>summer skin during winter
Nice joke, blizzard.
>summer skin during winter
Nice joke, blizzard.
Other urls found in this thread:
>how can i get away with advertising for my corporate without being found and getting my shill thread shutdown...
>ill pretend this thread was worth making other a free dlc so i can advertise my game on the sly like the cancer ridden blizzard shill i am !
you know that in aussie land where junkrat got himself shat out of it's summer right now
>Anti-blizz-tards so rabid they go after each other
>ill shout a forced meme at someone who has never touched a runescape clone by blizzard in his life and ill win xd.
Fuck off you dirty shill , go google some more copy pasta to make another shill thread other fdlc cosmetic dlc, obvious as fuck you blizzcancer shill dienits obvious you are OP and butthurt youve been found out you cancer
>lllloolll look free cosmetic dlc! Quick make some bullshit up and disguise my thread so i can advertise for free and shill my shitty runescape clone!
I actually like how they acknowledge it's fuckin' hot down here
I'm pretty sure it's december everywhere on earth, you shitposting ausfag.
stop pushing this dead meme
You do know that the southern hemisphere experiences the opposite seasons as the north right?
It's because it's hot during Christmas in Australia, you faggot.
Confirm. It's like 32 degrees right now. At fucking 11PM.
It's fucking hot.
is summer in half the world,you piece of shit
i hate burgers so much
Because hes autistic and wants to advertise his game before being found out straight away, seen as if he had brain cells he would not of made this thread realising its red hot in ausland now, quite clear a advertisement campaign. DIE BLIZZSHILLCANCERKEK
The joke would have worked if they weren't lazy as fuck and gave Roadhog a summer skin too. But they just gave him a christmas recolor which fucks the entire thing up
Are you actually fucking retarded ?
I though Roadhog was Maori
So this is the power of mental illness
I used to think this summer junkrat shitposting is a bait but then I remember how retarded Sup Forumsirgins can be and I start to doubt.
want to make it the daily /trash/ thread? other one was taken down.
Back to normiebook
Daily trash and shitpost thread confirmed, no nintencancers allowed
It was hilarious until it showed the KitKat bar being eaten whole, and I remembered I've always did this just to piss off my friends.
Do you know how Australia works?
Roadhog already has two island/tropical themed skins, he didn't need another one.
>noooo mi paycheck goy!!!!
>It's Sup Forums cries about Overwatch while also claiming it's a dead game thread
>Saving thumbnails
>Posting thumbnails
I'm so fucking mad right now.
This was posted in a Sup Forums trash thread, don't have any porn at hand thought I'd post it
How much is there during summer?
> It's like 32 degrees right now.7
Not hot
>At fucking 11PM.
I take that back
>not carpenter skin to match Roadhog's walrus skin
>Summer look during winter
It's not a novel idea or anything.
It's amazing that these cucks call out brand loyalty about Blizzard/Overwatch yet support Steam, the company that only makes Free to play shit with DLC and loot crates (that you have to pay a key with irl money to open)
A roadhog skin with a water shotgun/water balloon launcher, water wings, a foam noodle hook, and a snorkel mask is exactly what he needed.
No sexy teeth i cant the anti shill is to strong a power to deny!
That's been my life for 23 years nigger. You don't know how I pity the guys who dress as Santa Claus down here
Woah guy calm it, you did know you are allowed to shill by falseflagging as caring about free cosmetic dlc
>The new way to shill only by blizz cancers!
I do sometimes wonder how the antiblizz shill actually lives his life, is he at some mental hospital? Is his parents housing him? The goverment? Cause lord knows he can't get a job when you're this mentally ill.
Does anyone in his hometown even know he's mentally ill? As he sits day in and day out and shitposts in any Blizzard thread that comes up?
Mind the profanity you freaking CLIT
Yea but it's summer
based shad
wow she is hot ecks dee
mm i wud put my pepee in ehr pooper and pee pee ecks dee wink eeeee fayce
licks lips ecks dee lifts up skirt mmm no panteees u r a noty girl mmm
takes of sockings with teeth mmm i love little girls cos they dont sweat mmmmmm
>guys if you point out im pretending to care about free cosmetic dlc being free and not paid then you are shilling for the world? Yes thats right you are a anti blizz shill for disliking our gacha runescape p2w clone and are world shill, you must be shillig something if not our game riiight , who doesnt like world of paycraft!
Makes me wonder how many more cases like him are around Sup Forums, constantly shitposting and writing fantasy situations gibberish that only he understands
hey i dont hate blizzard i'm just here for the /trash/ thread
>He doesn't have the elite version of that monk set
>Sup Forums filename
Are you stupid? Also it's to show off hair that could be ingame but isn't
>Have had portable air conditioner pouring its heart and soul out for this season
>Afraid of the energy bill
Reminder that Junkrat and Roadhog are murderous rapists.
I don't get it, what did he pay the shady man for? the dress?
Jaimson is a good lad, he didn do nuffin.
Gohan is out tomorrow
he paid the guy to hit his daughter with the car so she'd be disabled and he could fuck her all day every day. Not a bad idea.
lmao how the fuck do you pay for energy they aren't actually making a product cos they aren't increasing the energy in the universe
He paid the guy to run his daughter over so she would become his living onaole. I find it quite disturbing how much detail is put into it. The line
>since her mother died she's all I have
can be interpenetrated quite darkly if you reread the comic. I like to think it wasn't accidental and he is that fucked up.
Not getting half as many (you)s as thought, looks like
isnt that funny
>With Roadhog in tow, Junkrat left the Outback, and embarked upon an international crime spree leaving nothing but havoc and bedlam in their wake. They were responsible for a string of robberies, arson, murder, and "other crimes" stretching from Sydney to King's Row.
It's like a boring 25C in Perth right now at 10PM. This has so far been a boring and cold start to the Summer and I want it to change ASAP.
There's the anti-crackfag on Sup Forums and /u/.
I feel like this is really dark compared to what he usually does.
Like the implications are far worse then just being a dumb nazi, loli or whatever edgy shit he usually does.
This didn't bother me anywhere near what I expected it to. Probably because I'm guilty of half of them at least.
You legitimately have paranoid schizophrenia my dude
There isn't actually any nudity so I think that's meant to be more of Shad going for the "comedy" angle.
Yeah it gave me a pretty sick feeling when i read it the third time, specifically the
>she's all I have since her mother died
he's drawn straight up gore and hard vore before
you know what i love to do?
Why do you keep making this shitty thread, do you have autism?
its a good /trash/ thread but there isnt any porn
Well what the fuck is there snow in australia, nothing random about it
Setting up a cute little girl to be paralyzed and raped for the foreseeable future is a different kind of thing from
>sexy girl gets eaten
>ooh blood and death guts ooh look at the edges
There may be a punchline user that's not rapping the daughter you intentionally paralyzed via proxy.
fuck this thread is gay posting /trash/
Anybody doing destroy dick december? Gave up on day 8
There are some weird fucks in the world.
what the fuck am i doing
reporting my posts what a fucking disgrace of a thread this needs to end
How does “other crimes” insinuate rape?
I highly doubt they’d make you play as rapists
You can take off your cuck cage and experience life a little more, dude.
my dick
>I highly doubt they’d make you play as rapists
Mercy exists so you're wrong
>women can rape you
a h a h a h a. nice joke blizzard
They're a gay couple. They only fuck each other, so it's not rape.
>tfw unironically masturbated to that thread last night
Scary girls are nice.