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What compelled a man to speed run Mario 64 for 20 years?
>Have dreams and aspirations of doing wonderful things in life.
>Some jackass completes his by Speed Running Mario 64, talking about Parallel Universes, and 0.5 A Presses all while a certain music track plays.
>an A press is press,hold and release,not just press
these autists make me furious
The desire for perfection
>6 hours for a single star
You dumb.
It IS a speedrun
pancake just shaved off 9.4 hours off of this star run
No, it isn't. He is trying to complete the game in as few A presses as possible. It is a challenge that is not about completing the game as fast as possible. If he would find a way to save another A press and it would take 12 hours longer then he would go for that. A solution that achieves the same result in less time is strictly superior though. Coming up with a solution that takes longer is trivial. It is NOT a speedrun.
It's both. It's as few A presses as possible, but also as quickly as possible. He wouldn't care about optimizing star times if there wasn't a speedrun element to it
No, it isn't. Speedruns are about going as fast as possible. Time is merely the next logical variable to optimize for. If I can do the same thing in 6 hours instead of 12 then why go for the latter? It is a challenge, not a speedrun.
Fewer A presses is the top priority
Speed is the second priority
It is more important to have fewer A presses than it is to be fast, but speed is also clearly a factor he cares about otherwise he wouldn't have revised his route for this star at all
Exactly. And in a speedrun speed is always the top priority. Therefore it is not a speedrun.
If that was true, 100% runs wouldn't exist.
Is a speedrun with constraints too hard for you to wrap your head around?
Going fast is not at the heart of the challenge. There are different types of speedruns with clearly defined rules. 100% is part of the ruleset and tells you exactly what to do for your run to be acceptable in this category. The A press challenge is not about going fast. It's not comparable at all. Consider the game Opus Magnum. Solutions could prioritize Cycles (Speed), Cost or Area in whatever order. A solution with the same amount of Cycles but less Cost and Area is superior, but it is still optimized for Speed. A Cost/Area Challenge is not about doing things as fast as possible.
>And here is my workspace
Holy fuck.
>speedrunning a puzzle game where the puzzles aren't randomly generated
absolute madman
It's beautiful
The ABC doesn't actually have a successful run yet. Its clearly defined rule is "no A presses." Not "least," "no."
In Codex of Alchemical Engineering (and maybe OM, haven't played), you could prioritize Cycles entirely, or prioritize Cycles with the restriction that every arm must have exactly 4 (or 6 on later levels) instructions. No more, no less.
That's pretty nifty.
Looks like shit you'd find in research papers
this guy can't not be an engineer or researcher of some sort, this is like high art
I don't know. It depends on how the challenge really is defined and I guess under certain circumstances you could consider it a speedrun if you define it this way. I don't think this is a good definition though as it is very well possible that the challenge can never be completed. Post some proof if you are going to argue like this. I interpret it differently.
Not an argument. My point is that calling it a speedrun is a blatant misnomer and implies that all he is doing is trying to complete the game as fast as possible.
user, there are more genres of speedrun than "glitch the game to show the credits and call it a speedrun" which is the category you've describes. most speed runs for the sake of well being actually fun to do, set rules and boundaries for themselves. they're still speedruns even if they have other rules than "gotta go fast". A bicycle race is still a race even if fighter jets can complete the race faster.
Yeah, he's an autist masturbating his own ego
I have already replied to this exact same dumb argument multiple times by now. Follow the reply chain and don't reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread. Thanks.
they're about as going fast as possible under the parameters set by the category, it's why shit like "glitchless 100%" exists
you've never once replied to this "dumb argument" with a reply that actually followed logic though. you just autisticly repeated "it isn't a speedrun because i say it isn't" you've never once given a good explanation other than "i don't like it". Your logic is "a bicycle race isn't a race because there are faster ways to reach the finish line".
>mario travels fast enough to travel through dimensions
>not a speedrun
Even the fucking flash can't do that
but how many A presses was it?
half press
It is not a speedrun because it is not about going as fast as possible and I have repeated that multiple times by now. I am willing to accept it as a "speedrun" category if it has a clearly defined ruleset like not pressing A at all as some user suggested above. And then we will most likely never see a "speedrun" in this category as it is very likely not even possible in the first place. The challenge is about completing the game with as few A presses as possible. The term "speedrun" is misleading at best. Now fuck off.
You can't "half" press a button.
he's trying to go as fast as possible with 0.5 A presses or less you fucking mongoloid. if you still don't understand that you should go get some professional help
wow that was so hard to understand
No he simply found a faster strategy to achieve the same result. If he can do it with 0 A presses then he is going to do it and it doesn't matter how fucking long it takes. Might as well be 24 hours.
but it is about going as fast as possible. it's about going as fast as possible with as few A presses as possible. again you keep repeating "a bicycle race isn't a race because other vehicles can reach the finish line faster". It's still a speedrun even if you don't want it to be. if it wasn't a speedrun the guy wouldn't have bothered to shave 6 hours off of his time for this star.
okay, i get what you're trying to say, but ultimately he is trying to accomplish two goals at once; he's both trying to complete the level as fast as possible AND reduce the amount of A presses needed. It's not PRIMARILY a speedrun, but it's still a speedrun because at least one of the goals is to complete it as fast as possible. calling it a speedrun doesn't fully explain what's really happening, but it can still be classified as a speedrun.
well, it's technically his own dissertation on optimizing parallel universe travel routes
i'm gonna break it down to as simple a concept as possible: consider each A press reduction as a new category to run. each run is a speedrun, but the press-reduction runs aren't relevant to each other in any way other than how many presses it took to complete a level. much like 100% or low% runs, these are 1.5 A press% or 0.5 A press% runs. if he can manage to drop half an A press, the category becomes 0 A press%
if you still don't understand it then congratulations, you were dropped on your head as a child
The depress is part of the press. You can't depress if you didn't first press. Every depress is then not half a press, it's just the end of a press.
No, it's about using as few A presses as possible and if he can do the same thing faster then that's a nicer way to present things, but it ultimately doesn't matter much. I'm sure you won't argue that calling it a speedrun is misleading.
I understand what you are saying, but this isn't what it is primarily about. Call it what you want. I think I have made clear that calling it a speedrun is insufficient.
there's a video already explaining why you're wrong.
A-press run isn't a speedrun. It's a challenge run
He optimizes his speed because he wants to make it feasible to do the whole thing in one go.
In a speedrun, speed improvements are the goal, while the other challenges are there to make the speed improvements more challenging.
In a challenge run, the speed improvements are a way to make the challenge feasible, but they're not the goal in and of themself. The goal is to complete the game in as few a-presses as possible.
This is why pannenkoeks speed improvements aren't warranted as much attention as his a-press reductions; they're not as important.
Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
>Do you know this guy speedrunning Super Mario 64?
>Oh, so he's trying to complete the game as fast as possible?
>No, actually he's doing a challenge where he presses the A button as few times as possible.
Hmmm. Really activates the almonds.
Can someone remind how the scuttlebug and raising it figures into this entire thing?
look at these big boy numbers and those lines in a graph that look like a snowflake.
>tfw you'll never make something this beautiful
I think it's necessary to gain enough height to reach the star.
The purest form of autism.
>You'll never get someone to look at you the way Pannenkoek looks at a potential strategy to reduce the number of A presses in a run of Super Mario 64
>tfw you'll never have complex math and sciences explained through Mario analogies by Pannenkoek
An A press is an A press. You can't say it's only a half