I unironically love big, empty, grassy fields in vidya.
I unironically love big, empty, grassy fields in vidya
Why is there a bike in a fucking Zelda game? Tell me this is modded Cemu.
Same. They work well as travel locations between more concentrated areas. BotW needed more huge fields like Central Hyrule field.
I don't remember Gaur Plains being that empty
Official DLC, don't worry about it. You'll have to work for it to get it regardless.
Serious Sam: TSE blew my mind back in the day
it's ok if nintendo does it you bigot
What are the games on the right
Is this loss
Oblivion is the top, not sure about the bottom.
But muh empty space. muh adhd
Lotro is bottom right
>Robots, jukeboxes, phones and trains are fine, but a bike, they are going too far!
TSE is a fucking masterpiece and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
empty grassy fields are best utilized when you can see a major landmark off in the distance. if there's nothing around it's just a boring waste of space.
so do I.
vast open beautiful scenery >>> isolated hub with shit crammed together for the sake of efficiency
>big empty maps are fine
It's ok when Nintendo does
fuck Sup Forums, mgsv was just terrible...;_;
I always wondered who all these dogshit open world games with nothing to do and immersion breaking 2 minute walk from each other villages were supposed to be pandering to. Glad to know that people like you actually exist so at least someone enjoys this bullshit
In the africa map was fine, good to ride cars. But that shit, full of rocks to stumble, fuck it.
I find it amusing I thought this ugly place was so great when I was 15. Still, just riding chocobos in this empty space was fun.
The last good final fantasy, even though you can already see the first signs of the ass cancer which killed the series.
What's immersive to you? Do you not enjoy exploring the wilderness?
>mgsv was just terrible
It's the only good MGS game with 1.
I do, actually. I have spent days walking around in woods but what's important is that I can walk for more than an hour without hitting the "capital city of X region" that's the size of a small farm or the literal edge of the world.
I can't get immersed in an open world if the entire game world is smaller than new york central park
Because its fucking awesome
oh look, someone else who never played the game complaining about inane stuff
me too. i mean, i WISH i lived in the mountains. but i'm just a prairie boy, walking the sea of green.
Yeah, I also have this "open grassy field" fetish, but somehow, im not so impressed enough by the grass in Zelda. I was more impressed in some mmorpgs, like age of wushu or revelation. Open grassy fields in BoTW are just bland and uninspired... I was disappointed in this regard. I guess it would need to have some different graphic style.
user, what the fuck is wrong with you? I was asking a question. I did play the game (on cemu), and wait to have some free time and no other games to play to keep playing.
Botw is the only Zelda game I liked and didn't bore me out of my mind after 20minutes, exactly because it felt more like Skyrim on steroids than a Zelda game. It's a great game, I was just a bit shocked to see a bike. Overreactions like that are the reason this board is shit, someone asks a questions, "hur dur complaining".
your taste is unbeliveably bad
>mgsv was just terrible
as long as i only have to walk through them once
Only people after a certain age appreciate large open fields and spaces in vidya. You are at least 25 correct?
So my taste is bad even when i say I love the game? This is why nobody takes this board seriously.
I'll be 25 in april
You just made me realise I'll be 25 in july. Fuck, where did the time go, what I'm I doing with my life.
>trying to get taken seriously on Sup Forums
I also unironically do.
And I really mean unironically, not memeing.
But only if they lie between places that have a lot of interesting stuff, and serve the purpose of giving me a feeling of travelling alone until I WOAH HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING.
>I unironically love big, empty, grassy fields in vidya.
I like elf tits.
Hey, question about BotW. Are there any meadows? A meadow being a glassy clearing entirely surrounded by forest.
SE recently put in a very similar area in FFXIV.
I liked it.
But OP is saying the same thing. That they like large open fields.
but not every game in OP's pic is nintendo?
Did the new expac dropping PS3 make a big difference in the zones like they implied years back?
Whats the 2 on the right?
Nope. BotW is more a sandbox with mostly mountain ranges and trees sprinkled around the map. Closes thing would be Korok forest, but that’s just a place made for the Master Sword.
yeah :)
Oblivion and Lotro
Nah, pretty consistent in quality/size with Heavensward zones. There are certain QoL improvements that I think came from not having PS3's 512MB as a memory limitation I think.
>hey guys, should we add some new enemies to BOTW's DLC?
>nah fuck that
>how about new region for the overworld?
>wait guys I've got it
They could've added some stuff that people actually wanted instead of some meme shit like a motorbike. And Nintenbros will defend it to the death.
I wouldn't call that Oblivion picture 'empty', considering there's a fort right there, very likely wit a dungeon entrance.
In fact, locations in Oblivion are too close to each other, with the trees and the lack of LOD giving you the illusion of distance.
I’m a rabid Zeldafag but BotW was pretty poor with its content. You can tell they wanted the quirky wider audience with this one.
I fucking hate this map because of the encounter rate
Yeah I know. I wanted to use a picture from Anvil county but couldn't find any good ones. So it had to be second best.
There are many meadows in thr game.
I don't like the bike. But you're an idiot if you don't understand how it's a million times easier to add that than any of the things you're otherwise suggesting.
Not having one cheap things doesn't mean you get something really expensive instead.
It SHOULD be something expensive. This DLC was not some free gift that Nintendo gave out of the goodness of their hearts. It is a paid product. They shouldn't be so fucking lazy with PAID products.
Jesus Christ, the irony of everything you wrote.
This. Empty space in vidya in general is underrated.
Games with proper white space in their zones makes them feel less cluttered, makes points of interest more interesting, further emphasizes travel time, and makes the world feels less truncated in general, not as squished together.
Me too, you're not alone. Though having snowy mounts, a desert and a jungle is nice too.
Not a fan of volcano/lava zones
So do I. They make my monsters stronger.
>trying this hard
There are other things in the DLC pack than the bike though. Just saying you can't have those suggestions of yours in enchange for the bike.
It's fine to complain about the general DLC content. I didn't buy it personally and I believe it should have been free.
>i-it's better than nothing!!
I see you're using the Mighty No. 9 strategy
Afghanistan isn't an open plain though. It's a bunch of bases connected by hallways with cliffs serving as their walls.
Africa is an open plain. They're both still bad, just correcting you.
Open World was a mistake.
That's not at all what I wrote though.
>There are other things in the DLC pack than the bike though.
Like the false advertised """""""story content"""""""?
Top left game name pls?
I wish the grass shader in BOTW was more aggresive. It looks great when it pops up, but it blends in too much.
Are Field Cards still a thing in current Yu-gi-oh?
Say, how's Sky coming along. Did it actually release? I don't have a That Game Company game player.
Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Yes, like that. But like I said, I'm not trying to defend its value at all.
Wow, big empty nothing, this just ruins the game, that should have 10,000 objectives and lots of marks on your mini map for questicles!
>Why is there a beyblade in a fucking Zelda game?
>all these people crying and screaming just because OP said he likes big flower fields
Noone said that every gmae should be empty fields nor taht they're even good
Yes, though they're less focused on boosting stats based on attribute/type and more focused on archetypes.
Wait, what jukebox?
don't talk shit about the beyblade, fucko.
It was a cool item in a cool dungeon.
Large open field are not the only way to do that tho. As this exact w on said, it could be woods,or could be mountains, ruined city/settlement with no humans in it (and preferably some monsters in it), it could be a sea or a lake, a desert (a hilly one, I mean, why do games always make deserts flat? Look at fucking Sahara, it has sand hills and that's exactly what makes it difficult to move around on it), a system of caves, fucking floating platforms, whatever. Just not plain fucking fields.
>All the machinery in the shrines is fine
>eletrical circuitry, conveyor belts, pistons, cogwheels, lasers
>but a motorbike, that's going too far
I unironically agree though. The eponabike had already been memed to death, and this is just silly. Not as bad as the Switch t-shirt though.
*this exact user
In the OOT Bombchu Bowling Alley.
How did they go from the brilliant level design in TSE to the shit that was SS3, I dropped 3 because the levels were so fucking boring and uninspired. And why is there an assault rifle with holo sight wtf
Probably a different design team.
Or just a couple core designers switched out.
>Shitting on best item
The problem is that there was nothing for it outside of that temple.
There were a select few places in the mountains, and you could use it all over the place for riding on if you really wanted.
But yeah, it was slightly undercooked as a Zelda item.
this looks like some teletubbies shit
Might have been if there had been any characters in it.
You play as the petals and pollen from a flower, whirling through the air.
user, a lot of people are agreeing with OP.
Genuinely saddening how conditioned people are on here (and the internet at large) to quickly assume that just because a lot of people are discussing something, that the nature of that discussion must be a negative one.
>Africa was fine
no it wasn't
The design of the bike itself just looks dumb as shit
Meh, matches the acient armor to a good degree.