What's the actual, non-memey answer as to why it's selling peak numbers in it's 4th, and possibly 5th year? This is almost unprecedented
What's the actual, non-memey answer as to why it's selling peak numbers in it's 4th, and possibly 5th year...
no competetion
plenty of japanese exclusives.
Bloodborne is that good.
Lots of good games and the only competition is the Switch which doesn't have that big of a library yet.
successfully grabbed the casual market like the xbox 360 did last generation.
casuals just buy it because that's what their friends have
I have no idea. I guess because the xbone is just that much worse.
It's sony's worst console to date and I hate seeing them be rewarded for it.
it seriously just takes a google search to decide which you prefer.
This and its a really good price
Xbox publicly dropped its pants and shat itself on stage all while pouring gasoline over its body and setting itself on fire
Nintendo is now officially for literal permavirgin neckbeard basement dwelling hot pocket stained manchildren. Source is Nintendo itself who released a chart two days ago with their customers' age groups. Permavirgin manchildren make the biggest chunk of it - not kiddies as one might thing.
Basically Sony are the only ones who didn't go full retard (yet).
It's getting pretty cheap and all the big games and most of the indie ones are coming to it.
I actually bought one this year too. Mainly because I went full retard with no brakes and one thing lead to another. But seriously Bloodborne is a really, really good game.
Casuals. When normies think of gaming, they think of dumbed down Sports games and other boring shit without a soul.
Final Fantasy 15
Nintendo has never had huge libraries because of their stupid fucking games for the whole family rule.
it got cheaper and there are more games now
>Same age range as the predominance of PS4 owners
Really makes you think
When did they make that rule? Golden Eye isn't really for kids and that was on the 64.
Marketed heavily towards normalfags. That’s literally it.
>what is the NES
>what is the SNES
I have to agree with you the rest of their systems. Inb4 Wii. The Wii was to 99.99% a shovelware shit slingshot and I'm honestly struggling to come up with more than 5 titles worth playing/owning. It was so abysmally bad.
But to expand, is right. This is the first year that I felt that there were enough games on any of the 8th gen console (that were not also available on PC) to justify a purchase. Even still, most of the upcoming big names I'm interested in still haven't been released but at least their release dates are allegedly closer now.
Not really.
>The Wii was to 99.99% a shovelware shit slingshot and I'm honestly struggling to come up with more than 5 titles worth playing/owning. It was so abysmally bad.
NSMB, Zelda, Donkey kong, galaxy, no more heroes, the one with the chainsaw as a arm, smash etc. etc.
Come one dude, at least do good shitposting.
>the ps4 is 4 years old
>the ps5 will be out in a few more years
quality single player games in the age of multiplayer cancer and lootboxes
non-nintendo Jap games
Nintendo were always hypocrite fucks, bending their principles and philosophy as it suits them. Just like their insufferable fanbase.
They would demand for family/kid friendly games and then make a 180° turn and allow stuff like BioFreaks, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Quake, RE2 etc. on their system only to turn 180° again.
Their competitors are objectively worse.
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
It has all the normie casual games and so many people already own one that it's the go to system "because all my friends have one". And on top of that it has by far the biggest and best lineup of exclusives to tempt in a more hardcore audience.
>etc. etc.
those are not games. Skyward Sword was trash, NSMB was the most disgusting rehash cashgrab of the past 20 years. They can shit them out in a generator each month if they could, the only thing holding them back is the risk of oversaturation of the IP.
NMH was 7/10, no more no less. So was MadWorld.
The only good games you named were Dong and Galaxy.
Just because my post triggers you on a personal level doesn't automatically mean that I am shitposting.
>non meme
What the fuck do you want? People mostly do not want to pay more than £300 for current gen mulitplatform video games. Every gen there is one console that becomes the default. This gen it is the PS4 because LMAO wiiU and xbone shat itself by alienating its key audience. Who actually needs to be told this EVERY gen??
parents have to choose.
> $199 (plus $50gamestop card) PS4
> $299 switch
>$499 xbone
Literally thats your answer.
It's pretty obvious. The reason is because they showed so much stuff at E3 2016. Sony understands marketing and it's currently selling on that hype. The problem is that they've been continuing to show the same things since they were so far in the future, I expect next year to be worse for them. They might tease the PS5 next year or they did it to combat the switch in it's launch year, because they should know that the hype helped them sell millions.
Because the average consumer plays all their third party games on console
I bought one last week. I bought it because I wanted to play the PS4 exclusives, and I miss having a console. I chose PS4 because Switch is garbage hardware-wise and Xbone is just for Halo and Forza.
This. I think Sup Forums has a massive denial problem
They're on easy street as long as the competition stays either suicidal or ancient.
>won 3 of the 4 console generations they've been involved in
>have the 2 top selling consoles of all time (possibly top 3)
What is the surprise?
>leaving out the 189 xbox one
The funny thing is that Sup Forums refuses to give them credit ever
>PSX only won because Nintendo and Sega made mistakes!
>PS2 only won because Nintendo and Microsoft made mistakes
>HAHA $599! w-wait PS3 ended up in a close tie with microsoft?? Reeeeeee no games!
>PS4 only won because Nintendo and microsoft made mistakes! And Switch is not even competing with PS4 until it is winning later of course!
Sony has had ONE bad gen in 20+ years and even then in the end id rather have one of those than a 360 or wii.
I don't get it, it got like one exclusive.
Shit games don't count.
So you're saying the winner wins because the loser looses?
>This is almost unprecedented
It's normal, actually. It'll start to decline next year
>best selling console of all times is normal
Im saying you cannot keep passive aggressively saying others only won by accident. That do it all again 10 times and N64 beats the PSX this time for sure!
It's not that expensive
It can play all the normie games
It also gets all the weeb games from japan
It's the perfect being
whatever shootan is popular nowadays
The PS2 sold like that because it was a DVD player
This needs better sourcing for outside of Japan. It’s like saying you only buy a gamig PC because you can browse facebook. I had a PS2 in 2001 and my dad still bought his own DVD player (in early 2000) for the TV in the livingroom.
Nmh is also on ps3
The peaking in the fourth year is normal. Increasing year by year and peaking around year three or four is the typical pattern.
Price drop and bundles. Why does that even need to be said?
huh sweety...
Switch is selling better and will outsell it next year
This. Europe is the only reason PS4 is relevant. Switch is going to outsell it in Japan, and both the Switch and Xbox can compete with the PlayStation in North America.
It has the most video games of any platform released in the last 2 gens.
with it's whooping single game?
Little kids buying whatever their ecelebs happen to like and dudebros. That's why it doesn't have jackshit for actual hardcore gamers, and what little it has, it sells like shit.
>Bloodborne for 3 years
It's a brand name.
As a gaming system it offers next to nothing compared to its competitors and even it's predecessors but it's selling literally because it's a Sony product in the same way people would waste money on a designer bag.
Basically it's the iPhone of gaming.
This. It’s a social thing, nothing to do with exclusives or shit like that.
>actual hardcore gamers
Tell me more about how PC is not full of literal chidren playing jumpscare simulators and pubg
It never existed.
Bullshit. Wii sold because of motion controls, PS2 because of DVD. It was the perfect gimmick
Actual hardcore gamers get the Switch.
For what games?
I don't care about your DVD collection
>all those remasters and ports
I don't think you know what the word exclusive means.
Source? Should be pretty easy user.
The Sega Megadrive/Genesis is still the console with the most great games. Why has it yet to be surpassed in all these years?
Oh that's cute, you really tried.
Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade for starters. And we have Octopath Travelers and Prime 4 coming up next year.
It has the most games. Seriously, it has a fuckton of games from all genres.
If you don't own a gaming PC which most people don't than the PS4 is probably the best console ever made for you.
>more thickness
Quality > Quantity
>bore of the wild aka Nintendrónes first Skyrim
>Mario 3h long
>Xenoblade which is the only somewhat decent title on this piece of shit
BOTW is best on PC, Odyseey is ok but worse then the Galaxy games and Xeno2 is awful.
The Gamecube had games like Resident Evil 4 and Killer7 you absolute mush
>even more thickness
Sony fanboys shit up everything once agaion when will we get rid of them
>Horizon Zero Dawn 2016
>Shenmue 3, Detroit, Yakuza 6 in 2017
How old is this fucking image?
>"Nintendo is back!"
>Literally outsold 7 times over by the PS4
Mario Strikers Charged
No More Heroes 1 and 2
Metroid Prime 3
Monster Hunter Tri
Sonic Colours
The Trauma Center games
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
And that's just from my personal collection
You strike me as someone that only just recently started buying his own games.
It has the most 90+ exclusives as well.
>Released in Japan in February 2014
>Has two games that have sold at least one million
>Released in Japan in March 2017
>Two games that have sold a million (Splatoon 2 and Mario)
moviegames don't count lmao
Also on pc
They had PS2 and PS4.
N64 and X360 won their gens.
>Two games that have sold a million (Splatoon 2 and Mario)
There's at least five games that have sold over 1m on the switch alone. Those two Arms, MK8 and Zelda
>xbots are this retarded
The N64 didn't win shit nigger and the Wii won gen 7.
Why is this so hard to fathom? It's cheap on sale, and has almost every popular game. The slim model is cheap as dirt for anybody with money. It's all about the price and the games. The PS4 won this gen, so the sales are only going to slow down when everybody who wants one owns one.
They're talking about Japanese sales.