Who are some actual decent streamers that don't spout memes, play FOTM shit, and aren't entitled dickheads?

Who are some actual decent streamers that don't spout memes, play FOTM shit, and aren't entitled dickheads?
Only popular one that comes to mind for me is this guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>he watches an unfunny metalhead
End yourself, lad.


>he doesn't like metal

He didnt say that.

he spouts plenty of memes

He implied it.

>ad hominem

as expected of a vinesauce fan

but they are the funny meme's not the boring ones

How was that an ad hom?

you are attacking his character, rather than refuting his statement

>Not posting the superior Binyot

Dr.Disrespect is pretty cool

Vinny is better.

How do you refute a differing opinion? Do you think this is some serious debate?

His Album is breddy gud, nice Shredding

not this apologetic faggot
god what a sissy wanker he is
also unfunny

Heres my favorite streamer

The only one that comes to mind atm is mikamihero. He does OoT speedruns and is pretty chill with his chat. Unhealthy addiction to dumb frog though.

retard alert

joel is LITERALLY pewdiepie
every single other vinesauce streamer is miles better

>not spouting memes
That's almost as retarded as saying Vinny doesn't spout memes.

I watch Lirik.

>watching a cheating scumbag
Not only is he an unfunny faggot in his "act", but he's also a piece of shit in real life, what a shock.

Anyone who enjoys his content is braindead.

Is this ironic shitposting or an actual retard?

None. All streamers are trash.
The only way to properly enjoy vidya is playing yourself.

>Don't spout memes
I love Joel but that's straight up wrong.

the girl he slid his penis into? guess what..
she already has an STD


>16 days away from 2018
>>he's still watching streamers
shiggy diggy doo

I liked that one stream a few weeks back with that Jerma guy roleplaying a bunch of dumb shit in intruder. It was like 3 hours long, and a laugh a minute.

There isn't such a thing as a good streamer. Everyone has boring days, and for most streamers, that's pretty much every day.

Northernlion is the GOAT

>not enjoying JoJo memes
suck a dick

b-but he won the prize

desu only streamers with less than 50 viewers are enjoyable

Most people have at least one STD, user.
HPV is extremely frequent.

>B-b-b-but muh JoJo!
Oh fuck off you japanese brony.

that's fucking gross.
i'm glad i'm saving myself, but sad i'm over 35.

Bagel411 but it's mostly because of the games he plays.

JoJo memes were run into the fucking ground when stardust crusaders got adapted. Anyone who enjoys that shit probably frequents youtube comment sections.

My guess is that people who enjoy this crap were little brothers who were forced to watch their big bros play vidya instead of ever playing themselves.
So, now that they can actually olay, they can't take away the habit and must look around for aome other idiot who plays games and has fun while they watch.
Truly, the most sad and pathetic creatures in vidya



It's so bad that nowdays they are pushing to call them sexual transmitted infections instead of disease because most of them don't give symptoms.

How about wearing a fucking condom?

Hey now guys
>pauses game or screen goes black
>Google image pops up
Check it out
>game screen pops up
>rotates image and places it next to it
You know what though? You know what though?
>spends several minutes looking for a song on YouTube

Nothing says comfy more than a 10 hour Dwarf fortress stream where Joel doesnt understand the new mechanics

yes, i just looked up HPV
no symptoms for possible YEARS.
what the fuck kinda shit is that?
condoms dont stop it, just lessen the risk.
that shit is the devil...

>Pause game
>"I'm gonna do a science here"
>Whistle like a tard for 5 minutes doing whatever stupid shit
I like his content, but some of the shit he does drive me up the fucking wall.

tekken hagrid is pretty good

>saving myself
nigga don't pretend

Condoms don't fully protect against HPV, because it's transmitted through contact.
If your partner has it near the pubes, you get it anyways.
If the one part does oral sex, gets it in the face. Shit, even touching with your hand will get you one there.
You'd have to be careful as fuck.
The only good thing is that most HPV strands don't do shit, and the chance of something appearing depends on wheter that specific strand causes something in that specific part (strand 1 isnthr only that infects feet, for example).. Oh, and oray you don't get the strands that cause cancer.
Because of this crap, it's just better tonget the vaccine that protecs from they
cancer ones, but they are for women.

Fortunately is of the few STI that are self limited for the most part. Unless you get the cancer or the wart ones :DDDD

Joel, I know you're in this thread.

Answer me on twitter you faggot.

>Shit, even touching with your hand will get you one there.
Did the same shit as the other user, I looked it up, although I should've done so before opening my big fucking mouth
>Mothers can trasmit it to their babies through birth
I stand corrected

Check your fucking mails while you're at it.


I met up with Joel (and Frank) in Japan.

He is a pretty cool guy and down to earth. He likes talking smack just like anybody else. A guy who enjoys life the way he likes. Whats wrong about that?

But he's getting more weeaboo by the day. You can feel the Sup Forums creepin up in him.

His Japanese "accent" is so stupid, and not the forced one he do for a laugh, when he actually try to speak Japanese.

It's the Nu-Weeaboo crowd chat thats getting to him.

Can't tell if its good or bad. As long as he enjoys it. He should play more Dwarf Fortress though.

>You can feel the Sup Forums creepin up in him
Well, he did use to lurk in Sup Forums's JoJo threads.