more money if you win.
Playing Mahjong online is pretty ruthless, to be honest, specially if it was on Tenhou.
If I may recommend an anime/manga, Akagi is a great story about gambling/mahjong, it's what got me into the game.
I meant online on Yakuza, I'm nowhere near ready to play it online on the browser.
Honestly I don't even have a good grasp of mahjong, but even then I found it to be fun at times and did what I needed to to win
Appreciate the rec, but I've always been more Sup Forums than Sup Forums. Still, how did a story about mahjong get you into Yakuza? Mahjong's only a small part of 0, at least
I meant that the anime got me into mahjong, not Yakuza. What got me into Yakuza was the Black Friday sale, kek.
Shit, my bad
>bought Yakuza 0 yesterday
>"Estimated delivery 29/12/17 - 01/01/18"
Fucking nigger shit.
should have bought on psn user
I have every one except Kenzan and Ishin because my feeble gaijin mind can't handle the idea of feudal Japan being a thing that existed. Thank you SEGA for saving me from having to deal with the idea that any country besides USA existed before WW2
I got it in 4 and Dead Souls
When it was announced that no Yakuza related things will be shown at PSX they said that there will be surprise announcements in 2018 because they are already working on something new.
Kiwami 2 wasn't out at that point, it alsoi sn't Hokuto ga Gotoku since it isn't out yet, so I'm betting they were talking about Ishin.