Which team do you join, Sup Forums?

Which team do you join, Sup Forums?


Red so I can hear the cyka blyat over the mic

the red team, as one of the people with the furry or brony usernames likely has thousands of hours, an australium item with 350000 kills and 2 pockets. there is quite literally 2 medics on the red team as well so it's very well a possibility.

Red since it would be the winning team every time

Blue so I can repeatedly target the "friendly" Heavy.

Blue because Fluttershit worst horse.

blue because THELEGEND27

Blue, the cyrillic is an instant red flag.

>spectator: gregor

Red, tk the ponyfag.
Seems obvious.

Easiest BLU of my life, this isn't up for debate.


Already had this exact situation a few years back

Blue. Not so many useless classes.

gregor will likely join the opposite team to keep player numbers equal. find a new server

>one team has a russian, furfag, and anime fags with shit connection

Hrm, tough choice.

Wait this isn't the ace of spades thread

BLU has a slightly better team composition and average connection

hahahaha le gregor meme :DDDDD omg gregor is soooooooooooooooooo goooooood XDDDD

u try hard

Red, I wanna be part of the disaster

I'd argue it depends a lot on how much you want to win. There's a good chance the furfags and retarded weebs have poured over a thousand hours into the game and are actually good at it.

are you okay user?


I'd argue you're gay lol


I'd not argue against that.

BLU. A good sniper can carry whole team

Red and pick Soilder or demo

[Mlp] Fluttershy is 100% some sub erping beta who will drop everything the moment you mash E to heal up the 10 health you just lost, so you and the gamer couple can form a duo med combo to just walk into the enemy base unharmed, Blu has only one guy healing

Plus you have Soundsmith and the pokefag sniper is probably decent

john's got this.

why would the pokefag be descent

He's probably at least 20 and has good ping

Blu has 3 guys (Pablo, picklerick, spycrab) who are almost guaranteed to be kids, and thus shit dead weight

why not both?
just mix em together ;D

I join spectator

Blu needs a friendly heavy to balance.

>Mandii and Jane are in love
>different pings
LOL! he's getting cucked cross country.

BLU, although dirtyassholebellybuttonbill would probably be better than aegis

Red Flutterfags are pretty decent healers

Red because someone with an OWN tag is top scoring on blu and I wanna kill him

still grasping at straws, chad?
school yard monkey bullshit

auto-join cause I don't care, I'll still be top fragging more than likely

There is only one question I'd like to ask


When I used to play Natural Selection 2, there was a guy that had that exact fucking name [MLP]Fluttershy. Nigga was so fucking good it almost looked like hacking. He'd carry entire fucking teams by himself

Spectator, anything else is a meme

Obviously blue.
Blu has autists, red has autists AND obnoxious cancer.


No way in hell is anyone on this board Gregor. Nobody knows what it even feels like to be Gregor.

Red has
>a pony fag
>a fnaf fag
>couple fag
>and his pocket slut of a gf

Blu has
>edgy faggot
>R&M fag

BLU is the superior choice

Why are MLPfags always so good at the game? Do they do that shit just to make you feel even worse when you get your ass kicked?

autism is power

I sure do


A good Doctor is very important and a guy named "john" can be either really bad or really good.


TheLegend27 is on the Blu team so obviously I'm picking that.

Autism, user. They don't have much else going for themselves, so they can devote themselves entirely to one or two areas.

it's been a while

Join BLU, go medic

Target "soundsmith" because I've had the displeasure of watching a couple of his videos and they're really bad.

>someone saved my edit of someone else's edit
as for the question:
Krutoj tsuvak is clueless dead weight
dirtyassholebellybuttonbill is okay, although he has an ego and constantly spams binds.
Fluttershy will only ever play medic. He probably knows his shit to some extent and will try his best despite not being the best medic on earth. Owns hats and usually knows when to pop uber.
Soundsmith is some autistic friendly heavy trying to replicate some youtube guy. Dead weight.
Eren Jaeger is probably alright.
nightmare foxyfnaf is clueless dead weight.
.mandii and janee will always work together, janee will only ever heal .mandii. They probably play comp so if you play around them they will probably carry the game.
Cow1337killr is good. No modern kid even knows what 1337 means anyways.
Pootis Heavy is dead weight.
gardevoir is a probably slightly above bad but playing a shitty class which makes him dead weight.

datboi is some le ironic memer straight out of reddit, spams binds and only ever plays scout. Any good scout will probably beat him, but he punishes f2ps hard.
pablo is dead weight.
TheLegend27 is decent, but not great.
Aegis is a comp player, he will carry the team.
john is a gibus medic, but will blindly heal everyone he sees. He never manages to build uber but still tries his best to keep everyone healed, even if it takes him 30 seconds to notice that you're burning to death right next to him,
DEATHSHADOW is a gibus heavy that probably knows the core mechanics of the game but will still be wiped by good players.
PickleRick is a market garden soldier spamming binds.
spycrab is dead weight.
414x_d835 is probably a cheater, but his ping and shit gamesense make him bad
Dell is an engineer main, but spends 50% of the match afk in spawn while trading.
Moonlight Bell is a brony pyro main sporting the head prize, and always rages in all chat every time he gets killed.

5 dead weight players
4 decent players
2 pros

too long, 1/2

blu seems like the easy choice. Red seems like more fun since it would probably be a clusterfuck

Blu because John

2 dead weight players
1 cheater
3 okay players
4 decent players
1 pro

Gonna have to go with BLU here, since I'm up against gregor. Don't want too many dead weight players on my team.

Non-meme answer: people with deviant interests are more likely to be introverted and prefer staying home over leaving the house, which in turn makes them more likely to spend a lot of their free time playing video games, which in turn makes them more likely to be good at said video games.

BLU because RED has a cyka and a pocket medic for her girlfriend.

Who is gregor? Why is it a meme?

T. Gregory

red, blu Engineer has the trade.tf cuckstamp so he will be useless while red has a no life engineer who has probably watched every uncle dane video

red has a medic pocketing a power class

even having a friendly pootis is stronger than a spycrab because people just kill spycrabs without batting an eye while pootis has a tendancy to make people passive since he's so hard to kill it's hardly worth wasting energy on.

Also low ping on a medic and pyro isn't bad, but they have low ping on 3 serious classes including scout.

also 2 medics

>red has a ponyfucker, furries and a couple on it
BLue, I'll just go with the horrible memers.


>BLU has John
How is this up for debate?

just red bro trust me


This. They seem like the only legit players.

A different server

Make your choice.

haha wow absolutely EPIC thread op xd

>traps are gay
ez choise instant BLU

>friend sends you a pic on discord that he found from Sup Forums
>"yea haha he totally made it"

This. All tf2 pub teams are poison anyway.

High ping Russian >anyone on blue

Try to stay as far away from picklerick as possible
Hell, search for another server

why did that make me laugh

The ruskie is probbaly using some ruskie hack program.
The MLP fags are obnoxious, but to experience good players.
Whoever the guy is in that couple will want to impress his girl and tryhard alot.

>Tfw people have been spamming Lennyface binds for 10 fucking years

>having to chose between spics and cabbage eaters

I leave because fuck playing vs gregor.

Red, ponyfag medics are always the biggest tryhard faggots

>10 years
This piece of shit smiley was first used in 2012, which is only 5 years ago. It was first spammed on Sup Forums but was adopted by redditors somewhere in 2013-2014.

And somehow it refuses to fucking leave TF2. It's unbelievable how it only appears in this one game.

Red easily

clearly has a few veterans of TF2


BLU I guess

>Red has slav, brony, ironic weeb, furfag, two grrrrl gamers, and a pokefucker
>Blu has john
Blu is the only real choice.

'keep spectating with greg' is the only correct answer.

>A curious game. The only winning move is not to play.

I watch with gregor and listen to his sage guidance